We’re Moving Where?

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your nice comments on the first anniversary of Grouik crossing the Rainbow Bridge. It means a lot to us.

I am also sorry that I can’t visit you as much as I would want to these days. We really try with my human but you are about to understand why I was hardly able to visit your bloggie lately.

So, you might have noticed that some strange things were going on at our place. First there was this:

Texas a Cat in New York, Texas, New York, Texas cat, Cowboy hat, I love New York

Then there were the boxes and our cat tree trapped in a box. Kitshka and I really wanted to know what was going on! This was more than strange, but my human would not tell me.

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; Kitshka; boxes; moving

Then I found this on one of my human’s Pinterest boards. I thought it was for me, but she told me it wasn’t! I was shocked!!

That was enough! I needed to have a serious discussion with my human!

Me: Human! What the rat is going on? Are we going somewhere? Are we moving to the place called Manhattan?

Human: Well, yes, we are moving, but to Texas.

Me: To Texas’?! But you already live at my place!!

Human: . . .

Human: We’re moving to Austin, Texas.

Me: What? Do Austin and his human know??

Human: Texas, the five of us are moving to the state of Texas, in its capital, Austin.

Me: We’re moving where?

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; boxes; moving

Me: I mean… they named a state after me?

Human: . . .

Human: Yes Texas, that’s the reason why we are moving there…

Texas: Oh wow. Okay!

Eh but wait a minute…

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; boxes; moving

I’m the Parisian cat in New York! I’m gonna have to change the name of my blog!

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; boxes; moving

And will my furriends keep on following me?

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; boxes; moving

Why do humans have to make everything so complicated?

Texas a Cat in New York; cats; Texas; boxes; moving

We’re moving to Austin, Texas, my furriends.

61 thoughts on “We’re Moving Where?

  1. From Paris to N.Y. and now Austin. Austin is a super great place, but trust us, you will definitely be suffering culture shock when you get there. But please don’t worry, even if you need to change the name of your blog, we will still find you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: NICE FANG FIONAMy Profile

  2. Wow! My human was hoping you were moving to Manhattan because she LOVES it there! But you know what? The good news is that Austin is a LOT closer to where BlogPaws is going to be next May – Las Vegas! So maybe your human will come again – after all, it won’t be as expensive to travel as it would be if you still lived in New York, right?
    Sparkle recently posted…Kitty Bungalow Donation and G-Zees Treat Winner!My Profile

  3. Oh, Texas. So sorry we humans are so complicated! But don’t worry, we’ll make sure to keep following your wonderful blog no matter where you are.

    PS: Jay and Satchie say hello. They miss you all and they are very sad then aren’t blogging much anymore. I have to say it is my fault, though. Hope you can forgive me.

  4. Oh, I forgot to say, Jay and Satchie and I wish you and all your family a safe trip. We hope the move goes smoothly, nothing is lost and you like your new home. Imagine, a whole state named after you! That must be exciting.

  5. of course we will still follow you! Wow I can’t believe they named a whole state after you! Plus I wouldn’t worry the blog name “Texas, a cat in New York who has now moved to Austin, Texas, yes Texas was named after me” just trips off the tongue so nicely! BOL

  6. Oh Texas tu pars pars pour Austin au Texas !
    Mais pourquoi s’inquiéter pour le nom de ton blog ;-) Ton prénom est Texas et tu vas habiter au Texas :-) c’est génial !!!!
    De paris tu vas à New-York (Virgule est jalouse :-) !!!) et maintenant tu vas habiter Austin… yeah ! Il ne faut pas que “Maman” achètent une (voiture) austin …. ce serait trop petit…. rooohhh mauvais humour français LOL
    Tu sais Gamine, Hullahop et moi-même Virgule on va lire ton blog avec intérêt comme toujours et nous sommes curieuses de savoir comment vous allez vivre à Austin.
    On vous fait des bisous, câlins, ronrons.
    Ici en France Mummy rêve d’aller à New-York et partout aux Etas Unis c’est un pays qu’elle adore ;-) Mais….. mais avant il faut qu’elle apprenne à mieux parler et comprendre l’américain LOL

    Oh you leave Texas to go to Austin Texas!
    But why worry about the name of your blog;-) Your name is Texas and you’ll live in Texas :-) it’s great!!
    From Paris you go to New York (Me Virgule i’m jealous :-)!) And now you’re going to live … Austin yeah! It must not “Mom” buy one (car) austin …. it would be too small …. rooohhh bad bad french humor LOL
    You know Gamine, Hullahop and myself Virgule will be read with interest your blog as always and we are curious to know how you are going to live in Austin.
    It makes you kisses, hugs, purrs. ♥ ♥ ♥
    Here in France Mummy dream to go to New York and throughout the Etas States is a country that loves;-) But ….. but first she must learn to better speak and understand American LOL ;-) :-)
    Nade et Virgule recently posted…Des pommes vertes et tout un scénario digne d’Hollywood :-)My Profile

  7. Texas! You’re moving to the place that was named after you – how wonderful is that?!?!?! I’m very excited for you. I hear Austin is a really beautiful city and I think you’ll like it there quite a lot – very different from NY that’s for sure. We would follow you ANYWHERE you go – but I imagine you would like to have the move over with as soon as possible. Just think – some kitties never get to see much of the world at all and you’ve come from Paris to NY and now to Texas! I hope your move goes SUPER well……can’t wait to hear about your new home….

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    Sammy recently posted…Teaser Tell All Time!My Profile

  8. How exciting, Texas! They certainly knew you were coming to visit them when they named their state after you. Hope all goes well for you and Kitshka and your human!

