We need new toys

I has a sad.

What you are about to see is a little bit gruesome, so if you have a sensible heart, you may not want to see the following pictures.

Let me start with why and the least gruesome of pics.

Kitshka is very energetic. Well, she’s a kitten, so that’s quite normal and healthy.
As mentioned before, despite the fact that the humans got her brand new toys just for her, she had to use our toys.

And destroy them.

Here is my beloved Kragonfly, all torn and chewed.

Now is the time to turn away if you can’t bear to see destroyed beloved toys…

Here is our Da Bird, or what’s left of it.

My human doesn’t want us to play with it anymore, but she says she cannot buy a new one just yet. Hmph.

And here is the little lady responsible for that. And proud of it!

I want new toys!!

66 thoughts on “We need new toys

  1. Oh that Kitshka reminds us of our Two Two. Very destructive. Looks like you need some new toys and like she needs to have her very own toys but we know what it is like, she will take everyone’s toys for herself. Guess you just have to be patient until she grows up. Take care.

  2. Oh poor Texas…if ya Mommy buyz new toyz they gonna be destroyed. Get Mommy to roll up a large bit of tin foil…youz can rollz that all round the house and it won’t getz broken :) good idea , hay ? xx00xx

  3. The murderess :( we have just got a new kitten (found on the street) and her favourite game and toys are a sisal basket full of loo roll innards – keeps her entertained for hours and there’s an endless supply of new toys :-)

  4. Uh oh……having a kitten around can lead to all kinds of destruction including TOYS! I do hope your humans come through with some replacements for the sadly mangled toys you cherished prior to “destructo-kitten” Kitschka’s arrival in your household! You have to admit though – it’s hard to be upset with someone as CUTE as she is!!

    Kitty Hugs, Your Pal Sammy

  5. Kitshka is really rough on your toys! Ours mostly still are in good shape… except for my Neko Fly, because of Binga! She did not kill the actual Neko Fly, she chewed on the string until it became so stiff with her drool that it can’t fly properly anymore.

  6. Nous on était jumelles , alors on a détruit nos propres jouets ou ceux de …nos humains !, mais ça c’est pas grave, tout ce qui est à eux est à nous!
    Signé Zaza et Lulu

  7. And we totally think you should have them too! We’re all pretty destructive when it comes to Da Bird. Though our kragonfly has been pretty indestructible, we must admit (whew, mommy had started to threaten to take toy purchases out of our ALLOWANCE, can you believe the NERVE?!).

  8. I don’t tear up my toys, but there are others here who take and destroy them, and I therefore feel your pain. And they are grown up doggies. Do you think your Kitshka will shred them when she is a grown up kitty?

  9. Sweet Texas we are so sorry about your fav toys, but how can you not forgive that sweet little thing…look at her cute face. Maybe when she grows some more you will get new toys. Mumsy wants to thank you for coming by to bring her get well wishes. She is doing better each day. Hugs and nose kisses

  10. Might I suggest an aluminum foil ball? They’re practically indestructible and Taco will go batshit (pardon my french) crazy for it. He’ll parade around the house with it in his mouth and then without my knowledge, deposit it in my bag, which I will later discover at work.

  11. BOL! Texas, your sisfur Kitshka looks very proud and innocent for those destroyed toys! *giggles* but I feel very sorry for your toys, Texas…..I’m sure that your mom will buy you new ones when she gets free time! :)

  12. OMC she is ADORABLE and destructive! I have tried to pull the leggies offn MY Neko fly just like that one, too. So far, I have managed NOT to. xoxox

  13. Texas honey, tell your mama to save some money and get you some real bird feathers from outside. I am always picking up big feathers (seagull and doves mainly) out in the yard for your brothers and sister here and they absolutely love chewing on them and playing with them!

  14. Pingback: Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013 « Texas, a cat in New York

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