Mondays Are For Memories: Featuring Milou

I thought I would feature Milou today and seize the occasion to give you some news about his health.

He is doing better – thank Cod! – even if there is always the occasional down day. He is even playing a little bit with Kitshka sometimes (although he is still hissing at me…)!

He has not gained back much of the weight he had lost though. The humans were particularly worried when he had stopped eating because Milou has always been a big, hungry kitty. Of course, the goal is not for him to gain all his weight back, but a little more of what he has now would be better.

For now, and after discussing it with the vet, the humans have decided to not do the biopsy because the procedure is very intrusive and heavy, especially for a 14-year-old kitty. Milou is eating about normally and the humans are hoping he can gain some weight back now.

Here are pictures of Milou taken back in 2006, in Paris:

He was a little chubby, wasn’t he?

Now, of course, it was 7 years ago, but Milou lost most of his weight really recently. Here is a picture of Milou (sleeping in my bed!) my human took this morning:

My human thinks he looks so small!

So, we are keeping an eye and some purrs for Milou. I continue to test his food to make sure it is good enough and he will want to eat it too (What?! I do this for him!).

Finally, here are two rare, peaceful pictures of the two of us, back in 2006 too (yes, it is a bit unfocused):

In other news, if I get to move my human’s popotin, I will have my (and her) BlogPaws review posted tomorrow. Wish me luck ;-)

44 thoughts on “Mondays Are For Memories: Featuring Milou

  1. I like his pictures on the clothes horse – I had no clue that even a catlick would need a drying rack :o)
    I’m very sorry about Milous health problem. I hope he will get some weight back and I will cross my paws for Milou.
    easy rider recently posted…easyblog MAGIC MONDAYMy Profile

  2. OMD we hope Milou will be OK and put a little of the weight back on. Our old Pip was the same. She lost a lot of weight and muscle with her last sickies. She is better now and has put a little of the weight back on. We just take one day at a time and make sure in her old age she is comfy and happy. POTP to you Milou. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly
    Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Rooky!My Profile

  3. dood…we bee WAY happee ya iz keepin on de steddy road ta grate health…eat plentee oh flounder torut N mackerull N ewe will bee livin another 14 yeerz !!! N tell yur mom ta chek inta Nutri Cal…or GNC’s brand called mega booster for cats….they both bee packed fulla vitaminz N minerals N help with finikee eatin…help maintain caloreezz two sew ya due knot looze weight :)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mom sayz in pick sure three ya look enuff like gram paw dude…ta be gram paws dude !!

    rock on :)

  4. Oh my dear friend Texas…..I’m sorry Milou is not doing totally well but he looks quite comfy tucked into your bed (you’re sweet to share!). I’m glad he’s eating – perhaps he just decided to slim down so he’d feel better? It’s just sad when someone in your family isn’t 100% fine isn’t it….but we’re all sending loving and healing purrs to your brother Milou and hope he’s better before you know it. As the “Senior” in the family he needs to be there to help you and Kitshka become all you were meant to be!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    Sammy recently posted…Wet MondayMy Profile

  5. Nat à Chat : C’est un problème quand les chats sont trop gros, mais ce n’est rien à côté du stress d’en avoir un qui a beaucoup maigrit et qui ne regrossit pas. J’espère qu’il va reprendre petit à petit du poids. Comme ça, à le voir dormir en rond, il n’a pas l’air trop maigre. Juste bien.
    Loustiquette : Sur les anciennes photos Milou il me rappelle … moi. Magnifique !
    Hisia : Plein de ronrons pour Milou ! Un peu pour toi aussi Texas et Kitshka bien sure. Tu es super sympa de prêter ton couffin !
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…A bas les règles absurdes !My Profile

  6. Je suis contente de voir que Milou va bien. Il a l’air ravi de se trouver tout en haut de la tour à linge .. (je vais montrer la photo à EOS ), cela va lui donner peut-être des idées

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