  9. Texas & Kitshka,

    Of COURSE we will still visit you. GOOD LUCK on your move! How exciting! My MomKatt might just be picking your human’s brain about how she moved you guys ’cause we might be … *gulp* … no, WILL be, moving all the way across the country here in about another year!

    Excited purrs
    Selina recently posted…Rachel & Ray Charles UpdateMy Profile

  10. Hey Texas, we lived in Fort Worth for a year. My momma didn’t like it…she said that the big bugs were gross but I liked to hunt them. She says that Austin was always somewhere she wanted to visit because it sounded fun. I like to take naps and sniff the air on my momma’s cross-country moves so hopefully you will get to take good naps and sniff the many smells of middle America. We all say “have fun in Austin – home of the weird! Good luck!”

  11. We hope that the move is a GOOD thing and that you are looking forward to it! Wow what a far move, from NY to Austin!
    I hear that Austin is a “happenin'” place though, great restaurants, fantastic artistic influence, fun, great food, music, I bet you will LOVE IT THERE!
    Safe travels and no matter where you are we will follow you anywhere!
    Caren Gittleman recently posted…A Cat and his iPad-Semi-Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  12. Hi Texas,
    So you’ll be moving down here! What a surprise: “Texas” moving to Texas. So you’ll become an Austinite. Will you root for the Longhorns? You need to. ;) I can assure you, you’ll like it down here. And it’s not only me who can assure you: it’s all our canine and feline crew, too. They’re looking forward to you being closer to them. Austin’s a fabulous city, btw. You’l like it, I’m sure. I hope moving will be easy on you. Will keep my fingers crossed.
    Take care, and have a good one,
    Pit recently posted…When …My Profile

  13. What a culture change but purr-haps some great adventures lie ahead. Hey, Texas, your furr-iends will definitely be following you along in anticipation of what lies ahead. Maybe you could hold a contest for the title of your new blog. . .bet some cool ideas might come rolling in!
    Sharla recently posted…WaterfallsMy Profile

  14. Welcome to Texas, TEXAS!
    Miss Kitty and I do not live in Austin. We live in Brownsville (on the border by the sea) which is in Deep South Texas.
    Don’t worry about your friends…….we will follow you anywhere!

  15. guys…de verree best oh fishes two all, we hope de mewve is safe N un event full ,,,make sure ya got plenttee oh toona in de car….N ya soon iz callin austin…..home…

    texas; we think ya should change yur drivin licents ta:

    texas; de cat in new york from paris who moved ta austin sew call me dallas buddy !!

  16. Apwaz Apawz fer yer movin to Austin, Texas, Kitshka n Texas…so yer gonna be travellin kittehz….fink of all da advenshurz yer gonna have!!!
    We will follow yer blog no matter where ya are!!!
    So ya need a new bloggie name….hhmmm..
    “Texas a Purreshian Kitteh finally in Texas” ;)
    Lub frum Nylablue n her Mum too xo
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…WW: Cupboard surfing by NylablueMy Profile

    • Please don’t brand all Texans with what the Republican legislature has done. Some of us are working to get them out of office and some more progressive people in office. I will admit there are times I am ashamed to admit I hail from Texas but my family has been here since the Revolution so I am vested in bringing the state into the 21st century. wish us luck.

      • Hi Lynn,
        Thanks for your words. I can only agree with you. Even as a fairly recent newcomer to Texas I know that what Cathy Keisha said about Texans is not true – at least not as such a generalizing statement.
        Best regards from southern Texas,
        Pit recently posted…When …My Profile

    • Dear Cathy Keisha,
      With all due respect to your pop, I cannot agree with his view of Texans. To use the generalizing “they are” to characterize a population of more than 26 million is of necessity false. The people down here are as diverse as in other states. And I must admit I really resent being labelled as a “hater” and I don’t think I’m backwards either. I admit, I have only recently come to Texas, and I’m still a German citizen as a permanent resident in the US, but I really feel at home here in Texas, where I have found a most friendly welcome and a new home. Which, of course, does not mean that I agree with averything that happens down here. But, let me assure you, that is true for many of my friends down here, too – and they’re true Texans.
      Best regards from southern Texas,
      Pit recently posted…When …My Profile

  17. You are moving into my neck of the woods. I live in southeast Texas, The weather is going to be quite different from New York, especially in the winter. Austin is considered weird by the rest of the state. Their motto is “Keep Austin Weird”. I hope you will enjoy living there.

  18. Howdy! This is BIG news Texas, or is it BIG TEX? You’ll think it’s hot, so stay inside and drink plenty of water. Very safe travels and don’t be nervous, I am sure your humans have your best interest in mind.
    Two of the best states on the planet, Texas and New York, you’ll be fine. Let us know when you are settled.
    Melinda, Grace and Twilight, xxoo
    Melinda recently posted…I am BeautifulMy Profile

  19. Texas I can’t believe you are moving to Texas! We lived in Texas for four years. El Paso, Texas. I would go back there in a heartbeat but CH wasn’t loving it as much as I did. It was HOT there but no humidity and that made me happy. And winter months were very nice. And the food! Wonderful!! I think you will love it in Austin. Hope the move goes off without a hitch and wishing you lots of luck! I think changing the name of your blog could be lots of fun.. :)

  20. Texas..you are following your namesake to TEXAS!! It has to be fate sweetie! :)

    You are all embarking on a new and exciting adventure! Safe travels and we will see all of you when you are settled in your new home in Texas :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…Hot! Hot! Hot!My Profile

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