Kitshka the Brave

[Furriends: my human is a little bit busy these days, so we might be slow to visit and comment, I am sorry about that. I will do my best though! But I cannot guarantee the human’s best! Thank you!]

Kitshka had to go to the vet last week, because she had her vaccination deadline coming and the vet didn’t want to do it at the same time as the rabbies booster when we went all together. It’s a little sadistic to make a kitty go to the vet twice in a month, if you ask me, but of course the humans didn’t object. Can you tell Little K wasn’t pleased?

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka was as brave as a Ladycat can be though. She explored the place and waited patiently until the vet came. 30 minutes later. My human generally doesn’t like to take pictures at the vet but the humans had plenty of time to kill!

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

I gotta teach her to growl, really.

If you are wondering what’s in the closed jar, it is a heart with heartworm. I know! I don’t know why some humans would keep this either!

45 thoughts on “Kitshka the Brave

  1. Kitshka looks like she was QUITE brave and fierce at the vets while she waited for the sticky shot but I do think the growl would be a nice addition Texas so get to work on training her to do that will you? It will give her an “edge” when she deals with Mr. Vet Guy!!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. I think teaching Kitishka to growl is an excellent idea. I hope she got extra kitty treats for being so brave at the vets.

  3. What a brave girl indeed waiting is the worst!!! at least when it’s done it’s done….the girls explore Dr Rayyas office but the doggies just want to leave…pronto…I think they are offended by the weight charts hahaha hugs Fozziemum x
    Bev Green recently posted…TINY TUESDAYZMy Profile

  4. Kitshka you are a bery brave Ladycat. u r very patient too. We scream the hole time we are waiting for the Vet. We wants all the furbabys and hoomans to know we iz mad. Kitshka, u have a hole year to learn how to growl at the Vet. Grrrrrrrrrr Love Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)

  5. 30 minutes waiting?! And sitting next to that heart?! ugh!
    What a brave, good girl!
    She deserves some extra treats…….just sayin’

  6. my stars girl, to be subjected to going to the vet once, is horrendous, to be subjected going twice and within as many days is unforgivable for all time into eternity and beyond, and deer cod…a heart filled with worms, in a jar…. THAT close to your FABulousness…..I’m so thinking it’s time to proceed with legal matters; a civil suit against the office and your food service purrsonell….indeed….hugs kitshka from dai$y =^..*=

  7. Big Brave Girl deserves a TREAT!!! I would stop on the way home from the vet with my kitty every once in a while for an ice cream treat growing up. The dogs would get a hamburger patty every once in a while too. I know SPOILED much! Have a Purrfect Day:)
    Renee recently posted…My Journey of Self – To LivingMy Profile

  8. Kitshka,
    You were indeed very brave. It’s just not right that you had to go see the doctor person twice! We both had to go see our doctor man and Shakespeare really made a fuss. At least we were both healthy and we sure hope you good a good grade on your health report card, too! Hang in there and give your human the sad kitty eyes so you can get more treats.
    Purrs and soft paw pats to you……
    Hemingway & Shakespeare

  9. Kitshka tu es vraiment super courageuse, je suis impressionnée.
    Moi je me souviens être allée beaucoup de fois chez les dames en vert en février et mars, et j’espère ne jamais y retourner. Nat à Chat elle m’a dit que en Novembre je vais y aller pour mes vaccins et je ne veux pas !
    T’emmener là bas deux fois dans le même mois … j’espère que tu as eu des choses bonnes à manger en revenant chez toi. Tu méritais plein de récompenses !
    Des ronrons.
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Les Chats du Maquis …. tagueurs !My Profile

  10. Thirty minutes seems like a long time to wait for the vet , Kitshka! We hope you gave the vet the bitey!! :p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. Tu me fais penser que bientôt ce sera mon tour. Bon ok je n’aime pas trop ça mais je m’y fait. Seulement il y a de drôles d’odeurs que je n’aime pas.
    Toi tu sembles non stressé et cool, exactement comme celles qui m’ont précédées. Elles s’y promenaient calmement en laisse (et l’une d’elle y venait même en promenade en partie à pattes) :D
    EOS recently posted…Modeling (1)My Profile

  12. Kitshka, you certainly are a well-behaved and patient girl at the V-E-T. We would never tolerate a 30 minute wait. We’d be bouncing off the walls as well as having a very loud conversation with our human. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…THANKFUL THURSDAY WITH MAURICIOMy Profile

  13. Holy Cod! Kitshka you look beyond lovely!! We thought you’d stopped blogging – your feed didn’t come over to us. I am barely speaking to Mom now that I realized I’ve missed your postings!


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