Thanks to everyone for your Thanksgiving wishes! We hope you had a good one too.
Did you get some turkey? We had just a little (no really) and it was enough to make us snooze ;-)
If you have the impression that the size of our pics is strange and not really the same for all pics, it’s not an impression. That’s because the female human cropped them so that you would not see too much of our excellent work of turning the black couch white. I think she has given up on the couch being black!
I had a little turkey too. I’m ready for more!! Glad you had a good T day. -Crepes.
Hmmmm…black couch…3 cats…two with white furs…and you two look so squeezable!!
Savannah recently posted…Friday Frolics…
Kitshka certainly thinks I am squeezable! Hmpf!
Glad you had a great Turkey Day. Looking well comfy over there. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Flammable Friday!
Cats and a black sofa are totally incompatible, just likes our mom’s navy, brown and black wardrobe, unless the cats are black. We think your human should just give up and cover the entire thing with a blanket. Lily Olivia was the only one who got any turkey ’cause she was the only one hanging out in the kitchen when dinner was served. Mom has been bragging in comments all morning that she didn’t hurl. Lily ALWAYS hurls if she has people food. And she did. Our dad had just failed to tell Mom that until she had bragged a bit. Glad you enjoyed you Thanksgiving. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
The black couch doesn’t even work with black cats–speaking from a house with no fewer than six house panthers! Our human tells us there are many shades of black, and that even when she had multi-colored cats and multi-colored furniture and rugs you could still see our proud furs. So–shed away! It gives the humans something to do.
The Creative Cat recently posted…Black Friday and the Story of 38
ummm our Mom gave up and put down throws on everything to keep them covered. It helps … a little. You two are so cute in these photos.
Angel Abby recently posted…Sweet Gracie
we think your photos are gorgeous as always and we are so happy that you had some turkey! xoxo
Caren Gittleman recently posted…#BlogPaws Black Friday 24 Hour Event! You Could Win a $200 Visa Card!
We can almost see you digesting! It’s a losing battle, black furniture and cats ;-)
Animalcouriers recently posted…Rex and Flor are swapping Portugal for Cyprus
But you didn’t do what RouXy does (1), when he eats too much too quickly, did you?
(1) he… regurgitates…
Frimousse recently posted…C’est nouveau
No we didn’t because my human gave us just a little bit at a time. But sometimes we do that with our kibbles :-/
That’s the problem with humans: they always complain when we embellish and adorn their stoopid stuff with our glorious furs! xxoo
No turkey here MOL But it looks like you guys are very replete!! :)
Austin Towers recently posted…Philosopher cat!
Vous êtes bien là, les copains sur le fauteuil ! Personne ne va vous déranger !
Texas I didn’t eat all that much of that turkey dinner thing either but it really does make you sleep a lot doesn’t it…..although I sleep a lot NOW so how can anyone tell if it’s more or not???? You and Kitshka are such snuggle buddies……!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Burp…
You look so cute both of you! It seems like you enjoyed thanks giving. Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…Féline dimension
Good job redecorating the black couch. Once the peeps figure out that decorating around your color scheme is a better idea, she won’t have to do that. We’re glad you had turkey! We didn’t get any, can you believe it? The peeps went out to the at like tourists, so there were no leftovers for us. You can imagine we are just wasting away without turkey over here. We hope you had a little extra for us.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Flashback Friday: Shell Story
Great pic! Can you believe I was so brain fuzzy from the T’day feast at friends I forgot to bring home turkey leftovers?
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom recently posted…Self-Warming Kitty Sack Giveaway: 4 Winners!
C’est vrai que vos jolis ventres tous blancs sur un canapé noir …. d’un autre côté, le canapé il est à vous alors vous avez tout à fait le droit de le redécorer.
Vous etes trop beaux l’un a côté de l’autre. Vous semblez quand même avoir manger un peu trop de dinde. Moi je n’ai jamais goutté de la dinde, mais j’adore le poulet.
Nat à Chat elle dit que parfois la dinde c’est moi, mais je ne comprends pas ce qu’elle veut dire !
Plein de ronrons pour tous les deux.
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Hisia – Portraits d’Automne
Pourquoi elle dit que la dinde c’est toi ? Je ne comprends pas non plus. Toi tu es une jolie minette !
Dommage que cette fête n’existe pas en Cat’Alogne. Ce serait une bonne occasion de sortir le velouté de thon… ou de dinde, éventuellement.
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Réveil-matin
We’re sleeping off the turkey and whipped cream we had yesterday. And maybe when we wake up…leftovers!!! :)
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – I Got Turkey!
We had LOTS of turkey last night! My human brought home a bunch for us, and even the dog had some.
