The Human: Texas, it’s the American dream.
Texas: Yes, that’s what I said, the Americat dream. Move over, human! This is my fame here!
Hiya everyone! Today is not Thankful Thursday but it can certainly be – expect a French accent here – Sankful Saturday (Because the French sometimes say “sank you” instead of “thank you”. . . ok whatever!).
So, it’s Thankful Saturday.
Remember back in January when I asked you if you would kindly vote for me in Westchester Magazine’s 2013 Pet of the Year Contest?
You kindly answered and voted for me and I could announce in February that I was among the ten cutest pets (out of 144) of the year in Westchester Magazine.
THANK YOU to all of you who voted for me!
Thank you!
The results of the 2013 Pet Contest is in Westchester Magazine’s April issue.
I am famous.

This is me on the right (don’t pay attention to the doggie on the left)

Texas is my brother!
The Human: Well, Texas you are famous in Westchester County, NY.
Texas: human, drop the capital H please. I am a star and you are jealous, that’s it.
The human: No Texas, I am really happy for you!
Texas: Here is the page on Westchester Magazine’s website. Wesley has been chosen as the top pet. My page is here (you can like it if you wish ;-).
Here’s what the humans at the magazine have to say about me:
The Bilingual Blogger
Have you read his blog? Yes, this cat is an ambitious one. When he’s not typing away, you can find Texas snuggled up in the recycling bin, listening to classical music or playing with his sister.
The human: The recycle bin? I wrote “a bag full of other plastic bags we keep for recycling.” That’s not the recycle bin!
Texas: True but… yeah, whatever.
And at the bottom of my page, you can also click to see a video of me (that I have posted below).
The human: oh no, Texas! I’m talking in the video, I hate my accent, you know that!
Texas: I’m famous!
Wahou! C’est la consécration et on est fières de toi!
Oh Texas, you are a star! Respect!! Bowie says “Meow!”
Bravo Texas ! Félicitations de France !
Wow Texas you are a star. Can we have your paw-tagraph? Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
Congratulations! This is awesome news!
Congratulations, dear Texas!! No doubt, you are a Star!! I am so proud of you! Many hugs and love from Paris :-)
Texas we are sooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!! Huge CONCATULATIONS!!! That is a wonderful accomplishment! Love, Cody PS: we LOVED the accent! Love, Caren and Cody
Texas you are a STAR now and always for those of us who are your friends!! Please tell your Mom that we LOVE her French accent….Concatulations on being in Westchester Magazine – you’d better prepare yourself for lots of fan mail from the girl kitties!!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sam
Congratulations! What an honor!
Félichatations Texas ! Une méga fiestachat en perpective.
Que c’est SUPER! tu es le vrai pyjamas du chat.
I know a celebricat – how great is this? That’s really the Americat Dream :o) Please send me an autograph cat …errr…ummm.. card :o)
Yes, you are a star! My cats are jealous.
Congratulations, Texas on your new Famousness – may it also lead to Fortune!
Concatulations for being in the top ten, but we think you were robbed, and we demand a recount. How could a woody win? Texas, you are the winner as far as we are concerned. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Oh Texas congrats! The humans accent is lovely.
Congrats Texas…that is awesome news! :-)
Congratulations Texas! you deserved it! Purrs.
Yay! How wonderful, Texas! Congratulations from all of us.
Please tell you human that I can relate. I -too, hate my accent!
A big WOW and Congratulations!
and Happy Easter, too.
Congratulations! That is super cool!
Wowzers! A REAL celebrity! Texas – Yous Rocks!
Texas, that is so exciting that you are famous. Now you need to start passing out your pawprint. And that was a great picture. Glad you got into the magazine. Have a great day.
we agree with sparky, you truly are the cat’s pajamas! I love the vid. You showed ’em by taking off every time they wanted to put that black thing behind you MOL!
Great job! Congratulations, Famous Texas! Woo hooooo!
I better not Maurice and Lucy see you, they might get an idea to leave me.
TEXAS!!! You totally rock my furriend! Give me some High Four Paw Pats…whappity whap whap…yeah!! You look so handsome in that photo…purrfect way to kick off celebrating your big number seven birthday April 4th!! Woo Hoo!! luvluvluv ya man!
This is totally pawsome Texas! Of course you’re a star and now you’re fame is spreading…*highpaws* Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter
Wow, a whole page too! We tweeted! Hoppy happy Easter to you and your furries!
Congratulations, Texas! What a great accomplishment, making it into the magazine! I do want to day, there are WAY too many dogs in that article, especially since I don’t even think most of them REALLY qualify as cute. My human, BTW, says she likes your human’s accent.
Oh Texas! Will you remember us, your pals, when you go all Hollywood and stuff? We are so THRILLED for you!
And Mommy thinks the human’s accent is charming.
Hey Texas, now it’s official what we all already knew. You are a star!!!! Well done xx
Yay Texas! Concatulations! I knew you could do it!
Well, this certainly is news to celebrate! Concats to you Texas, and don’t tell your Human, but we love her accent… Have a wonderful Easter weekend – purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang
Well I’m not the least bit surprised Texas, I knew you were famous when I first met you! Congrats my friend!
Congratulations Texas – you’re a star!!!!
Great pictures, it helps that you are a very handsome cat :-)
Wow, famous cat.. yippieee! Happy Easter to all of you :)
Alors, là, nous, on dit “applause” ! Bravo, Texas !
Ronrons des Chats-Pitres.
Go, Texas! Congratz! Meow, Frankie & Lulu
Félicitations Texas, tu es tout simplement SPLENDIDE !!!!! Bisous. Cricri
Big congratulations to you, Texas. That is amazing and wonderful!
Congratulations Texas! You rock!!
Wow concatulations xxx
dood !!!! conga ratz two ewe on winnin this contest…we new ewe could due it…a magazeen haz never looked sew good…N yea, WHY iz de dawggie hoggin up yur space :)
awesum dood…way awesum !!
C’est Bon Monsieur Texas! Oui Oui (and Mom says your Mom’s accent is super cool!!)
Well done you!! We always knew you were special but now the two legs have also realised!! I hope you are having something special for tea?!
texas! i want a pawtograph!
Bravo! We have a famous friend!!
Ho ho, well done you young man, a real celebrity! The human has a wonderful accent ;-)
Recently read my subscription copy of the mag–how gorgeous you are, Texas! Hope they gave you a nice print of that photo for your wall!!!
Awww thank you furry much!
No they didn’t. I think they were a little mad at me because it was not easy to get a good pic of me :-/
Thanks so much!