Today is a very important day. Today is Cat World Domination Day (and my human is not even here!).
But most important of all, it is my furriend Sparkle’s birthday! Do please, go wish a Happy Birthday to Sparkle!
Here’s to you, Dear Sparkle, fresh catnip flowers for you =^.^= Happy Birthday!
Thank you so much for the fragrant flowers, Texas!
You are very welcome!
Isn’t everyday Cat World Domination Day? Happy birthday Sparkle :D
Yeah but now it’s official ;-)
Happy CWDD, Texas! And Happy Birthday, Sparkle! Time to celebrate!
Love, Sundae
Thank you Sunday! Happy CWDD!
Jazz, yous is such a sweet boy!
Dear Nellie,
This is Texas here =^.^=
errrr…ummmm…Texas…aren’t those the same Nip Flowers ya sent to me???? Just wonderin’…they still look pretty fresh?…how’d ya do that???? OH, I see..ya sent Sparkle better flowers! They don’t have all that “wikipedia” junk…well I never! …stalks off pouting, rubbing tiny tear from eye…clumps down with head to pillow and back to world…head drops to pillow…sigh
You’re so cute, miss Savannah
No! There was no flower on my human’s plant when I sent those other ones to you.
Pfft, ladies, you try to be nice to them but they are never happy!
I am sad Savvy that you could think the flowers I sent you were not good enough :-( sad sad sad…
aaawwww com'[on Texas…I like my flowers, lots..I know your heart was in the best place ever…purrlease tell me you are still my good good furriend????…worry lines forming on face, sniff…tiny tear…sigh…paw over head
Oh, and hi Texas. Sorry i haven’t been able to come say hello in a while. My human’s been very busy with “work” so I don’t get much laptop time, unfortunately.
Hiya Jay!
Come on furriend, you should demand the laptop! The human should not hold it back from you.
You’re right. Sometimes I’m too nice.
But she gives me lots of kitty milk and wet food now that my tooth hurts….
I guess that is kind of okay then. Hope your tooth is better!
Cat World Domination Day now that’s a reason to celebrate! Texas, you and me unite and dominate oh and let’s not forget Jazz Cat Jay, Savannah, Sparkle….oh and might want that cat from hell in our gang too. Meows! – Slash
Hiya Slash!
I agree! Let’s do it!
Of course you are still my very good furriend Savvy!
Plenty of purrs!
Zoey thte Cool Cat doesn’t like catnip……..nor strings, toilet paper, curtains, ropes, threads…………nothing………..just her red ring, which she wakes me up every morning so she can play fetch with the darn thing.
Good human =^.^=
Pingback: Exclusive news: fresh catnip plant was really catnip… is really catnipilicious too! « Texas, a cat in New York