Hiya everyone!
I hope you are all doing fine. Milou seems to be doing a bit better =^.^=
As I said on Sunday, I have a big piece of news to announce and this is that I now have my own domain! My assistant human was so frustrated by the limits the WordPress.com blog had, that she bought me a domain and a hosting place! Yeah!
Kitshka and I are super happy for our new place! Milou would like to know if that means more food is coming…
Now, don’t get us wrong: WordPress.com is a wonderful free tool and it served us well the past (almost) two years and we are thankful for it!
Time had come to get serious though.
So, what do you need to do?
If you have bookmarked my blog, or entered its URL (address) in a reader, you have to change this URL (address): The new address is
To keep on receiving my notifications by email, you need to subscribe again (sorry): enter your email address in the little box, on the top of the sidebar on your right. UPDATE: The furry nice people at WordPress have just notified me that they had successfully moved all my followers to my new blog. SO, if you were already following me, you should not have to subscribe again. You should receive my Wordless Wednesday post tomorrow without doing anything. Please do let me know if you don’t. A BIG thank you to WordPress!
The WordPress.com blog you used to know will stay for now, but it won’t be updated anymore. Pics of me and Kitshka and Milou will be here!
As you can see, the design of the blog is pretty much the same. For now. Changes are to come, but since this is a kitty blog, you know, we thought they should come gradually ;-)
I hope you’ll enjoy the new experience. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you encounter any technical problems!
I am going to take a nap and then visit your bloggies, while my human is working on my new blog!
Purrs y’all! And make yourself at home!
YAY, Texas! Concats on the new site. We’re signing up, so we’ll continue to receive emails.
(Although Motor Mommy did think that it said: “enter your e-mail address in the LITTER box… humans!)
Purrs, Sundae
MOL! Humans can be funny sometimes ;-)
Congratulations on getting your own domain! We’ll add the new address so we don’t miss your posts! :)
We’re mighty glad to hear that Milou is doing better.
Congratulation, I like your new “home”! :)
How fantastic, will change things our end so we don’t miss out on your posts :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Great new home Texas! Who’s hosting the site? Curious to hear if things are a lot smoother on a self hosted version – wee’ve looked into it and found some limitations but perhaps your host makes it seamless!
The hosting company is Hosting Matters. My human has been hosting a blog with them for the past ten years (nothing to do with kitties though) and has only compliments for them. The customer service – although rarely needed – is also very quick to respond and efficient.
But the hosting companies didn’t do much. The humans did everything but they say it wasn’t too difficult. Oh well, as long as they get it done ;-)
Also the WordPress people were furry nice to transfer my subscribers from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. We are crossing paws that they all receive my post tomorrow ;-)
You can email me if you have more questions and I will have my human answer you!
Hey Texas! Congratulations on getting your own domain!
I am happy to hear the good news as well about Milou a,d to know that he is safe home now. Purrs!
Yeah! I just did the same thing this week! I twittered you to tell you about it! I entered everyone’s email addresses by hand and then they got a resubscribe email so it would be easier for them. Congrats on your new internet home!!
Great monds think alike, Crepes ;-)
I saw your message and resubscribed.
Thank you for letting us all know … going to go change linky on my bloggy now *purrs* xxx’s
We didn’t know Milou had been unwell since our secretary has been lax about visiting lately.We are glad he is feeling better now!
We hope you enjoy your new site :)
the critters in the cottage xo
We know your secretary (and you) must miss Tulip furry much, so we completely understand.
just re-subscribed and were happy to do so!
Oh wowzers! Concats on the new domain Texas……no wonder you’re taking a nap – changes can be EXHAUSTING! Bravo……Also very happy to hear Milou is feeling a bit better. I love good news :D :D :D !
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Et hop ! D’un bond, nous voici à votre nouvelle adresse… C’est sympa aussi, par ici !
