62 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Paws crossed

    • White paw: Kitshka
      White and crème (yes, I’m a ginger but I’m not completely orange) paw: me, Texas.

      We can be well-behaved if we want to ;-)

  1. You are such sweet kitteh’s. It iz really cute that you are holding paws and really nice that you let your Mom take a pickshure of it. You are very good when your Mom takes your pickshures. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater, and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  2. You two…that is so adorable and sweet. The only time that would happen at our house is if one of us is trying to keep from being whapped by the paw we’re holding down! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
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