A good update on Milou: not only did the surgery go well, Milou is healing well (and defecating normally) according to the vet, so the humans were able to bring him home today. The vet thinks that since he defecated normally immediately after the surgery, there are chances that he doesn’t have a megacolon! We’re keeping our paws crossed.
The humans visited Milou yesterday at the vet and although his (but)tocks were obviously bothering him (he has quite a few stitches and has been shaved on a good part of his tocks and the base of his tail), he seemed alert and happy to see his human.
He is now back home with a cone to prevent him from licking the stitches (which he tries to do despite the cone).
Thank you all so much for your support. Your are all so very good furriends and this is the best gift Santa Paws could send us!
Again, I apologize for not visiting (and answering to your comments) yet. My human will help me hopefully starting tonight and tomorrow.
Sending you all lots of purrs!
what a gorgeous kitty. So pleased he is home and the surgery went well.
We hope this takes care of everything for him!
The Creative Cat recently posted…It’s Friday the 13th—Adopt a Black Cat!
We are so happy that Milou is back home. Lot of kisses or bisous :) from all of us to him and all of you.
Bestest news! Here’s to a good poo on a regular basis dear boy ;-)
Animalcouriers recently posted…Huka, Sweetpea, Blaze and Princess touch down in London; while Lola and Teddy reach their family in Spain
Aww, Milou!! We’re thinking of you. Work on getting better and wear your cone proudly! It means you’re healing. xoxo – Crepes.
Alana recently posted…Thoughts on Santa
So happy for you and we are praying for a full and speedy recovery.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House blog, It’s Frygella Friday!
This is wonderful news! I know it’ll be a really Merry Xmas for your family now! :) :)
Happy dancing!
Selina & MomKatt Laura
Selina Carter recently posted…Cute-Day!
Wonderful news! We’re all so happy to hear the Milou is recovering nicely!
Dianna recently posted…Random Five Friday
Dear Milou, we are sending continued healing purrs but SO HAPPY you’re home!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101.com) recently posted…Rescue Remedy Gift Basket Giveaway For People & Pets
YAY!! We are soo happy that Milou is back home where he belongs and the surgery went so well!
That is the best Christmas gift! We are grateful that you moved to Texas, received the correct diagnosis, and now Milou can live a normal life!!
Merry Christmas!!♥
So happy for you! You are very brave and I admire the fact that you can blog about how well you poop on the internet! Not everyone feels comfortable doing that.
We are so happy to hear this pawsome news!!!! Keep pooping Milou!! Keep pooping!!! Sending you TONS of healing purrs and prayers and much love!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Winner of the #book: Does This Collar Make My Butt Look Big? A Diet Book For Cats by Dena Harris
Nothing like a healthy poop to make your human happy!
Welcome home, Milou!
Oh Texas I’m so happy Milou is home and even though he’s missing some furs and has a bunch of stitches, he’s not having any bathroom problems AND they don’t think he’s got megacolon! What a lovely holiday gift…..truly…..certainly for all of you but for all of us who were hoping so hard that he’d be alright!
Holiday Hugs to all of you!
Sammy and Mom
Sammy recently posted…Some Cards
Welcome home, Milou! This update made us super happy. We’re purring for your smooth and full recovery.
Thank you for the update!
Whisppy recently posted…Tutu Tuesday
He looks wonderful. So glad it all went well and he is HOME where he belongs! Happy weekend to you!
Coccolino recently posted…Mini pig giveaway time!
Yay for Milou! so glad he’s home and doing well. Hugs and purrs for a fast recovery
Andrea and the Celestial Kitties recently posted…Trying to Catch Up
Yeah! So good news! Welcome home Milou and have a good rest, be patient and soon you will feel like new! Lot of purrs from Eirwena and kisses from Indy.
Eirwena recently posted…La boîte de Wena
Sweetest One, I only care how YOU are and no apology ever ever ever needed. You just heal and get better and better. MUCH love from me and mom to you. xxxooxox
L’important ce n’est pas du tout de visiter nos blogs. Pas du tout même. L’important cet article, son contenu.
C’est absolument génial qu’il soit rentré à la maison. Ca veut dire que ça va.
On croise doigts et coussinets mélangés pour que le problème soit totalement résolu après cette opération.
Bon retour et bonne convalescence Milou.
Ronrons et caresses.
Hisia, Loustiquette et Nat à Chat
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Petit chat expressif
So happy Milou is home!!! Welcome home baby!!! YAY!!!!!!! Good news!!!
Hooray!! You are looking happier already! In no time that cone will come off and you will get back to your old hijinx. xxoo
We’re happy too Milou is back home. Bowie got home from the hospital this afternoon, he says “Meow!”
Herman recently posted…About Today
Yay for Milou being home! That is truly wonderful news!
c’est un soulagement de te voir rentré à la maison, Milou,
on t’envoie beaucoup beaucoup de ronrons
Opale et Sonye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…À l’attaque
That’s wonderful news!! What a great Christmas present!!! Welcome home, Milou. I know he’s embarrassed having his tocks shaved and having to wear that cone. You’ll just have to remind him, it will help him get well quicker.
That’s good news! We purr for a speedy recovery for Milou…and everything continues to come out normally. :)
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – Being Good
Now don’t laugh, but Mommy wonders if some Preparation H would help sooth his itchy ‘tock region.
Katnip Lounge recently posted…Pulchritudinous Pussy Kats
I am so glad Milou is home – and with a good prognosis! Yay!
Sparkle recently posted…A Celebration and a Smack Down
This is such good news! We’re so happy to hear that Milou is home and that his plumbing is working. Paws crossed that the surgery took care of everything.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Flashback Friday: Holidays Past
That is great news!! Purrs you keep feeling better!!
