Mondays Are For Memories: Seeking Solace In Bubble Paper

Who doesn’t like bubble paper?

Texas a Cat in New York, bubble paper, cat in bubble paper

Especially when your human is leaving you for Ireland the day after…

Texas a Cat in New York, bubble paper, cat in bubble paper

…your half-brothers (Grouik and Milou) have invaded your space for a couple of days, and although you’ve welcomed them warmly – yes, warmly – one of them said ‘thanks meow’ by scratching your nose.

Texas a Cat in New York, bubble paper, cat in bubble paper


Texas a Cat in New York, bubble paper, cat in bubble paper

Fortunately that was back in 2006, a long time ago.

34 thoughts on “Mondays Are For Memories: Seeking Solace In Bubble Paper

  1. Oh Texas you look quite comfy in that bubble wrap…..your paws piled up on top of each other……you keep that stuff under control and guard it against invasion from introoooders like Kitshka and Milou! I bet you miss your Mom – maybe she’ll bring you back something GREEN from Ireland? (maybe green bubble wrap???)

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. dood…gather eveee one round at say like…oh…3:17 in de morning and haz everee one puts a claw thru de bubbles…watch what yur mom N dad due !! ~~~~~

  3. I know what you mean Tex, It is always a tough time when you have to share YOUR space especially when your Human is away. Always good to have some bubble paper to take your frustration out. Purrs!
    Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEILMy Profile

  4. Way back then you may have been an annoying um, we meant , active , kitten Texas! And you may have popped a few of the bubbles on the that bubble wrap and made noise. This may have led to the scratch on your nose :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    P.S. look darn cute in the bubble wrap!!
    LP recently posted…Two Heads.My Profile

  5. Hi Texas,
    I love your paws. Bubble wrap looks fun, and even though this happened seven years ago, you have every right to be indignant.

    Thank you for your note about Simba. It was very nice of you to stop by and think of us.
    Annie recently posted…SimbaMy Profile

  6. Whew. I was getting worried that your mystery was your Mom was leaving you but now I know that happened years ago. I’m not scared of much but I’m scared of bubble wrap cos TW explodes it all over the place.
    Cathy Keisha recently posted…Monday MentoringMy Profile

  7. That is a good idea Bubble-wrap!! I’ll bet the kittens will love to play with that stuff!!!
    Yes, Tom made that toy for them!! The kittens always want a new toy !!! just like kids!!!

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