A Comeback On My Second Blog Anniversary

Thank Ceiling Cat for WordPress notifications: otherwise my human would have completely forgotten that today is my second Blog Anniversary. Yep, it’s been two years since I first blogged.

Kitshka, as always, is ready to celebrate. Even though my human missed her Gotcha Day (which is unusual for my human… service isn’t what it used to be).

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Texas; Kitshka; cats;

Kitshka: Let’s Pawty!

I have met many furriends during those two years and I am so glad for that. We are still late visiting all these very furriends though :-/ We’re coming!

Yesterday, we saw 5 of these in our front yard:

Texas a Cat in... Austin; deers; Deer TV; Bird TV;

We were very interested, but my stupid human would not let us out!

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Texas; deers; Deer TV; Bird TV;

Let me out! Let me out or I’ll meow all night!

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Milou; Kitshka; deers; Deer TV; Bird TV;

Kitshka: Are these deers?
Milou: I think so.

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Kitshka; deers; Deer TV; Bird TV;

Hello little Gecko family!

The other day, the humans received friends of theirs. An entire family! Three of them! But that was okay because they were very nice and they love cats and petted us. Also they said they were visiting the château de Texas (Texas’ Castle). Those can’t be bad humans.

They went to Austin with our humans and my human brought me this picture of this car.

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Texas; Austin; car; tuna;

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Texas; Austin; car; tuna;

Is that my car?! Is that my second blog anniversary present? I asked. Dream on, she answered. How rude.

Here’s what I think about this, human:

Texas a Cat in... Austin; Texas; cats

I hope you are all doing fine. I know some furriends have gone to the Bridge :,-(
I’ll be visiting each of you very soon.

68 thoughts on “A Comeback On My Second Blog Anniversary

  1. Welcome back, Texas, Kitschka & Milou,
    It’s so great to hear from you again. We had been missing you! And congratulations for your bloggiversary. Hope to hear/read from you again soon. And remember: Como Tejas, no hay otro!
    Pit & the feline and canine crew
    Pit recently posted…Last Thursday, …My Profile

  2. Texas! How wonderful to hear from you and see some more photos of your new castle in Texas!! Geckos and deer hanging out around your new house – how fun that must be to watch them. HAPPY LATE BLOGAVERSARY to you and HAPPY LATE GOTCHA DAY to Kitshka……moving and all that goes with it can really make humans quite confused and forgetful but I’m glad YOU remembered anyway! Thanks for giving us all an update – we’ve missed you but it looks like you are all settling in quite nicely!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  3. I sure have missed you and Kitishka…were you busy settling into your new home?! Word press has been iffy sending me notification about blogs so don’t know if I missed any.
    Those deer sure look interesting!

  4. **woohoo** Welcome back *officially*
    A very happy 2nd blogoversary. We are glad you got your reminder notice that is too big of a thing to miss out celebrating. We love all the new wildlife you have near your Texas Castle! You are going to have lots of great things to share with us. We hope you have many many more blogoversaries!!
    Angel Abby recently posted…Thankful Thursday In The GardenMy Profile

  5. There was a time 40 years ago when we saw deer everyday too. But today the city has grown out to us and they are building a subdisvison of 40 houses right next door!!!!! Times change!!!
    Come see us too OK?

  6. Je souhaite un joyeux anniversaire à ton blog Texas.
    C’est super que vous soyez de retour tous les trois.
    La vue semble absolument géniale des fenêtres de votre nouveau maison.
    C’est des daims qui viennent à côté de ta maison ?Moi ici je vois des chevreuils tous les jours. Ils viennent juste devant ma maison. Au début je voulais les suivre. Maintenant je me suis calmée. Moi je vais dehors, je les regarde, les suis un peu, sauf ceux qui ont des trucs sur la tête, ils me font un peu peur. Mais je crois que c’est plus petit que des daims.
    Toutes les photos sont belles, mais mon humaine elle aime beaucoup la première. Kitschka elle est trop mignonne quand elle dort.
    Des gros ronrons, de la part de Loustiquette aussi.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Bon on y va !My Profile

  7. guys….make sure ya stay a way frum thoze deer…they can bee trooly vizshuz…trooly….N texas….eye am sew with ya on de car dood….it even haz my name on de plate…TUNA !!!!!! :):):):):):):):) hope everee one iz settlin in aye oh kay !!! keep kewl !~~

    tuna of moon

  8. pea ess……we forgetted ta say happee annie fursarree in R eggs citemint bout de tuna car

    happee annie fursarree !!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Happy 2nd Anniversary! We have really been missing you guys. And you got to see deer. Our humans see them frequently when on the tandem, including yesterday, but we’ve only seen photos. Your new home looks amazing. We think a TUNA license plate is so cool. Love that final photo. Austin. Got to keep the humans in line. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…THANKFUL THURSDAY ON FRIDAYMy Profile

  10. Texas, you’re too cute!

    Sorry Jay and Satchie haven’t been able to come say hello in such a long time. It is all my fault, I admit. Yes, I am a terrible human. You can stick your cute tongue at me too. Problem is… I’ll just squee and say that you’re too cute again, so I don’t think you’d be too happy with that.

  11. Yow Texas n Kitshka n Milou…dose deer are bery bery cute!!! We do not see dem here in town but Mum sayz dere are lotz in da countree…
    Concatulashunz on yer Bloggie anniversary!!!!!!!!
    Service here stinkz too!! It bin a year August 7th dat we joined WordPress n Mum just fergot….she checked last nite n now she iz too embarrassed to say anyfing in our bloggie….at leest yer Hu’Manz have a guud reeson…dey had to move across da countree…..all me Mum had to do waz get bettur frum da bladder n kidney infeckshunz…
    We needz new staff, MOL!!
    Take care ya 3 swwetiez n drop by da Purrfect Pad sumtime when ya can…we wuud lub to see ya!
    Nylablue n Sherriellen xo

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