Quill and Greyson recently posted…Floofy Friday
dood. way awesum sooper kewl!! we iz all total lee happee for ewe. even mor blessings frum R pal frank that yur furz grow fast yur stitches doez knot itches N yur ree coveree time uz faster N lightnin!!! happee week end two all !!!!!!!
Wonderful news we hope sweet Milou continues to heal and has no more problems. Hugs and nose kisses
Mags Corner recently posted…We Can See Some Ground
OOOOH WELCOME HOME!!! Welcome Home Milou – this is a great Christmas Gift for us ALL. Texas mate, do NOT worry about commenting on pals blogs OK?! Anyone who whines about you NOT commenting is NOT a true pal OK?
Have a GREAT CHRISTMAS now Milou is home!!
Harvey Button recently posted…Wordless Wednesday Blogpaws Blog Hop
Oh poor kitty!! I’m so happy to hear he’s doing better. Our kitty Gizmo is having similar issues and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it isn’t something serious. Hope he keeps healing up well! Perfect Christmas gift for you guys, so thankful.
Stephanie recently posted…12 Gifts of Christmas for Book Lovers – Day 5
Yippee, yippee, yippee…Milou is home and pooping! What great news. You are right, there’s no better Santa Paws present. We are so sorry he has to wear the awful cone, but that will soon be gone. We will continue to keep Milou as part of our purr-a-thon. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Thank Cat he is :) Sending some extra healing Pawkisses :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 14
That is the bestest news ever :) xxoxxxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…DUMB ASS AWARD!
Welcome back, Milou ! Now you’re home and safe. Have a quick recovery !
Purrs from Graf, Zing & Méo.
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Mimin’auderies
That sounds like the best outcome! :) We are so happy to hear your news. Milou, be patient and leave the stitches alone!
Jo Woolf recently posted…The value of Stirling
Such great news! Praying that the recovery goes quickly and this is the answer to Milou’s problems. Take care Milou!
What a joyous holiday you will have. So happy for you all
Connie recently posted…Orijen Dog treats vs *New* Cat Treats
Milou next week you will be laughing this off and ready to party for Xmas xxx
Mythreemoggies recently posted…Chill out Saturday
Milou, I’m so happy for you and I hope you will have a wonderful christmas time and when you will get all your christmas presents you can open it without wearing a loudspeaker.
easy rider recently posted…easyblog SADDISH SATURDAY
The cone….. Poor Milou…
Hope he is quite well soon.
I ask his Mistress to tell him I, Frimousse, says he is a very beatiful cat.
Which is normal, since he looks like… me!
Frimousse recently posted…ELLE parle de nous !
Oh fantastic news Milou is home and on the mend! Well done for being so brave. Bisous
Bailey Boat Cat recently posted…Whispers on Caturday
I am doing the happy dance that Milou is ok and home again! I am sure he will recover real quick now he has his brofur and sisfur to take care of him xox
Austin Towers recently posted…Flumped!
forget about visiting Texas, you take care of brofur Milou. So, so very purrleased he is home and that the surgery may just have repaired his insides so that he doesn’t have any other problems…whew…paws crossed here
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Friday Frolics…Me and the ‘Kid’
Oh my goodness, so happy you are home safe and sound, Milou. Sending you as many kitty kisses and purrs as we can from the Zee and Zoey Gang!
This is such great news! We are ecstatic that Milou is back home, and that the prognosis is an encouraging one. :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…FURever Home Friday :)
Hooray Milou! You must be so happy to be home and your humans must be so happy to have you home!
It’s all easy peasy from here sweetie! :)
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Tis the season!
thanks god! I’m very happy for you little one!
So happy Texas that Milou is on the up and up..such lovely news at Christmas time…hugs to all and gentle hugs to Milou Fozziemum xxxx
Bev Green recently posted…SCENTED SUNDAY……NIPMAS TREE
Ah, the Cone of Shame. Well, it won’t be forever, Milou! So undignified when they put cones on us and shave our, ahem, Important Private Areas. I think you should take lots and lots of nappies and after some sleeps and wake-ups that thing will be gone from your neck. and little furs will be coming in you-know-where.
Really glad to hear everything went well and you are HOME!!! Hugs, Buddy.
XOXOXO from Spitty
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Me and My Mousey
Hooray, Milou is home, we are so happy for you. We hope that you don’t have any further problems. You are looking very good although we know you are not happy to have that dumb cone around your neck. Get lots of rest and feel better soon. Love Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Tu es très courageux et nous sommes ravis de savoir que tu vas mieux ;-)
Chaussette et Moustique
Chaussette & Moustique recently posted…Postures farfelues #2
That is great news. I am glad he is back home with you.
Flynn recently posted…Monday Washday.
So pleased to hear the surgery went well, fingers crossed that this is his one the road to a full recovery with no need for any further treatments.
Hurrah fer Milou comin home!! We missed diz bloggie butt here we iz….
We hopez Milou getz bettur soon n dat yer Catmess iz peacefull n happy fer all.
We hopez ya can opo over to our bloggie as dere iz award fer ya…
Much Lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…N da awardz continuu…dada ta-da…..
Poor Milou. Hope all goes well!
Sending purry good thoughts to Milou. Hope he is doing well! XOXOXO
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Shhh, Stop Talking Now
Meow We are tail in the air Happy about this
I thought they could tell if there was mega-colon if they opened a kitty up.
Well sounds good so YAY
Timmy and Family
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…You Better Not…
Sending some of them healing purrz.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…Wednesday Words—Every. Cats. Dream.