My goodness – what a ferocious look! They do get some funny looks on their little faces sometimes don’t they……Sam likes head massages too but doesn’t QUITE give me the same “tiger” look as Milou…… :D
Are you sure about that? Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: FURMINATING GIULIETTA
Milou tu m’as fait peur. Si elle faisait une tête comme ça ma grande soeur Loustiquette … et bien je n’oserais jamais lui sauter dessus pour l’embêter !
Tu ressembles à un féroce tigre en colère.
Hisia Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Dubitative ou amusée !
bawahwaawwaa Roar Milou xx00xxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…THANK YOU!
Roaring back to you. Have a wonderful wordless Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Pinterest Perfection?
Looks like dear Milou is in fine fettle now!
Animalcouriers recently posted…Meanwhile, waiting for the ferry from Greece to Italy
Fierce Milou! That must be some massage.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Winking Wednesday
My goodness – what a ferocious look! They do get some funny looks on their little faces sometimes don’t they……Sam likes head massages too but doesn’t QUITE give me the same “tiger” look as Milou…… :D
OMC are you sure ;)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…I need some Inner Peace
Oh yeah!
LOL HMC also likes the same massage! Ellie
Yikes! Scary face kitty!
emma recently posted…Skinny Dipping With A Hat | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday
Milou looks like a real tiger today :)
GizmoGeodog recently posted…Alligator Country on Wordless Wednesday
Hilarious photos. Yes, really looks like he’s enjoying that :D
Long Life Cats and Dogs recently posted…Rescue Reveal – Kent Animal Shelter NY – Courtesy of Finn & Charley
haha, trop bon les massages du crâne.
ronrons, bisous
Opale et SOnye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…Un autre regard
Texas, you just freaked me out with your wild face! Purrs.
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
That’s Milou, my half-brother ;-)
A bit scary not so happy cat face. Sending you Lots of Golden MEOWS. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh he’s very happy, trust me, he loves it!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…A Passport to Nowhere-Semi “Wordy” Wednesday
Wild! Happy WW!
Athena recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
You gave me the giggles!
Are you sure about that? Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Ahhhhhhh, that just feels soooooooooooo good. Hugs and nose kisses
What’s Going on at Mumsy’s recently posted…Some of the Action at Our Place
bwahahahahahaha ::snort:: MOL
The Meezers recently posted…Forever Friends
milou….dood…ewe noe my gram paw !!?????
dude k….=^..^=
Milou tu m’as fait peur. Si elle faisait une tête comme ça ma grande soeur Loustiquette … et bien je n’oserais jamais lui sauter dessus pour l’embêter !
Tu ressembles à un féroce tigre en colère.
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Dubitative ou amusée !
Ahhhh – run for your life – ha!
Renee recently posted…New Series: Writing
Are cats do too but they don’t scream when we do it!!! LOL
Milou can hardly contain himself! That must be a GREAT head massage! :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…(Almost) Wordless Wednesday – A Special Event!
hehehehe….are you sure?xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Speedys treasure up for sale!
Great photo and blog title
Ryn Shell recently posted…White Ibis Flight Sequence. Wordless Wednesday.
A good reminder where cats are descended from!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101) recently posted…Avoiding Feline Summer Stress
I’d hate to see him when he is angry!
Sparkle recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Golden Girl
*moves very slowly towards the door*
CATachresis recently posted…Time out?
Roar! to you, too! We hope those were happy roars!
The Musings Of A Crazy Cat Lady recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – So Happy
Wow – he does look pretty wild there! That is so fun to do to kitties :)
Ann Staub recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Shade is Delite-ful!
Milou must like having his head squished. :)
The Island Cats recently posted…What’s That Wally Doing?
AAAAAAAH! Are we in the right place??! We thought sabertooth tigers were extinct!
Oui Oui recently posted…Thankful Thursday
Very scary!
* GULP *
Dash Kitten recently posted…Wordless Wednesday Foster Kittens The Movie
Um…he looks kinda like he does not like this!
Cats of wildcat woods recently posted…Queen Yoko and her Subjects on Wordless Wednesday
Milou!! What a look!! MWWAAAAHAHAHA …hey Texas, waves paw…pawtastic, Savannah
Savannah recently posted…Foolish Bird Friday…
Misaki recently posted…Hot hot hot!
Wow those fangs :-)
Mythreemoggies recently posted…Rolling around
Yikes!! We did not know where we were for a minute!! Scary, wild cat!!
Deb Barnes – Zee and Zoey recently posted…Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection is a Blog About Cats – How About Yours?
Pingback: Milou: Up, Close, And Personal | Texas, a cat in... Austin
dood…ya GOTTA use theeze next week for talk like a pie rat day…ya GOTTA !!!