Texas! The humans are back with Milou
He is furry hungry, which is a good sign!
I purrsonally inspected his carrier to make sure he was treated appropriately. It smelled strange.

I’m back!
Again, thank you to all of you who left loving and caring messages! We are ever so thankful!
This made my day! I’m so happy to hear he’s home.
Glad Milou is back home!
And still as handsome as ever. Keep up the progress dear Milou =^.^=
What a happy day!! Nice to see Milou back! Thank you for the news, dear Kitshka :-)
YAY! Dear Milou please get well soon:o) I’m so glad you are back at home :o)
WhoooooHooooooo we are so pawleased..Now you will have a good weekend :) xx00xxx Take it easy Milou xx
Mollie and Alfie
So good to see! Welcome back Milou! Et continue de bien manger pour reprendre des forces ! Bon week-end à vous tous.
Welcome home, Milou!!!!!
Welcome back, Milou! And don’t scare your humans like that again, okay?
That is the BEST NEWS EVER!!!! Welcome home precious kitty!! xoxoxo
Awwwww….Milou!!! Welcome back! We’re soooo happy to see him looking good and eating!!! :)
Milou you look great! Doing a happy happy happy dance here that you are home!!!
I’m smiling from ear to ear. So happy he’s home.. I think he has a little to digest he looks not so pleased :)
This is wonderful news! We’re so happy you are home and just in time for the weekend too!
Yeah ! You’re a survivor, Milou ! Welcome back !
Yay so happy to hear he’s back!! :)
Welcome home Milou :D
and a miaouuuu hello from the mine EOS ;-)
Oh! So happy he’s home!! Onward and upward little guy!! xox
Chouette, enfin une bonne nouvelle ! Nous espérons que Milou va vite se remettre ! Ronrons à toute la famille, et spécialement pour Milou à qui nous souhaitons un bon appétit retrouvé !
Nous sommes très heureuses de savoir cette bonne nouvelle. Allez Milou, rétablis-toi bien maintenant . plein de caresses et de ronrons !
YAY! This the best news EVER! Welcome home, Milou!!!
DOOD !!!! we couldna bee happier if ewe said we winned de trout lott ree :) thiz bee way awesum mews…manee thanx St Francis…N mor oh hiz blessings headed yur way just ta bee extra sure :) !!! bee well N stay well N we hope everee one haza grate week oh end :)
bonne nouvelle
gros calins
janine okaze
Oh that is such good news . We are so excited that he is home. We sure send some more purrs so that he will continue to recover. Looks like he is hungry and Kitshka, you did such a good job of inspecting the carrier. Hope all of you have a super week end.
Great to know he’s back home!
Welcome Back Home!!! Have a Purrfect Weekend:)
Glad to see Milou home!
Hooray and welcome back Milou. Rest up and hope all goes well. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Yay! Welcome back home, Milou! We all send our best wishes for a nomtastic weekend, with plenty of nap time. :)
Its so nice to know that he’s back home and all healthy and hearty! :-)
Ca c’est une super nouvelle. Il va se remettre complètement. J’en suis sure.
Une bonne façon de commencer un week end.
Plein de caresses Milou et des ronrons de mes minettes.
Welcome home, Milou! Keep feeling better!
We’re happy to read this! Bowie says “Meow!”
Hooray! Welcome home Milou! Great news! Bisous Bailey
I’m so glad!! I hope we can get more post and photos with Milou!!!
I am SO SO happy. I was hoping for this great good news. Milou, kisses and love and please heal. XXXOOO
Paws up! I am so glad Milou is home!
Such a good feeling to have a loved one back home….two-legged, four-legged: it doesn’t matter!
YAY , for that Milou is home and hungry :)
That is wonderful, wonderful news!
This is just the best news Texas…Great to see Milou home and eating again…I know you couldn’t be happier…((hugs))
This is great news. We’re so glad that Milou is home where he belongs.
bon retour Milou, c’est bon de te retrouver à la maison.
Ronrons d’Opale et SOnye
That is the best news of the weekend!
Yay, we’re glad Milou is back home and eating!
We are so happy that Milou is home!
So glad you are home. Keep on improving!
Yippee! Hope you’re feeling better buddy!!
Very good news on a Friday. Happy weekend!
WELCOME HOME MILOU. Very happy to hear he is home and I hope he continues to get better and better xx
Dear Milou, so glad you are back home and eating – keep up the good work! Our paws are crossed that the V-E-T will soon have answers to your problems and special healing purrs continue to fly to you.
Purrs … Rainbow
What wonderfully good news, Milou. Keep eating and improving. Sending prayers, purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
PAWSOME! Welcome home, Milou!
Nothing says “Feeling better” like “Gimme FOOD, Humans”! So glad to hear he’s feeling better ;-)
Me is so happy that Milou is home and that he feel so much better!
Me is sure yous all missed him!
Yous gotta love the power of the purr!
Yay! Glad you’re back.
Great news! I am very happy for you!
Yay for this happy news :-)
Yay, great news:-)
Happy happy news!
Coucou me revoilou ! Merci pour tes gentils commentaires laissés chez moi pendant mon absence. Je vais bien. Je fais ma rééducation tous les jours car mes doigts manquent encore un peu de souplesse et de force, mais c’est en bonne voie.
J’adore l’expression de Texas sur la première photo !
Bon week-end. Bisous & câlins à la p’tite tribu. Cricri
Milou welcome back…..you were truly missed by your family there and purrs of love were being sent from all of us out here in blog land too. We hope you are feeling MUCH better and that you STAY that way! Your brother and sister need you!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Oh Milou!! Thank goodness you are back home! We are so relieved to hear that!
<3 We iz bery happy dat Milou iz home wif all of ya!!! <3
Eat lotz Milou n sleepz n getz yer strength back.
Lub Nylablue n her Mum xo
I’m so glad Milou is home and feeling better. Sorry I couldn’t stop by and offer purrz but this nursing duty is full time.
Back home and lookin’ GREAT!
If you get a chance, please come visit me over on Nerissa’s Life, today. There’s a special little somethin’ waitin’ for you there.
Back from my workshop and able to comment! Welcome home Milou!!