For those of you whose humans are not too young, your humans might have had a Monchhichi (in French, we pronounced it Monkeykey) monkey doll when they were kids.
My human had one and since she wasn’t playing with it anymore because, she said, she was already an adult when I adopted her, she gave it to me. It seems strange to me that she would stop playing with it because it’s a fun toy and I loved it.
Did you or your human have a Monchhichi?
OMD you don’t want that, send it to me..Humom had one years ago and lost it. BOL xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…MEGA HOWL-O-WEEN BALL!
No, we don’t have a doll like that. Looks like you were having lots of fun with it, Texas!
Dianna recently posted…“Mayberry”
Yes! I had a monchichi! both the boy and the girl. I loved them! I don’t know where they are, so Crepes can’t have them. – Alana.
Alana recently posted…Confession Friday: I Wish I Was #Magicats
Dad says he did have the monkey with the cymbals that clapped when you wound it up. I am happy with my Kliban Kitty.
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…Passing the Will-Ya
This is a first for us but our cats have a collection of teddy bears.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom recently posted…Mondays With Merlin: Purrs of Thanks & A Fishy Blast from the Past
dood….her dinna haza monkey doll but her did haz one de original barbie’s a few yeerz after her was made….makin de food serviss purrson 89,125 yeerz old !!!! we like ta listen ta her tell storeez bout how de wheel wuz invented two :)
Yep – had a monchichi and wish I still had her!
aimee recently posted…In remembrance of our Bama
Texas, what a little cutie you were when you were young. Wish we could have seen your face in one of those photos. Mommy said she never had, heard of or had ever seen one of these little Monkey dolls/toy. She, however, is older than dirt so these probably didn’t exist when she was young. it does appear, Texas, that you are enjoying it. It was super nice of your mom to give it to you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.
Mum has a vague, I seem to remember those from visiting Paris…. sort of look. It certainly look different from any cat toys I came across!!
Harvey Button recently posted…WOW Awards on Middle Earth Monday and a Giveaway
We kitties don’t have any special toys. But we enjoyed seeing yours!!!
Angel Abby recently posted…Mancat Monday With Ping
No, we never had a Monkeykey like that. When I was a little guy, the mom gave me a leopard beanie baby. i loved that thing! I carried it all around with me. I don’t play with much anymore, but I do still have it.
The Island Cats recently posted…Mancats – Crazy Squirrel
héhé, c’est un bon jouet pour chat!
ronrons d’ Opale et SOnye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…La voie est libre
No, we think our Mama is very, very old compared to yours! Those dolls were probably around when she was already old. And then she got older. And then she got even older than that!
It is very cute though :)
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Weaving a Rueful Web.
Oh Texas we don’t haz a mnkey toy like that…wez got silly xmas type toyz that bore us so we just digz up mum garden instead MOL MOL kitty hugs Pickles xx
Bev Green recently posted…WORDLESS WEE-DNESDAY
I had not thought of those in years. My daughter had a couple of them when she was a child. They were so cute. Glad that you enjoy yours.
OMC, the head peep remembers monchichi. She never had one, but remembers the commercials on television. It looks like you are giving that one a real workout!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Mancat Monday
Me n Mum haz never seen a monkey doll befur so me Mum did not have one…yerz iz cute texas n she? he? haz a PINK top!!!!! Look Mum even Texaz a manley KAT haz a monkey wif a PINK shirt…how hard cuud it be to find me a PINK pony??? Oh sowwy Texas me went on a tangint…see me new iz bout a blue Ellyfant…MOL!!!!
Lub yer monkey.
Nylablue xo
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…PONY is NOT spelled ELLYFANT Mum!!!!!!
I have not seen or heard of that kind of doll before!!! Sure looks like you are having fun with it :-)
Cat’s Cats recently posted…Mellow Mancat Monday
My human never had a doll like that – but then she didn’t like dolls that looked like babies (human, monkey or whatever). She only wanted grown-up dolls… probably because she couldn’t wait to be a grown up!
Sparkle recently posted…Intoxicating Kitty Story on Catster!
Oh I remember mine, and still have on somewhere. They used to freak my mom out because the fur on one kept coming off the head and she’d wake me up from a nap to find me cuddling with a bald monkey. I wonder if my cats would like it…
writercat81 recently posted…a princess turns 10
Oh, nous n’en avons pas ! Il a l’air super votre Monchhichi.
Graous graous.
Liousha et Tiki recently posted…Cantique des plaines
OMC Texas! I think they still make these. When my oldest daughter was very young, her aunt gave her a Monchichi for her birthday. It’s a white one, and I had never seen one before then. I’ll have to find it sometime and take a picture for you.
Ann Staub recently posted…New Tasty KONG Treats Product Review and Giveaway
My Master says he is «too old» to have had one!
Frimousse recently posted…Charly est revenu
Ohhhhhh. Mommy remembers the Monchhichi! Well, she didn’t know that was what it was called but her uncle had one and she would play with it every time she was there.
Whisppy recently posted…Mancat Monday and An Award
On aimerait bien avoir un monchichi !
belle journée Texas!
I don’t have a Monchhichi, I would be scared of it, but Granny had an elephant that looked like it in a way. Pawkiss :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Freedom
My mom-person is old enough to have had a Monchichi :)
She say´s that it´s packed down in a box somewhere.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal recently posted…Resultat på kommentars-Maraton och Foto-tävling
Gosh that is a blast from the past. No we never had one of those but like the fact it is getting a new lease of life. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Treats On Tuesday!
I had a Monchhichi too when I was a child. Never came across them since though.
Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Santa Eulària {Ibiza}
Hi Texas! My Mom didn’t have one but I wish she had because it’s WAY CUTE and no wonder you like playing with it!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Tuesday Teaser
My mom had one as she was a teen-puppy. It was her beloved talisman. Sadly some one ate the nose of that thingy, cruelty huh?
easy rider recently posted…easyblog MOUSE MONDAY
Jan says she never heard of one. But it looks like fun to us kitties.
jansfunnyfarm recently posted…Four Star Noms
My mum has never heard of them, but you were having such a good time with it.
Flynn recently posted…Tummy, Tail, Toesies and Tongue Tuesday.
No I never ha a doll–not any doll as a child or a grown up!!! NEVER!!!
cute ,xx Rachel
speedyrabbit recently posted…Speedy’s birthday morning!