It snowed all day here. Still does.
As we prepare for the blizzard and my human is uncooperative busy, we might only visit and comment sporadically. I am so sorry for that. But I made my human swear she would make up for it somehow by the end of the week =^.^=
Meanwhile, staying warm isn’t the only activity our little Kitshka has. She struck a pose for the human because she thinks all this snow in the background makes her prettier.
Sigh. Ladycats, really…
Stay warm and dry my furriends experiencing the blizzard!
Awesome… the photos . Stay warm. :-)
Well, the snow DOES make her look prettier!
That Little K is putting on a show.
We’re thinking of you – stay safe! Hope the storm doesn’t cause you any damage!
You be safe too. We saw a map of predicted snowfall amounts – and our eyes bugged out!!
why of course the snow makes your furrs look GORGEOUS Kitshka!!
We has some good ideas for you. Hug your scratching post. Chase your tail. Like Purrime Ministerettes doings in latest Purrime Ministerette movie.
It fun!
Oh Kitshka …you look pretty all the time, snow or summer…you’ll always be a cutie :-)
You really are a cutie, Kitishka! Stay safe, everyone!
Stay warm and safe sweety xxx
So cute :)
Chez nous aussi, il a neigé, nous ne bougerons pas d’un pwal. Restez bien au chaud. Graous graous.
Snow could certainly make it look like you were transparent in places KItshka! Keep warm kitties.
Kitshka doesn’t need any snow enhancement!!
Hi Texas…..I think Kitshka looks quite cozy with the blizzard going on all around her – aren’t you glad you all have a snuggly safe spot to watch all that snow blowing around. Hope you stay safe and warm and keep your electricity, etc. We’re all thinking about you!!
Kitty hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)
Stay safe and warm! The good thing about all that snow is that your human will be forced to spend lots of time at home!
She is a little poser isn’t she! We hope your snowstorm isn’t as bad as forecast. Stay warm and tell your family to keep safe.
Silly mum! That was us, she forgot to change the name.
Hoping you are all safe and sound!!
I have to say Kitshka doesn’t need snow to look beautiful….And you’re just as handsome!!
I think you are a good lookin’ kitty even without the snow ;)
Stay safe, stay warm, stay connected to your electricity!
Kitshka, you are one awesomely beautiful kitty. My word, how you’ve grown! Stay warm with all that snow.
Your fur is beautiful!!! Keep warm everyone!
Pretty! Stay warm. It’s still coming down here, too!
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Our cats also stayed warm yesterday but even the ducks came in from that storm! (The garage…not the house.) Thx for sharing these cute pix.
only because the white of Kitshka’s snowy-er than all teh snows of teh world. Teh blizzard is jealous.
Please stay safe and warm. Maybe it’s better to spent the blizzard-time in a comfy box?
You look comfy, content, and warm. Stay that way. Sorry for more snow. It does get really old after a while. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
You look gorgeous with the snow in the background.
I can’t imagine much of anything that Kitshka doesn’t make look prettier!! Stay safe and warm!
So pretty against snow… ::Flirty belly roll::
We have been watching the bad weather you are having on the news and I hope you stay safe and warm.. Hugs GJ xx
Hoping you all stay warm and dry over there! :)
So pretty…but so cold. Have the humans ever allowed paws in snow? I imagine my kitties would spaz. Getting quite a laugh just thinking about it, actually.
Keep safe and warm xxx
She doesn’t need snow to make her furs look beauteous! She is always beauteous! (Oh sorry Texas–beauteous and annoying I am sure, MOL!) Hope you are cozy and safe from all that awful weather!
fab pose! BOL
Stay warm and cuddly kitties!
Kitshka, we think you look beautiful no matter the season. :)
Hope you all did okay with the blizzard!
aaaaw Kitshka, yes, you are very pretty. Wanna play with me?
Tu es trop belle Kitshka devant ce beau décor de neige. Pas de neige chez moi, c’est de la pluie ! Bon mardi gras. Bisous. Cricri
Stay inside where it is warm. Your pictures are wonderful.
Awwwww, you look so adorable. You all got a lot of snow. Stay warm and dry. Hugs and nose kisses