Sparkle recently posted…Catinee SPECIAL: It’s Black Cat Friday!
You two are so beautiful…!
Dianna recently posted…Random Five Friday
Good thing the human did not crop parts of you. Don’t you look comfy.
You two look SOOOOOOOO comfertabuls! I bet that turkey was delicious! Nap away, my friends, nap away! XOXO
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Still Life with Fishie
MOL you guys look stuffed and super cozy there :) Maybe the mom should buy some kind of fuzzy white couch. Or I wonder if they can make couch upholstery out of cat fur? ;)
Ann Staub recently posted…Holiday Wishlist for Pets
My human cleaned the couch (well, she tried to) this weekend and she said with all the fur she threw away, she could have made a new little Kitshka!
Lucky kitties getting turkey! Hope you had a great day.
I think furniture stores should sell couches and chairs according to the color of the kitties in the house, hee hee
Andrea and the Celestial Kitties recently posted…Thanksgiving
Fur is the new decorating rage!
Also, did you two have delicate turkey gas? Inquiring minds…
Katnip Lounge recently posted…May Ling Gets “Pssssssst’d”!
No we didn’t! Only Milou :-*
you looked stuffed but very content,snooze away my friends,Happy Thanks Giving,xx SPeedy
speedyrabbits recently posted…Just a little Heads up on a forth coming Event!
Oh guys it’s all that natural Tryptophan..sends a kitty right off to noddy land :) I think cropping was invented for pet owners…really I do…that way we all can have a beautiful couch hahaahhah :) hugs Fozziemum xx
Bev Green recently posted…THE ADVENTURES OF BASHFUL
A little or a lot, you kitties look mighty satisfied with the turkey you had last night. :)
With a mixture of black and white furkids running around, Mommy settled for greenish brown leather recliners. ;)
Whisppy recently posted…Thankful Thursday
The two of you look so happy and peaceful laying on your blankie. Turkey has something in it that makes you sleepy, not that cats need an excuse to sleep. MOL. We thinkz your Mom should just give up and let you decorate the couch. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
We had more than a little turkey.. :shock:
You two are so cute!
Dang my smiley didn’t work!
Pix Under the Oaks recently posted…Wordless Wednesday~Homemade Bread. Just A Vehicle For Buttah!
I think that’s because my human decided not to turn the smileys into… little yellow cartoonish smiley. So they remain like this :-(
Sorry :-(
Yeah for more turkey!
Tellement belles ces photos, décidément j’adore les chats et les chats me le rendent bien, Tant mieux pour vous les minous si vous avez bien mangé pour Thanksgiving !!! Bisous!
Merci beaucoup ! Et merci d’etre venue visiter mon blog =^.^=
We don’t do Turkeys :( No thanksgiving, no turkeys…but we do Awards and we have one for you :) Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving and Pawkiss :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Best news of the year 2013…. in a row
Thank you so furry furry much!
Zoé dit:
Vous êtes très craquants sur ce canapé qui met en valeur vos jolies fourrures.
Zaza et Lulu miaoutent :
On ne fête pas thanksgiving mais on va faire une réclamation !
Moustachouilles, caresses et bises .
You look happy, and well fed AND on a NotSoBlackCouch MOL!!!
From my experience with my kitties, I would say that just looking at a turkey would be enough to make a cat snooze ;)
emma recently posted…The Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers | First Day of Advent
That’s, er, kind of true ;-)
Awww… those are such GORGEOUS pictures of the two of you. Simply wonderful!
Nerissa’s Life recently posted…let’s ALL do our bit
Thank you!
You look comfy ! You’re so cute together ! Purrs
Loupi and Zorro recently posted…Devine qui c’est !
Evidence of a good Turkey Day is a great Snooze Day! White furs not withstanding . , ,
Oui Oui recently posted…We Have Cousins!
Looking at their lazy expressions, they definitely had too much turkey. No Thanksgiving in my country, unfortunately.
Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Ann Arbor {USA}
There’s nothing better following a large and tasty dinner than a long nap.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hannah and Lucy recently posted…Sunshiny Day
Thanks for coming by. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Ragdoll Mommy recently posted…Back from Sarasota, Florida
We just LOVE those photos! Purr-fect for a Monday morning blog surf! Purrs…
Colehaus Cats recently posted…Manic Mancat Monday.
Thank you =^.^=
It seems like we are all recovering from that big Turkey day :-) You two look very cozy.
Coccolino recently posted…Toasty warm mini pig
NO turkey over here , since we don´t celebrate Thanksgiving in Sweden :(
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal recently posted…Cats On Tuesday