Hiya furriends,
I know I haven’t posted or visited your blog for a couple of days now. I apologize. But I have a good reason.
We were so in the spirit of Labor Day Kitshka and I, with our human laboring, that we thought we should nap not only for us, but for our humans too. Aren’t we kind kitties?
We will be answering your comments and visiting your blog some time today, after our nap =^.^=
In the meantime, here are some napping techniques to help your human benefit from your napping.
Curled-up-position, or the Cat (sometimes mispronounced “Chi”) position – Let the energy flow all around
On the side position – Let’s direct the energy in the good direction
The yin-yang-kinda position – We provide the napping while the humans provide the laboring. We all have our part to play.
This position is very powerful. Let me show you how much it is powerful.
Can you feel the energy?
The top-down position – A great way to share the energy, from the top
Occupy-the-human’s-desk position – Obviously, my human’s husband’s desk needs a little “cleansing energy”
The raised-behind position – A revolutionary technique developed by Kitshka, and supervised by myself
The long-distance position – The greater the length of kitties in the house, the better
Obviously, as you can see, Kitshka shows great and promising skills. She has a good master =^.^=
Texas – you are such a sweetie! Kitshka is jolly lucky to have you to keep her company ;-)
Awww thank you!
Hahaha! Kitshka is getting plenty of powerful vibes lying in THAT position!! They both are bringing the snorgle vibe from me!
Glad you liked it ;-)
OMC the “raised behind” position had my Mom cracking up laughing!!! We also love the “occupy your human’s desk” position! Adorable!
Thanks! Everyone should try that position Kitshka is experimening because she is so full of energy!
What great pictures!!! We loved seeing all the different sleeping positions. Sweet Texas you are just being so sweet and such a good teacher to sweet Kitshka Hugs and nose kisses
Thank you!
Thanks for this great post. I’m going to try some of your napping techniques myself! Maybe Bowie can give me some advise…
I’m sure he can!
Excellent napping technique! I love how Kitshka seems to always want to be touching you. So sweet!
Thanks! I think we’re going to be great furriends =^.^=
Well, you both know what’s a zen ambience….hummmm :)
Texas, Kitshka, avec vos photos, vous pouvez faire un manuel de bien être. Nous allons tout de suite, Tiki et moi, mettre en pratique vos techniques.
C’est une bonne idée cha ;-)
I can only hope your human does as good a job of laboring as you kitties do napping!
She does a good job but it cannot possibly be as good as our napping. No one is bound to do what is impossible, as the humans say ;-)
What an awesome tutorial on sleeping positions! Love the butt up one! hee hee!
You two are definitely synchronized nappers!! And your varied positions are artful! We bow to you and vow to learn from the masters :)
the critters in the cottage xo
Thank you! Thank you!
Practice is everything.
Two pea’s ( kitties) in a pod….Just wonderful Texas…Youz are boff so beautiful and Wez luv’s ya..Hay!!!! where’s my nip nap?????????? MOL XX00XXX
Awww thank you Mollie. Don’t you do that with Alfie?
The human is late but she promises to send your letter today or tomorrow.
Raised behind position is funny! You’re being a good teacher and supervisor, Texas!
Love, Sundae
Thank you, Sundae!
You all look so SOFT!!
Quelle belle leçon de zénitude! J’adore Kitshka et son petit derrière en l’air! Vous faites un numéro de duettistes adorables!
Merci =^.^=
génial et magnifique, des images de bonheur total qui font sourire.
merci, et calins, et bisous
Laurence et les minettes
Some very impressive napping you guys!! Well done!
N dont forget ta dreem bout trout, ham samiches, pizza pie, sghetti, pork roast N donuts !!!
Those napping photos are like monkey-see-monkey-do! ….ok, kitty-see-kitty-do!
; ) Katie & Glogirly
Eheheh! Thanks!
I loved everyone of those and am going to practice right now!
As I said, practice is everything =^.^=
Squeeeee! We’re so happy they’ve bonded!
How sweet of both of you! And Kitshka shows such promise! Excellent job. Now we are going to make like copy cats.
Oh Texas – I’ve missed hearing from you but it would seem you’ve been spending your time training Kitshka in the fine art of catnapping….I’d say from the photos she’s learning well from the MASTER!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Thank you, Sammy!
I love kitty nap parties!
Hahaha, I love how Kitshka just lays on the desk. :)
BOL! You two are so funny!!! It looks so interesting to do those postures! I think they are much much better postures than the ones mom has learned with Hot Yoga! I love Curled-up-position and yin-yang-kinda position! :)
You are a most excellent nap master. And your student seems to have unlimited potential. Kitten Thunder often does the desk napping and I do find it very helpful when I am working too hard.
Of course, kitties know what is better for humans ;-)
Nous sommes toujours preneurs de toutes figures de sieste félines (libres et imposées). Merci pour cette présentation.
Oh my Texas, you and Kitshka are the sweetest sleeping buddies ever!!!!!!
Dude! we’re all over the napping-for-energy thing. Why just as soon as our mom got up off her computer chair, we hopped up and are doing the Reverse Yin Yang while she stands and types. Pretty pawesome of us, dontcha think?
Wow! I’m impressed! I think I could managed this with my human but not with her husband.
milou doesn’t nap with you two?
Milou is kind of a loner :-/
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