Kitshka’s impawtant week

Kitshka will be 6 months the day after Christmas and the humans say it is time to get her “fixed.”
Huh?! I know Kitshka can be a little fury but not so much that you would want her “fixed.”

Then my human reminded me when they brought me to the V-E-T a long time ago, too. I sighed.

Kitshka is going to the V-E-T tomorrow. My human says she has to, although my human seems to be a little sad and nervous about it. Can I please ask that you send some purrs toward K. tomorrow?
She’ll be back home on Friday. My little K sister.

In the meantime, Kitshka is being herself alright. In fact, she is competing to become the naughtiest kitty of the year at our furriend Sammy’s place. Check it out, you can vote for the naughtiest kitty! Maybe Kitshka?

You see, my food is inaccessible to Milou because he has a special urinary diet, and so far was inaccessible to Kitshka too, because she, too, has her special (kitten) diet. She couldn’t reach my food.

Although she cannot jump to the top of this piece of furniture yet, she really wants to. Well, she wants to reach my food!

Clever little K quickly found out how to use the drawers’ ledge to climb her way to the top!

It took some time to my human to get the final close-ups, because she is quick! It also forced the humans to be extra creative and redecorate the drawers ;-)

What do you think? Naughty Kitshka? She’s not alone though! Go check at Sammy’s and vote!

What human? I was naughty too when I was a kitten? Meeeee?! Nah! That’s different: your wallpaper was ugly, I was helping you redecorate!

53 thoughts on “Kitshka’s impawtant week

  1. Awww, Texas, your little sisfur is gonna be all grown up now! *sniff* Kinda gets you HERE … you know? Purring for her but we know she’ll be just fine! But MomKatt says she understands your hooman is worried – they always worry when we have to “go under” for something …

    Keep us posted as I know you will!


    Your furriend,

  2. We have three cats with different diets here too. Jake is most important as he is diabetic so the stuff he can’t eat goes up on top of a dresser much like what you have. He can’t jump there but Hazel can. She is the human garbage collector. She will finish up everyone’s food. There isn’t anyplace she can’t get too. Fortunately Mollie doesn’t care too much about food (I know, it’s hard to believe). As long as she has hair scrunchies to play with, she’s good. I can send over Hazel to give lessons on how to get that yummy dish if you want. Good luck to Kitshka for going under the knife!

  3. Aw – too cute. That face in the last pic after your “decorating” scheme is priceless. How could you be so mean as to deny such a clever little imp the yummy adult food.
    Wishing her all the best for tomorrow. I trust it will all go smoothly and she’ll be back to her old nonsense very quickly.

  4. Poor little Kitshka, don’t suppose she’ll be climbing drawers for an hour or two ;-) We too have a little girl kitten (Bean, as in jumping) coming up to the same age and will have to book her in soon. It is quite remarkable how quickly they’re back to their naughty ways afterwards!

  5. We’ll keep little K in our purrayers! We’re sure she’ll be fine. :)
    We still remember the time we could eat on the table in peace and all Tutu could do was watch from the floor. Sigh. We miss those days.

  6. Kitshka, good job getting up there on the high place. You sure made a good try. You really did a great job of climbing.
    We are sending you tons and tons of purrs Kitshka. We know you will be all right but we still have all our paws crossed.for ya. Take care. We want an update.

  7. Oh my goodness……Little K is growing up so quickly….time for the “BIG OP” huh? I’m sure she’ll be just fine but you know all of us will be praying for her tomorrow AND waiting to hear all went well. I love the photo of her climbing the drawers and I’m so glad we have it in the naughty contest…it’s a perfect example of “WHERE THERE’S A WILL – THERE’S A WAY” !!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    p.s. A very special “Kitten to Big Girl” hug for Kitshka too!

  8. that is not a chest of drawers, that is a kitten climbing wall…seriously, I know that was never intended for peep use…just training for Kitshka to hone (VBP) her ability to work the high walls without a rope…you go K!! And your op will go fine, you will be back jumpin’ around the boys in no time…paw hugs, Savvy

  9. hers wasn’t going for your fudz; she was goin for that hallweenie candy! She is a kitten after all!! We will send some purrs to Miss K (& mom) and are sure they will both be fine! After the vet trip we feel Miss K should really be getting extra treats anyhow.
    Ms. Stella O’Houligan

  10. gracious kitshka; where does time go…trust me; you will do just fine; why I had that silly procedure performed and was home the next day aggravating everyone who refused to give me what I demanded then and now….and I might add your climbing skills are FAB !!!!!! hugs from dai$y =^..*= and the boys too

  11. I will be sending lots of purrs Kitshka’s way, although I am sure she will be fine. And if she is anything like I was at that age, she will be back in action right away! I did NOT want any down time, much as my human insisted!

  12. We will be thinking of Kitshka and I’m sure she’ll pull through and forget it all very quickly.
    I’m not allowed to get at Raffles’ food because it is special puppy food – I think it’s unfair!

  13. My thoughts will be with you little’s a big day in the life of a kitten..but so much better than having lots of other wee kitties who will need to find a home. Your humans are being sensible and responsible caring owners.

  14. I’m keeping your lovely sisfur in my thoughts tomorrow, Texas. We have our little cat sisfur got fixed last weekend as she is now 6months old. She is the first fur girl in our family, so we very much worried if she would be fine.
    The next day after the vet, she was very quiet but now she is naughty again!
    I’m sure that Kitshka will be ok!!!

  15. Five black cats purring Best of love to Kitshka today! We all had each other when we were “fixed”. No matter how many cats our mom has had spayed and neutered, she still worries the whole day long.

  16. Just to add to Mom’s pile of work…hop to my blog for today, Dec 6 as I have an award for Texas….purrrrsss (you probably already have your award stars filled, but I wanted to give you one special) purrrrs Savvy

  17. well, of course you were just being helpful. Good luck to Kitshka, though. The kid did well at the beginning but then had to be taken back to the hospital. Hope she’s doing well today

  18. Pingback: Humanology, cat planning and BlogPaws | Texas, a cat in New York

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