54 thoughts on “Just chillin’ today

  1. Looking good there, Texas, old buddy. I’m chilling – NOW that I took care of writing Motor Mommy’s blog for her. WHEW: what WOULD they do without us?? Have a good day!
    Love, Sundae

  2. Me sees yous is lying on an envelope. Is yous trying to lure that kitten-Kitshka -into a false sense of security, then stuff her in the envelope and mail her back to where she came from?
    Just wondering

  3. Hey, salut Texas ! Je suis Roméo, le nouveau de la fratrie “Miss Tigri”… C’est vrai qu’on a un p’tit air de ressemblance. Serais-tu mon “cousin d’Amérique” ?

  4. Thank you for leaving Malou and Levon words of support today Texas! Can we say…we don’t believe you will be chillin long because you know who is right behind you waiting for her chance to wreak havoc!! :p

    the critters in the cottage xo

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