Blog Changes, Videos, And Prime Boxes

Just a quick post today to let you know that you might see changes pop up on my bloggie in the weeks to come as we make changes in order for my blog to be more attractive and feline-friendly (okay also furry friend and human-friendly).

For example, I have asked my human to add a page in the menu dedicated to videos. You can find all my vids up there in the menu (tab “videos”), or by clicking here. We still have some of Grouik’s videos (which are not on my YouTube account) to add, but I wanted to let you all know about it.

I also want to thank you all for your compliments on me wearing a cowboy hat =^.^=
Since my human still doesn’t want to tell me why she photoshopped me with a cowboy hat, I decided to make mine a brand new prime box and by doing so, to make my feelings (about not knowing) known to my human. What do you think? Do you think she’ll understand?

[Click on the pics to biggify]

Texas a Cat in New York, cat in a box, cat, box

Texas a Cat in New York, cat in a box, cat, box

41 thoughts on “Blog Changes, Videos, And Prime Boxes

    • Hmmm… we may be getting somewhere here…
      Thanks, Crepes! (Hopefully your human won’t put crepes on your head…)

  1. Texas sounds like there is big changes coming which in this particular case is a good thing. We think your blog is spectacular as is, so we can’t wait to see the coming changes. I think you’ve got a great box to enjoy!
    Abby recently posted…Tough Tuxie ToosdayMy Profile

  2. Texas, moi je pense que les humains ils sont souvent très basiques. Alors ton chapeau c’est surement juste à cause de ton nom. Mais bon, je me trompe peut être, je suis juste une petite toute jeune minette !
    J’espère que ton humaine comprendra ton message rapidement. Une boite c’est marrant pour s’y cacher,mais il faut pas que ça dure trop longtemps.
    Des ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Patrouilleuse LoustiquetteMy Profile

  3. dood…did we mizz a post …we dont rememburr see in ewe ina hat….N ya noe, what else we miss…VBP !!! ~~~~~ hay, haza grate nite !!!

  4. We can’t wait to see what you have in store! (Can you tell our mom is a little ADHD and likes change, unlike us kitties?) Texas, we applauded how you expressed yourself while in the box by showing your back of disdain. But you need to teach Kitshka how to do it correctly. She does seem to be trying . . .

  5. Texas hat, Texas cat? We like your blog as we can read then leave a message. No pesky clicking through to more pages and no Are You A Robot rubbish.

    AND we get to see you!
    KatzTales recently posted…Sleepy!My Profile

  6. Oh noes!! More magnificence for me and Mom Londa to envy …sigh…we luvluvluv what you can do with your new bloggy platform..If only Mom Linda was able to do this….maybe next year….heh…heh…like “not”…paw pats, Savannah. PeeEss…you are better at box exploration then me
    Savannah recently posted…Foolish Bird Friday…My Profile

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