Oh que vous êtes mignons tout les deux. Absolument chatdorables !
Moi ça m’est jamais arrivé avec Loustiquette. On se chatmaille de trop pour ça !
Hisia Nat à Chat recently posted…Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué
Awww, too cute. Love kitties paws. Sorry I’ve not been around. My new shop is keeping me busy 7 days a week and I’m battling to get used to the new schedule and find time to blog. Missing you all terribly Long Life Cats and Dogs recently posted…Irresponsible Mothers and Child Pregnancies
You are such sweet kitteh’s. It iz really cute that you are holding paws and really nice that you let your Mom take a pickshure of it. You are very good when your Mom takes your pickshures. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater, and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
You two…that is so adorable and sweet. The only time that would happen at our house is if one of us is trying to keep from being whapped by the paw we’re holding down! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo Kitties Blue recently posted…MAN-CAT MONDAY WITH MAURICIO
Awwwwww beztezt buddie’z forever’z :) xxooxxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…CHAZING OUR TAIL’Z!
Just darn cute. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Awww Texas that’s sweet……Kitshka’s holding your paw???? Or is she TRAPPING you in one spot so she can torture you somehow???!!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Teaser Tell All
MOL Sammy! No, she was asking for her twice-at-least daily cuddle =^.^=
Awwwwww sweet picture!
Selina recently posted…Happy Halloween!
Purreshuss sweet pawz n toesiez…
*kissez dem n runz away*
Lub Nylablue xxxx
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…What da Kat kinda weekend waz diz??
Hope you two get what you wish for!
Animalcouriers recently posted…First hellos for Ike and JJ, reunion for Desy, and Coco is finally on her way
May all of your wishes come true.
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Goodbye dear friend…
Such a sweet picture. xoxo
Whisppy recently posted…Tutu Tuesday
What are your wishing for – enquiring minds want to know.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hannah and Lucy recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
More Greenies ;-)
Awww! Sweet!
Austin Towers recently posted…♫♪ All creatures ……….
That is so sweet!
emma recently posted…Bunny Luv | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday
Such a sweet photo!
Cowboys and Crossbones recently posted…How to Be a Red Carpet Anybody
How cute!
MyThreemoggies recently posted…Pipin enjoys Harringtons
Those two are TOO CUTE!!!
The Creative Cat recently posted…Commissioned Portrait: Star and Pepe, and Their House
Adorable! Me-Ommmmm
Swami Zoe recently posted…Vinyasa or Yin Yoga?
Trop trop belle cette photo, j’adore !!!
Plein de gros câlins
Mamounette recently posted…J’suis trop trop bien…
Now you need to make a wish and let us know if it comes true :)
the critters in the cottage xo
P.S. Those were rain drops your Mama saw on the flower petals…now tell her to stop drinking!! Teehee :)
LP recently posted…Wordless Wednesday :The last Dahlias from our Garden with Malou.
We hope for more Greenies tonight ;-)
Well, she had not even drank! So imagine after a glass of wine!
This is your elected Purrime Ministerettes of Planet Purrth serving all anipals except snakies.
You has paws crossed. Can us help?
Shiva and Jaya recently posted…So…
Oh thanks! We are wishing for more Greenies tonight!
how sweet!!! This should be tagged #peace. Love it – Crepes.
Crepes recently posted…Crepes Interviews Lil’ BUB In-Depth
Awww… it’s so sweet ! Purrs
Loupi and Zorro recently posted…Passez le mot !
Aaawww… so adorable!!
Janina recently posted…Indian Summer / Eté Indien
Such a cute photo of you two – we don’t even have to see your faces!
Sparkle recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: My Human Brought Home a Cat From the Cat Writers Conference
You guys are so cute!
Ann Staub recently posted…Unique Holiday Gifts from Mollie & Alfie’s Gift Shop
Oh que vous êtes mignons tout les deux. Absolument chatdorables !
Moi ça m’est jamais arrivé avec Loustiquette. On se chatmaille de trop pour ça !
Nat à Chat recently posted…Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué
That is so so so neat!!! I have not had a cat cross their little feet!!
What are you wishing for!?
Erica recently posted…Jill’s First Wordless Wednesday!
More Greenies treats tonight!
A-dorable! Kitty feets are so dang cute.
Which one are you? You look so well behaved.
White paw: Kitshka
White and crème (yes, I’m a ginger but I’m not completely orange) paw: me, Texas.
We can be well-behaved if we want to ;-)
It’s like paws get cuter the closer you get. Great shot!
Nima recently posted…Nima so sleepy
Awww..too cute :) Pawkiss :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Gifts
What a sweet photo! Happy WW!
Jackie Bouchard recently posted…Give Cancer the Paw: 8 Ways We Try to Prevent Cancer
Oh so sweet!
BeadedTail recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Strange Red Headed Striped Bird!
That is very sweet.
Flynn recently posted…Ginger Jasper RIP
A good idea. Should we cross ours too?
jansfunnyfarm recently posted…Farewell Rocky & Jasper
If you wish! We’re trying to get more Greenies!
So sweet!
The Island Cats recently posted…What’s That Wally Doing?
Oh! You and Kitshka are holding paws? Soooo adorable!
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Da Purrs, Boss, Da Purrs
Fab photo!!
Very sweet…and hopefully wishes granted! hugs Fozziemum xx
Bev Green recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY
Awww, too cute. Love kitties paws. Sorry I’ve not been around. My new shop is keeping me busy 7 days a week and I’m battling to get used to the new schedule and find time to blog. Missing you all terribly
Long Life Cats and Dogs recently posted…Irresponsible Mothers and Child Pregnancies
How adorable. My mom LOVES paws. Can’t leave MINE alone.
Aww, love it! Keep them crossed.
Coccolino recently posted…Pop that mini pig
You are such sweet kitteh’s. It iz really cute that you are holding paws and really nice that you let your Mom take a pickshure of it. You are very good when your Mom takes your pickshures. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater, and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Adorable!! What else can we say? Hugs and nose kisses
Mags Corner recently posted…Now That’s A Mouthful
That is a wonderful photo!
Brian recently posted…Thankful Thursday: Healthy Doesn’t Always Have to Taste Bad
That looks very sweet!
Clowie recently posted…The chair scare
Super cute!
Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Philadelphia {USA}
Aww! So cute!
Cattle Aussies~Bella, Terra, & Kronos recently posted…Friends Old and New-Tried and True
We liked this so much that we pinned it!
KatzTales recently posted…Target Refuses To Blog For Peace
OMC. That is so sweet. :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…Three (Friends) on Thankful Thursday
Nicely not said
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…Man-Cat Monday Training Day
How very well behaved and polite!
Oui Oui recently posted…Back and Back to Normal!
What are those paws crossed for!? Hope you are all doing alright
Savannah recently posted…Thursday Purrsday…Such Excitement!
You two…that is so adorable and sweet. The only time that would happen at our house is if one of us is trying to keep from being whapped by the paw we’re holding down! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…MAN-CAT MONDAY WITH MAURICIO
so sweet!
Lisa recently posted…Photo Post: Multnomah Falls – Oregon