Exclusive news: fresh catnip plant was really catnip… is really catnipilicious too!

Remember that my human brought back home some fresh catnip some time ago? Indeed, I offered some to a good furriend. Also I reported that contrary to my half brothers, I couldn’t smell the nip from the plant.

Well, I thought I would give it another try, now that what was left of the plant had had time to mature a bit.

Hiya! Let’s smell this plant to see if it’s really catnip



Ooooooh… Smells good… let’s taste it…

Gimme more!

Oooooooh la la… it feels so good…

Looks like the nip only needed to “ripen” for it to really feel good! Delicious! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a nap… Is there some nip left? Just asking…

22 thoughts on “Exclusive news: fresh catnip plant was really catnip… is really catnipilicious too!

  1. Looks like in order to really FEEL that nip you needed to get up close and personal with it! Enjoy……obviously this relationship with catnip was “meant to be” mon ami!! :D :D

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Love these pictures of you, Texas! Motor Mommy said she once grew catnip out in the yard, and her cats would ROLL around in it. I couldn’t decide if you were saying grace over it, if it had given you a bad headache or if you were just in love….! After seeing the last picture, I think it was Option # 3!!

    Love, Sundae

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