I want to say thank you to all my furriends who stopped by to send good wishes to Milou, and posted advice and links to pages about megacolon.
My human is going to read all of this during the weekend so she’ll be well purrpared for Milou’s appointment on Monday.
I also wanted to show you that we are keeping a close(d) eye on Milou (even though he is still, after all these years, hissing at me):
(Yes, my human is playing with Photoshop)
Thank you all! Purrs!
Woah! We thought you living room had turned into fleckstone! Good luck Monday, Milou! Thoughts are with you, you can do this! – Crepes.
Crepes recently posted…The Rocky Report: Corneal Puncture
Some things never change. Efurrybuddy here picks on Lily Olivia; even though, she is the oldest. And now efurrybuddy picks on Astrid ’cause she is the smallest. So happy that your mom is investigating and learning more about Milou’s ailment so she can make an informed decision. We’ve got Milou as part of our 24/7 purr-a-thon and our mom will keep praying. Lisbeth sends paw-pats and a nose-kiss to Texas. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: I SMELL CAT TOYS
Wow we had to double take :-)
MyThreemoggies recently posted…December 2013 Furfriend of the Month is Bacon
Wouldn’t that be nice if you all could nap together. Milou is in my purrrs, paw hugs, Savvy
Savannah recently posted…This Tuxie Is Pawing It Forward…Will You?
Rest up sweet Milou we are thinking of you and praying all will be OK.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Woeful Waspy Wednesday!
Texas l’ll be purrrring for Milou on Monday…..we’re anxious here to learn more about his condition and what can be done to help him! Meanwhile, I’m sure he appreciates that you’re on one side of him and Kitshka’s on the other on the couch……keeping each other company.
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Teaser Tell All
I think I have to catch up. I didn’t know Milou was sick. For now sending healing Pawkisses :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Best news of the year 2013…. in a row
We are praying for dear Milou.
Miss Kitty is 17. She has slowed down quite a bit now but when she was 14
(like Milou) she was like a kitten. If the vet feels confident that the surgery would correct the problem then maybe you should consider that. If not, then perhaps Milou could continue with the enemas or maybe mineral oil.
We are thinking positive and praying for Milou♥
Hang in there, Milou!♥
Thinking of you Milou :) Love the photo shop effect xxoxxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…LET’Z CROWCHET
wishing you the BEST of luck on Monday!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Sherpa Ultimate Bag On Wheels WINNER!!!!
Hope there is a good solution as the problem does not sound pleasant.
emma recently posted…Who Wants To Ride Along To The Beach? | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday
It’s always important to do some homework before going in for an appointment. We hope the Specialist Vet is able to shed some light on what’s causing Milou’s troubles.
Whisppy recently posted…Tutu Tuesday
guys…rockin awesum ya taked up de hole sofa !!! keep up de good werk N milou; az all ways, R pal Frank sends blessings !!!! ya noe that.~~~~~ :)
Hold on Milou, we are with you! Purrs to the three of you!
Eirwena recently posted…Journal du 4 décembre
C’est rigolo … le décor autour du canapé. Vous rêvez en gris les chats..
Milou il va aller mieux. Le veto il va trouver une solution. Nous on y croit !
Plein de ronrons pour tous les trois.
Hisia et Loustiquette
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Abyssine et plante odorante
Even though we trade smacky paws frequently around here, we all look out for each other. Even when napping. ;-)
Sparkle recently posted…Shop My Friends for the Holidays!
Photoshop explains it! We hope Milou has a great Monday. xo
Coccolino recently posted…Pigs and coffee?
Marilia recently posted…Persistência Humana
We are not sure what megacolon is. Maybe you could educate us all a bit.
We hope that everything goes well. Being informed is always a good thing.
Many purrs and hugs,
Carmine, Milita, and Jewel
Fur Everywhere recently posted…Vet Visit (Purr and Prayers Needed)
We;ll be purring and praying for Milou on Monday for sure.
We hope Milou is fine at the vets and that you get some good information so you can help resolve the issues poor baby hugs from us Fozziemum and gang xxxx
Bev Green recently posted…MY MUMMIEZ LOST THE PLOT
paws crossed fro Milou xxx
Misaki recently posted…Dog biscuit heaven
you all look comfy there,xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Christmas Count down December 8th!
We are purring and praying like crazy that Milou feels better soon.
Brian recently posted…Gracie Is Home!