Remembering 9-11 and all the heroes

I was not born on September 11, 2001, but my human was already a grown-up and she was in New York City on that day.
Every year on that day, she remembers the horror of what happened but she also thinks about all the heroes of 9-11 and likes to pay tribute to them, if only in thought.

Since this is a furry blog, my human and I would like to share this video with you today. It is about rescue dogs that helped the rescue efforts at the WTC in NYC.
You might have already seen it. It’s a beautiful video. They are heroes too and we remember them too and how together with humans they were helpful.

Purrs to all.

If you cannot see the video, click here.

41 thoughts on “Remembering 9-11 and all the heroes

  1. A l’université de Perpignan, où j’ai réalisé ma première expo en 2002, j’ai exposé une toile inspirée par cet événement accompagnée de cette note de Paul valéry : “La guerre, un massacre de gens qui ne se connaissent pas au profit de gens qui se connaissent mais ne se massacrent pas.”

  2. Pingback: The Creative Cat - Remembering September 11, and the Service Dogs Who Were At Our Side

  3. Thank you so much, Texas, for sharing this moving video. It’s so beautiful to see these heroes, men and dogs united to save other lives. A ceremony was organized in Paris for welcoming Firefighters of New York, one year after the tragedy, and some dogs came to give a demonstration. It was so amazing to see them working with their humans, I have still tears in my eyes when I think of them. We must never forget. Thank you again. Hugs.

  4. I wasn’t born either,Texas, but Granny told me that it feels like it was yesterday. It must have been scared for your human being in NY, so nearby. We watched the video and we are so proud of the rescue dogs. They did a magnificent job. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wonderful video, I have never thought about those rescue dogs. It must have been terrible that day, for your human, being there in New York. My human says she saw the buildings collapse on the television, because we don’t live there. She doesn’t remember much.

    I wish you all a good night, and a great day tomorrow,


  6. Thanks so much for sharing this very touching video, Texas. I feel still very sad if I think of those families who lost their beloved ones….It made my eyes leaky……how brave those dogs are! We truly appreciate their braveness.

  7. Thank you for the video and thank you for the post. I will never ever forget the shock and horror of that day. Not till I am gone to the Rainbow Bridge myself.

  8. such a day, Mom was in Dallas on a business trip (she lived in Calif ) and her very favorite and special niece worked just blocks away from the towers…and her client was a spin off from Amercian Airlines…a terrible day…yet so many people and yes, dogs and cats were so permanently affected…

  9. A terrific choice for 9-11 tribute. We are teary after watching the video.

    To answer your question, “a fisheye thing” is a special camera lens used to distort. The pix in our post were us. The link in our post to the Tabby Cat Club post we did after Jan tried the fisheye effect on our pix. Weird. :)

  10. Our mom was there not long after. And she will never forget the tributes lining the fence of St. Paul’s Chapel as she walked by…. This is a moment in time that no one should ever, ever forget.

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