I don’t know about you, but my human has had a busy past week.
Consequently, I have to work today and do my job of Chief Napper. Actually, I even have to hire an assistant!
How was your week and your weekend? Purrs to everyone!
[You can click on any picture to biggify]
Kitshka! Go back to work!
Seeing the two of them together is so peaceful!
Looks like you two have your Sunday all figured out. Enjoy your easy. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Hah. Kittens. They just can’t stay on the job for as long as we can!
Adorable, wez had a buzy week too:) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Wow Chief Napper is a great job…. where can I apply for this position?
At your human’s desk =^.^=
definitely a wonderful way to end what was not the best week for the entire country. Let’s hope that this week is better!
Definitely agree.
Quel regard coquin, Kitshka !
You two sure have the purrfect Easy going on today!
You’re the man, Texas! Nobody works as hard as you do
What sweet photos!! Kitshka knows that the “Texas rump pillow” is the softest spot to put her little head for a snooze – and I suppose it’s not so bad having Texas as a heating blanket as well! :D :D
Kitty Hugs, Sammyu
Gorgeous photos. I feel exactly like they look. Hoping my whole day (west coast) will be this relaxing.
Sweet cat faces!!!
Peaceful pictures : we see that you enjoyed your Sunday. Purrs and cuddles
A couple of cats doing what cats do best…nothing :) Pretty kitties!
Happy napping snapping. LOL! We have been getting better. Looking forward to getting back to normal. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly, glad to learn you are doing better. Sending you more purrs!
I’m napping today, too. But not with Harley!
Loving the cuddly pics:-)
What lovely pictures.. Just gorgeous.. Hugs GJ x
Aww, too cute!! I have to wonder though, what made the kitty’s eyes so big in the last picture? And does it have anything to do with what he’s using for a pillow.. perhaps there was an unexpected emission? MOL
No! She was not pleased that my human was taking so many pics ;-)
Wonderful naptime!!
oh they have become so close x
You and your assistant look very good at what you do.
You look so comfy! Purrs!
Oh you two are adorable! Happy napping!
That’s right – tell Kitshka no goofing off!
I like the idea of assistant napper :-)
We really like those pictures. Mom claims that we are the world’s greatest nappers, but you two come in a very close second!
Guys I like you lots but I doubt you can beat me as far as naps are concerned ;-)
It was a very boring week. Pop was sick and gave it to TW who spend all week glied to the TV and Boston. Maybe she should pay attention to the cat with asthma.
Not better, CK? The humans need to find something to do against this asthma thing!
Eeeowww you two lookz so cozy together…me mum waz sick yesterday again so we spent da day in bed when she waz not in da bathroom (ahem)! Today fingz much better n she cleaned me litterbox n da bathroom n we snuggled on da couch in da afternoon….she iz me assistant napper, MOL!!!
Have a guud week Texas & Kitshka.
Lub Nylablue n her Mum xo
Oh no :-( I am sure you did a great work, Nylablue! Hope she is back to normal now.
We’re getting sleepy just looking at you two.
Our mom is getting frantic with work, we even missed a couple days posting last week and she is thinking she might have to take a little time off. We hope your human’s schedule is more manageable soon.
Well, you know what they say… nappin’ can make a kitty awfully tired.
I was up after my nap but then I looked at these pictures and I went back to napping. Very effective pictures, my furiends.
Aw, you cuties! We had a super busy week too. Happy Earth Day!
ça c’est un vrai week end cool !!Vous êtes mignons tous les deux .
gros ronrons
It’s a tough job, napping!! :)
Someone doesn’t look too happy in that last photo…
YOu are beautiful soft and precious babies.