Gros ronrons et des ondes positives pour Milou :)
Mommy’s always had her own domain and hosting place. It works really well, except when something is going on with your host, ours is WestHosts. Good luck with any other changes. And, the photos are outstanding. Glad Milou is doing better. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Josette
Concats on the new digs!
That is very exciting to have your own domain name. We sure will put it on our blog roll. Good luck with your new venture. Take care.
Good luck in your new home, Texas!!
Génial d’avoir une nouvelle adresse à ton nom Texas. Tu es devenu propriétaire …
Vous êtes trop mignons sur la photo ta sœurette et toi.
Milou il va aller de mieux en mieux, ça c’est sure. On recroise les papattes Loustiquette et moi.
Des ronrons.
Concatulations on your move! Self-hosted WordPress is so much more awesome!
Texas Mate!! Welcome to the world of self-hosted and magical (meaning you can do heaps of stuff!) Own Your Own Domain blogging. It’s good to see you here – Well done to you and Mum!
We got someone to help us move and sort stuff out! I look forward to seeing you and the family on your adventures.
Nous voilà itou pour vous rendre visite à cette nouvelle adresse.
Sommes heureuses de savoir que Milou continue à aller bien. On continue à lui envoyer des ondes positives!
Bonne installation dans dans votre nouveau home sweet home!
Your new home are beautiful!!!!!!!
Congrats!!! Y’all are looking mighty fine on your very own domain!
Yay, Milou! Glad to hear you’re feeling better. :)
Sorry to hear that WordPress didn’t work out for furriends needs. Will miss you on the feeds. Good luck with all the new things!
Thanks! Well, WordPress.com had some limitations. WordPress.org shoudl bring us more :-)
Normally, you should still receive our notifications, since all subscribers have been moved from one blog to the other :-)
Concatulations !
Congratulations on your new site, Texas. Feeling home already. Next time I’ll bring my… grandpa’s couch ;)
dood…we wuz ther…N now we iz heer.. way awesum ya getted yur OWN domain N WAY AWESUM milou’s doin good….mor blessings oh st francis headed yur way buddy !!
Congrats on your new home, Texas! It looks great!!
Oh congratulations guys! Good luck on your new blog adventures, it is lots of fun! I think that I also lost my email subscribers when I moved back to Blogger unfortunately :( I am going to add you to my feedly reader, just in case!
Concats on the new site – hope it works wonderfully.
We love your new place and we bet you do too!
This is a beautiful bloggie..and I hope to have it bookmarked just right and to subscribe as well. xoxoxox You look delicious there all soft and beautiful in theat last picture.
Good for you. Mom has been toying with doing the same with my blog for several months now but we aren’t quite ready for the leap…one of these days we will but for now wp.com is doing ok :)
Congratulations Texas! Most excellent news.. :)
Glad Milou is feeling better!
Your own self-hosted domain… how exciting! Concatulations on the big step! We’ll switch you over in our feed reader so we don’t miss any posts.
We love your new look! And many purrs for sweet Milou–hope he feels a little better each day!
Haven’t you been busy?
We have done everything so we’ll probably receive your blog three times!!!
Hi, congratulations on your new site. I’m following you here now.
Bravo pour cette nouvelle demeure. Bon 1er mai. A bientôt. Bisous & câlins la tribu. Cricri
Congratulations! You are a successful career cat! :D
Congratulations on your own domain name! We’re glad to read Milou is a bit better, are continuing to send purrs.
I hope the subscribing went good, because I didn’t got an email like they said I would!
Congrats on your own domain!
Félicitations pour votre nouvelle adresse, et pour le déménagement en douceur :-) Bon 1er Mai!
hello , lovelky to see you again…its been quite a while since I have been on WP
Hiya Texas! Sorry about the delay in dropping by.. *looks around* oooh.. smells new. Very nice. Congrats sir.. purrs and head bumps to you. ^..^
hey guys and lady! your new blog is looking great! glad to see Milou is doing well and you are all hanging out together!!!