Er, how about postponing it again? My human has this purrsonal (the nerve) thingie to do which includes reading stuff on paper. She says it is very impawtant for her (yeah right – can’t be more impawtant than me!) and that she has to do it. Plus, her head is going to explode if she spends 10 more minutes in front of her computer, she says.
So she just gave me 5 minutes to post and apologize to the furriends who awarded us. We will post er… we will not say anymore when but we will post about these awards at some point.
Lazy human. That’s what the song says about my human! Pfft. Here are the tocks of disrespect!
very cute Texas :-)
those photos are too cute!!!!!
Thanks Texas for following me! If I were a cat I would totally purr now, since I was a fan of you way before I had even thought of starting a blog myself! Purrs!
That’s a bag full of kitty!
Hee hee, cat in the sack! You guys should cut your mom some slack, she’s trying!
MOL burrito cat!
chill Texas! Give the huMom a break…those awards are time users for sure! And we only really want to hear about you, Milou and Kitshka…so no worries…just sayin’ Savannah
Are you hiding from shame?
DisRespect! me thinks those is handsome tocs!
Awesome way to show your displeasure, Texas – showing your Back of Disrespect while enjoying a paper bag!
‘1 Texas wrap to go’
Sheesh! I know what you mean! I have some furry cool awards piled up that the Human keeps saying, “Yes Spitty, I know. We’ll get to them soon” and then..NUFFING happens! She does other posts she had planned and then she gets all lazy and watches TV or surfs on the computer and I just can’t do a thing with her. Sigh.
Texas a plus d’un tour dans son sac!
you just can’t get the staff these days ;-)
Giving us the tail Tex … How rude lol :-) xxx
Bravo Texas, qui pourrait deviner que tu es caché ici ?
I like the cat in the bag :D
Cat in a bag..BOL Have a greeeaaaat Sunday you all xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
You are a great cat in the bag … is there something inside the bag? Greenies?
Texas I think you need a slightly bigger bag… have a bit of “hangover” there my friend. HAHA Tell your Mom to “chill” – everybody understands about humans getting exploding heads from being at the compawter too much!
Happy Sunday!
I love a bag full of cat!
Hey Texas, Jet here. Hi Miss Carine.
Dude, have patience, they humans do their best… strangely enough, they have other things to do besides focus on our stuff… shocking, but true. :)
Priceless – cat in the bag – ha!
We sure do love seeing a bag o’ kitteh, Texas! Don’t worry, Texas … you are not alone … our humans are behind on our award posts, too!
Bags are always the purrfect solution!
Texas, your ‘Tocks of Disrespect should teach her a powerful lesson!
A texas wrap! ;)
ha ha ha!! the Rump of Derision, no butts about it!
Loe your bag!!! Thanks you for your kind comments this week – Mom has her hands full caring for Joey and has not been visiting blogs much.
We loved the Tocks of disrespect! We will try that one here.
I can´t see the cat!!!!!! ;-)
You sure showed your Mom!
BAG-‘TOCKS! We love these! Purrs…
:D Laughed at the photos – just such a cat! Fully understand the backlog on awards though. I’m just giving up on guilt before it drowns me.
We’re behind too but hey when you’ve got a paper bag…………… pawsome!
hihi rigolo