Mondays Are For Memories: My Monchhichi

For those of you whose humans are not too young, your humans might have had a Monchhichi (in French, we pronounced it Monkeykey) monkey doll when they were kids.

My human had one and since she wasn’t playing with it anymore because, she said, she was already an adult when I adopted her, she gave it to me. It seems strange to me that she would stop playing with it because it’s a fun toy and I loved it.

Monchhichi and Texas | Texas, a cat in Austin

Monchhichi and Texas | Texas, a cat in Austin

Monchhichi and Texas | Texas, a cat in Austin

Monchhichi and Texas | Texas, a cat in Austin

Monchhichi and Texas | Texas, a cat in Austin

Did you or your human have a Monchhichi?

35 thoughts on “Mondays Are For Memories: My Monchhichi

  1. dood….her dinna haza monkey doll but her did haz one de original barbie’s a few yeerz after her was made….makin de food serviss purrson 89,125 yeerz old !!!! we like ta listen ta her tell storeez bout how de wheel wuz invented two :)

  2. Texas, what a little cutie you were when you were young. Wish we could have seen your face in one of those photos. Mommy said she never had, heard of or had ever seen one of these little Monkey dolls/toy. She, however, is older than dirt so these probably didn’t exist when she was young. it does appear, Texas, that you are enjoying it. It was super nice of your mom to give it to you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.
    Kitties Blue recently posted…MAN-CAT MONDAY WITH A MISERABLE AND MIFFED MAURICIOMy Profile

  3. No, we think our Mama is very, very old compared to yours! Those dolls were probably around when she was already old. And then she got older. And then she got even older than that!
    It is very cute though :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…Weaving a Rueful Web.My Profile

  4. I had not thought of those in years. My daughter had a couple of them when she was a child. They were so cute. Glad that you enjoy yours.

  5. Me n Mum haz never seen a monkey doll befur so me Mum did not have one…yerz iz cute texas n she? he? haz a PINK top!!!!! Look Mum even Texaz a manley KAT haz a monkey wif a PINK shirt…how hard cuud it be to find me a PINK pony??? Oh sowwy Texas me went on a tangint…see me new iz bout a blue Ellyfant…MOL!!!!
    Lub yer monkey.
    Nylablue xo
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…PONY is NOT spelled ELLYFANT Mum!!!!!!My Profile

  6. Oh I remember mine, and still have on somewhere. They used to freak my mom out because the fur on one kept coming off the head and she’d wake me up from a nap to find me cuddling with a bald monkey. I wonder if my cats would like it…
    writercat81 recently posted…a princess turns 10My Profile

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