Award Time! (Finally!!)

First, some blog admin related comments: Some of your comments have been going to the spam filter (very few) or the waiting for approval filter recently, even though you had already commented here before. Please rest assured that I check both filters, so do not fear if your comment isn’t appearing instantly. Hopefully, the problem will be fixed soon.

Now regarding yesterday’s post, some of you asked what was the giant bug and some of you guessed right: it was a huge grasshopper!

[You can click on the pic to biggify if it’s not large enough for you ;-)]


It was on the outside side of the window but Kitshka is generally not afraid of the bugs, she tries to play with them but gets bored quite rapidly! A little bit like me with my snail!

In other news, it’s been decades since I have posted about awards I received and shared. My human being a bit lazy about that, I forced her to bookmark the posts of the bloggers who gave me an award to post about it later. Today is later, in part.

So without any particular order, I will do an award post now and then to thank the furriends who awarded me and to share the awards!

Here we go!

On May 7 (aren’t you ashamed, human?), MoggiePurrs gave me the Versatile Blogger Award. I already have it but I like this new design. Thank you so furry much to MoggiePurrs!

On November 8, 2012 (seriously, human, aren’t you very ashamed?!), my good furriend Sammy shared one of Nerissa’s awards, the Bring On The Nip Award! Thank you so much, Sammy! You know I love nip, don’t you?


What is required to accept this award?

1. Thank the blogger who gave you this award and link back to their blog.

2. Tell everyone something you wanna celebrate.
I would have to say that my human finally decided to tackle those late award acceptances…

3. Share the award with one to twelve blogs.
Here are the bloggers I share this award with (since many in the cat blogospere got it, since my human is extremely late, I will try and share it with bloggers I think might not have it):

MoggiePurrs: It’s all about cats. What else can a kitty ask for (except nip)?
EOS, my new French furriend.
– Pierre, Ashton and Newton at Sometimes, Cats Herd You
– My French furriends the beautiful Hisia and Loustiquette, at Bleue comme Aby.
– My furriends from Critters in the Cottage.

If you already have it, I apologize. Just think of it as more nip coming your way ;-) If you don’t accept awards, that’s okay, I just want to show my thanks and appreciation by sharing your bloggie on mine.

Have a super end of the week everyone!

42 thoughts on “Award Time! (Finally!!)

    • That’s a HUGE grasshopper!

      Thank you so much for the award! We aspire to be able to get the head peep to help us acknowledge this sometime before the turn of the century. (You aren’t the only one who has problems managing your humans that way.)

      We have had several established bloggers get caught in the new commenter and spam filters recently. The spam filter can be triggered by odd things (like too many links in a comment) and then will spam file the user on all WordPress sites. But established commenters held for approval is puzzling for us, too.
      Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…The Duck ChannelMy Profile

  1. Wow! He is HUGE! I thought my mum was slow in helping me with awards! Your mum is even worse than mine.
    I know that my comments are going into spam or even disappearing altogether on some WordPress blogs which used to accept my comments. I don’t know why it suddenly started happening a couple of weeks ago. I see they are appearing here all right though.
    Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day – In The Snow.My Profile

  2. Texas we all knew you were in the middle of a colossal (that means huge) move from New York to Texas so no big whoop about accepting awards BUT concatulations no matter what. I knew you liked nip so what better than an award with nip mouses all over it??? And your other new award – PURRFECT! Now, stay on the alert for more of those gigantic monster grasshoppers – I hope they aren’t trying to invade your territory!!!! They do look kinda yummy though.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  3. Chalut Texas
    Merchi de l’award. Je vais attendre que mon humaine rentre du bureau pour me traduire ce que tu as ecrit, elle fera son possible en tout cas.
    Je suis enchantée que tu aies pensé à moi, ta nouvelle amie Française
    Je crois un peu comprendre que je dois nommer des ami(e) , mais je n’en ai pas encore ici. En tout cas je vais faire mon possible aidée de mon humaine, promis.

  4. Thank you for the award guys and for thinking of us! We really appreciate it :) Tell your Mama not to feel too bad about not getting awards up…our Mama has received awards that she has never even acknowledged and since she doesn’t know how to bookmark things like your Mama does…she can’t even find them any more! Not only that…but the awards she did manage to put under our awards tag on the bloggie , don’t even have who gave them to us listed under them since LP never found the time to do that and now she has altogether forgotten who gave them to us in the first place!! LP is WAY more lame than your Mama!! :p In fact, she is a bit of a dummy. Which is why we forgive her in the end. That, and the fact that she provides food for us…

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…Thank You and Malou .My Profile

  5. kitshka…imagine…if he were 24 karat :) !!!!~~~~~~~ hugs girl from dai$y


    de blessings oh St Francis two everee one N heerz ta a grate week oh end :)

  6. Hi Texas,
    Those grasshoppers can really be big [], can’t they? And other critters [], too. Btw, this summer we had a real invasion of grasshoppers, and unfortunately they ate so many leaves off some bushes that we are afraid these may not survive. Oh, our kitties LOVE to chase the grasshoppers.
    Best regards,
    Pit & the 4-legged crew.
    Pit recently posted…Even an Oil-Well …My Profile

    • Oh no! Those grasshoppers must have been very hungry!
      Kitshka likes to play a little bit with bugs, as does Milou but they get bored easily!

  7. You know what they say: everything is bigger in Texas. I lived there in the mid-80s and thought I saw a “green bird” on my back fence until my neighbor told me: “That’s not a bird, that’s a locust!!” Yikes! Hope you settle in soon.

    Thanks so much for the Nip Award. We always appreciate awards!
    Beverly recently posted…A Cat Interview with Bruce R. Coston, DVMMy Profile

  8. Concatulations on all of your awards!!!

    I guess the saying is true that “everything is bigger in Texas.” Even the buggies are bigger. Love Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)

  9. Merci beaucoup pour l’Award Texas. Loustiquette et moi on va surveiller Nat à Chat pour qu’elle mette moins de temps que ton humaine à s’en occuper…
    La sauterelle elle est énorme. Vraiment énorme… je n’aime pas a du tout. Ici elles sont grosses, pas pas autant !
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Hisia champêtre …. encoreMy Profile

  10. Pingback: Award Time: The Dragon’s Loyalty Award | Texas, a cat in... Austin

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