Humanology, cat planning and BlogPaws

My human just left for BlogPaws this morning. I am a bit jealous because she is going to meet some of my furriends’ humans while I stay here with Kitshka, Milou, and the male human. But she’s also going to represent me so she will still be working for me while there.

Yep. I noticed the bug.
Humans are strange you know, that’s what makes humanology so interesting.
See, for example, this bug: I wanted to catch it to offer it to my human as a gift when she comes back. But this required keeping it fresh in the fridge (you can get some serious tummy aches with bugs that are passed the catch-by date). The male human refused to keep it in the fridge. He said something to the effect that my human wouldn’t like my gift. As if he knew what my human wants. She’s my human, so I know what she wants!

So he’s staying with us, which is fine because he likes to play wrestle with me with his hand. He thinks he is stronger than I am. If I was a human, I would burst out laughing like they annoyingly do. This hand without claws against my claws and teeth? Please.

I only hope he will remember to feed us. Kitshka has never been abandoned left for several days by my human before, so she’s particularly worried.
As you might remember, Milou has a special diet so he cannot eat our food. So K’s and my food is on some piece of furniture he can’t reach.

Kitshka designed a plan to be sure we wouldn’t be missing meals in case the male human forgot.
See the 2 pieces of furniture on which our bowl is? With time, a little gap appeared between the two.

For the past 2 weeks, every time Kitshka was eating, she stored a couple kibbles in the gap. She’s my girl!

Unfortunately, Milou, with his appetite back, smelled the kibbles.

This morning, Kitshka tried to make him leave for fear he would wake up the humans. She threw a kibble at him.

Unfortunately, my human was half awake and saw everything… including the stock of kibbles K had accumulated.

The humans moved the furniture to find this:

And they threw all this hard-saved kibbles away! A shame!

Hopefully, the male human will remember to feed us… To be continued.

34 thoughts on “Humanology, cat planning and BlogPaws

  1. VERY clever of Kitshka to stash kibble in that crack – she’s just planning for the pawsibility that your male human will forget to feed you but of course that’s impawsible since your Mom will probably be communicating with your man to REMIND him who gets what and when! Yep – even at BlogPaws your Mom’s looking out for you all. Kitshka is certainly turning into a great “partner in crime” Texas!!!! :D :D :D

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    pee ess Stink bugs truly would NOT be the “gift of choice” for your Mom when she returns…….icky!

  2. really baffling. Humanology is a tough subject. too tough sometimes. which is why i decided long ago to just opt out and ignore them…but now that you have that handy crack, you COULD use it to store dead bugs. it’s nice to have a place to keep momento’s, ya know? and since this humans seems to HATE dead buggies, maybe they’ll leave this alone. good luck.
    Sparky Spitfire recently posted…Namcatste…My Profile

  3. My mom had the nerve to leave me and go to BlogPaws too…I think a bunch of us “forgotten pets” should skype together about this issue so maybe it won’t happen again. Mom left some computers with me at home but she took the new one, of course. I have to cat sit while she is gone too! Lots of nerve our pet parents have!
    emma recently posted…Seriously | GBGV | Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  4. Kitshka, you are one resourceful kitty! Brilliant plan! Too bad Milou blew it for you … oh well, that’s the way it goes.

    I hope your hooman enjoys Blog Paws!


  5. OMC, look at that stash of kibble! Wow! Ummm, we’d like to pop round to your place and help “clean” it up!

    We hope your human has a great time at BlogPaws!

  6. T’en fais pas Texas, Kitshka elle est comme moi, une toute jeune minette pleine de ressources. Je suis sure qu’elle trouvera un nouvel endroit pour faire des réserves. Moi j’ai une réserve secrète, sous le séchoir à linge. C’est des croquettes pour mon copain Tikou du dehors. J’ai pas le droit d’en manger. Mais je les aime. Alors quand il y en a qui tombe…. vite je les glisse en dessous.
    Texas tu as une super vue de ta fenêtre.
    En attendant que ton humaine revienne … venge toi en montrant à ton mâle humain qui est le plus fort..
    Des ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Pas une obligationMy Profile

  7. K, M & T…we iz sendin ewe all sum mackerull, on de sly, for ewe ta hide a way …yur dad will never noe its ther….we iz sendin enuff for 57 meelz two day, 85 two morrow, 14 on caturday…case yur mom comes bak earl lee and enuff for later on snaks….hope yur mom haza safe trip and enjoys !!

  8. Don’t worry, Texas, the human will keep giving you more food for now. You’ll be able to store some more emergency rations. You cats can outsmart a mere human. after all.

  9. Wowwzers what a stash!
    Mes stopped by to thanks yous for coming to my pawty! Me had a great time and it was great to sees yous and your furry siblings!
    PS Me hopes yous does not miss your Mommy too much!
    Penelope recently posted…Funky Friday #6My Profile

  10. Kitshka, that is a LOT of kibbles that you were storing up there! But such a clever plan! It sounds as if you don’t have too much to worry about – your male human is keeping a closer eye on you than you think!

  11. Pingback: Kitshka Friday: The Lady in the House | Texas, a cat in New York

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