Waiting for the human

My human is coming back today. Hopefully, we’ll be able to go back to visiting all your bloggies – if not tonight – tomorrow.

While waiting for our human, we wish all humans who were at BlogPaws and who are traveling back home a safe trip home!

(I know, the picture isn’t very good, but that’s the only one my human left me with!!)

41 thoughts on “Waiting for the human

    • Oh yes! We had plenty! That was very great! But what I loved most was being able to cuddle next to my human again =^.^=

  1. Oh Texas I think it’s a great photo of you and your sister snuggling up on the couch WAITING WAITING WAITING for Mom! Hope she has a good trip back home to you…..AND brings lots of fun stuff too!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Texas, you two look so lovely there My mom said she wishes she could hold you and give you snuggles. xoxox

  3. Texas, I bet your Mum and I didn’t see each other? Oh well, I bet she was frantically busy, Oh Boy I wish Mum could have gone – she is SO inspired even just seeing the Twitter stream and the Blogpaws web page (Didya know we watched the awards wooHoo)
    Dash Kitten recently posted…Blog Paws Bound!My Profile

  4. My human came back this morning, it was about time! Lucky for her, there were a ton of great treats and food for us in her luggage, I guess I can overlook her going to blogpaws without me.

  5. Yow you n Kitshka are such ‘snuggle kittehz’….hope yer Mum came back home n Life iz back to normal!!
    Lub Nylablue n her Mum (who went away fer a day last week n me gave her ‘stink eye’ when she got home dat nite!!!!!!!!)

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