Milou: Up, Close, And Personal

Do you remember this Wordless Wednesday post?

Some of you commented that Milou seemed not to like the head massages he was having. I wanted to reassure you all: this is how Milou shows his appreciation! Still not convinced?

Here are the rest of the pictures taken that night. Milou was in my human’s face on my human’s stomach on the humans’ bed (the nerve!), begging playing nice to get head massages. My human used her iPhone to take the pictures.

41 thoughts on “Milou: Up, Close, And Personal

  1. Yep – that’s up close and purrrrsonal alright! HAHAHAHA Milou obviously DOES like the old head massage routine (same here) and that’s proof positive alright!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. I am interested in the differences you find between Paris, New York and Austin.
    I grew up in the country and had experience in a small city. It was quite different when I moved to Houston. I prefer the small city where I am living now. I can’t imagine the similarities and differences between these 3 cities.

  3. Je te comprends Milou. C’est absolument génial un massage de la tête. Moi j’adore ça. Surtout si c’est accompagné de gratouilles et fait avec la main et la brosse.
    Moi il parait que ça me donne l’air d’avoir une toute petite tête … avec des grandes oreilles. Un peu gremlins elle dit Nat à Chat.
    Des ronrons.
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Hisia dodo – Episode 6My Profile

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