47 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Do Not Disturb

  1. Cute picture! We never noticed the end of Texas’ tail is white. He is a very handsome boy. We hope Milou is feeling better. It is no fun to have to go to the Vet! We hope he got some extra ear skritches for having to put up with going to the Vet. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

    • Thanks for your kind comments!
      Unfortunately, Milou is back at the vet today. The problem is more complicated than usual and we’re going to have to see a specialist. It seems like he hardly can get his, er sorry for the details, poop out anymore :-( Poor Milou.
      Thank you for your concern.

  2. milou, iz ewe at de kitshenz table !! hope everee one at yur houz haza happee non burd pie filled thanx bee givin :)

  3. Vous etes rigolos tous les deux comme ça. Vous n’avez pas peur que quelqu’un vienne vous tirer la queue … pour jouer !
    C’est bon au moins ce que vous mangez ?
    On a lu les commentaires et on espère que Milou il va aller mieux. On croise les pattes et les coussinets pour lui.
    Plein de ronrons.
    Hisia et Loustiquette
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Roman photo – ChardinageMy Profile

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