You may remember that I had a technique to get your humans’ attention when they decide to read instead of playing with you. This technique worked on the couch, as you can see on the pictures, but what if your human decides to read in bed?
It is actually no different. It’s on the bed after all, so all you have to do is go sleep on it. The book that is.

Hiya, human! Is it time to sleep already?

Let me check your clock! Oh yes! It is time!

Sorry, no time to read

Sweet dreams!
[Cat chasing mouse image thanks to]
Suki does this alot when my boyfriend wants to read the newspaper!
Suki is smart ;-)
She doesn’t really sleep on it. She just sits on it, and stares at you. :P
Good girl =^.^=
Newspapers work well too Texas – they even make a nice crinkly noise which can distract the humans further… :D
My human doesn’t read newspapers much but she keeps for me those crinkly colored papers she receives in packages! I love my crinkly papers!
That’s smart, Texas — hope they don’t buy an e-book reader, this could be uncomfy (but it tastes yummy) :o)
Well, Kitshka simply walks on my human’s iPad ;-)
(I trained her well)
…it has a touchscreen, so she can touch it… hope the next generation comes with an pawscreen :o)))
My tiny dog (who thinks she’s a cat) will walk on my laptop (which leads to interesting type-o’s) when she wants me to move it out of the way so that she can curl up in that space. They have their motives!!
Are you sure she’s not a cat?
HA! Good technique… parents occasionally read in bed and I find that if I play my cards right, I can manage to look totally asleep on top of the book if they make the mistake of leaving the bed for even one minute! Works great with the Sunday newspaper too when Dad gets up to go grab another cup of coffee…..he comes back and I’m PRETENDING to be sound asleep on top of the section of the paper he was reading. Tee Hee….
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
We’re so much smarter than they are, aren’t we, Sammy?
that is so sweet
I think that books, newspapers and magazines are cat magnets!!!
It’s the same with ipads! My ipad has an Austin shaped mark on it!!! He also accidentally walks over it when I’m trying to comm. … ….
……ent on a blog and posts before I am ready!!!! lol
Good job, Austin!
I.m gonna try that one..You iz so smart :) I loves the sweet dreams picture :) xx00xx
Let me know how it works!
Oh yes, that works every single time!
Awwww…Texas, you’re so adorable!!! Pawgeous!!! :)
xD That would we quite hard for us, seeing as we live in a cage! But we’ll try it next time we’re out for a cuddle and mummeh gets distracted! :D
Piggeh kisses,
Poppy and Clover
Do try it if you can and let me know if it worked!
you have that technique down pat!
Oh that is such a good idea. We could sit on the keyboard and then she couldn’t do the computer. But book sitting is the best idea ever. Thanks for this. Take care and have a great day.
Oh keyboard sitting is a great idea too (just don’t do it when the human is typing your blog post ;-)
MOL, this is the scene at our house every evening.
So sweet!!!
Star feels it’s her duty to sleep on my books when I read in bed… And to lay on my laptop if I’m paying more attention to internet kitties than her..
texas; hope ewe catch that rat; then get sum salmon, trout N pizza pies for dessert !!
Oh, la façon de lire des chats dévoilée. Maintenant bipèdes feront pareils, ouvriront livres et se coucheront dessus – mais leur manquera petit secret félin.
Ils ont les pouces opposables (ils en sont si fiers!), mais nous nous avons notre petit secret félin ;-)
I don’t get on Mom’s book, too close to her face and I am very leery of people putting their face close to mine. That’s my problem with being picked up…sigh
One day I’m sure sweetie =^.^=
Sending purrs
Ohh that last picture is lovely… :)
Mommy reads laying down in bed. Me uses the face push and purr technique!
Oh yes, good technique!
The Producer reads on her iPad which is very boring to walk on. No interesting crinkle sounds at all. And she doesn’t let me sleep on the bed with them. No fun my Producer!
Awwww… no bed for you? Even when she’s not in bed?
Texas you’re brilliant.
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
I know, but thank you ;-)
The bed, on an open book, is actually a GREAT place for a nap!
It is!
Tous les minous seront d’accord: Tout ce qui n’est pas consacré aux caresses ou au jeu avec le chat est du temps perdu!
In our home we call that facebooking – Mommy opens book, I insert face. MOL!
The human cannot stop laughing!
texas, it’s like my cats read your blog! how did you show them to do this?!
It must be a conspiracy, Texas, they all do the same :D