Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013


2012 brought us many surprises, good and bad.
The sad part was that we lost Grouik. We still miss you lots, Grouik, especially Milou.
The good part was that we met many furriends, may I add furry and human. Our furriends were there to support us in the bad times, we tried our best to support them when they needed some purrs too. We are very lucky to have found you and we really – REALLY – appreciate you visiting my little blog. So THANK YOU!

For 2013, we wish you all that your heart desires and deserves, as well as lots of purrs, treats, and for the humans, some of our fur to make your black pants a little more sophisticated!

Before closing the 2012 page, we thought we would do a small retrospective (VBP) of some of our 2012 posts. We decided to show you those that got the most likes, one per month.

I started the year in January with a Yeats poem. In February, bed sharing had only just begun.


In March, bed sharing was in full swing.


In April, Milou was trying to steal my wind (no pun intended – please!).


In May, I demanded an explanation to Milou.


June brought fresh catnip.


July was a very sad month, because Grouik went to the Rainbow Bridge. So instead of linking to a post, I will link to his page.


August brought us Kitshka!


September was destroy-a-toy month for Kitshka.


October brought us cold weather. Brrrrrr.


In November, we purred for peace (still are of course).


In December, we kept ourselves warm and almost cozy!


49 thoughts on “Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013

  1. Je vois que l’année 2012 a été bien remplie pour vous ! Puisse 2013 vous apporter, ainsi qu’à vos humains, la réalisation de tous vos souhaits ! Pour ma part, j’ai fini 2012 chez la véto car j’ai attrapé la teigne ! Comment, alors que je n’ai pas mis le patton dehors depuis le mois d’août ??? Cela reste un mystère ! Bref, j’espère que 2013 me débarrassera vite de ce truc !
    On vous fait plein de câlins, les minous, et la bise à vos humains !

  2. Pawsome recap (VBP) of the year on your blog. I am happy I can say I was there for most of it. I didn’t start following others until March I think. Sending warm paw pats to you Texas and Kitshka and Milou , soft purrs for the spirit of Grouik and Mom sends hugs for Miss Carine

  3. Hey Texas, Hey Milou, Hey Kitchka, Jet here. Hi Miss Carine.

    Thank you for the year in review… we are so glad to have made furiends with you as well. We share in your sadness of a loved one crossing *OTRB*

    May this year be filled with health, happiness, abundance and lots of new words!!! :)

  4. It is so funny seeing your cats sleeping in their BEDS! I thought Foxie was one of a kind:>) Of course, I still think that feat will be found in the minority category of our feline friends…purr-r-r-r-r-r

  5. c’est émouvant de lire en quelques images et lignes tout ce qui s’est passé, et ce fut aussi l’année où nous vous avons rencontrés. Pour nous c’est une année importante.
    Nous vous souhaitons, à toute la petite famille une belle année 2013 remplie de bonheurs de jeux, de tendresse, et de ronrons, et une bonne santé.
    Câlins d’Opale et Sonye, et bises de Laurence

  6. Uh oh–we think we lost our comment. Happy New Year, Kitties and Humans too! One of our favorite things in 2012 was getting to know you! And THANK YOU again for the cattastic Secret Paws package XOXOXO

  7. Love the year in pictures. It is lovely to see you cuddling up with Kitshka and I know how sad you still feel about Grouik. We still miss Zac so much.
    Happy New Year and I’m looking forward to your adventures in 2013

  8. Oh Texas….what a year 2012 was….you and your family had a very sad loss with Grouik’s trip to the bridge and a very adorable “gain” when Kitshka joined your family…..I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a GREAT year for all of us! HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIEND!

    Love and Hugs, Sammy

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