I am back only for a little while… My human has put my bloggie on forced blogcation.
Here’s what we think about this:
She has started a new job on which she wants to “focus.” She even stopped her own blog! I thought “Yeah! She’s gonna have more time for more impawtant stuff like… MY bloggie!” Pfft. Well no.
We will be on blogcation at least until next weekend. I am sorry I won’t be able to visit until this coming weekend either.
Kitshka isn’t exactly pleased with that either, I must meow. In fact, she is devastated:
Before my human is shutting the laptop on my paws (Human: “I would never do that, Texas!”), I want to thank Angel, Isabella and their human at BeadedTail. I won Tidy Cats coupons on their bloggie – thank you so much!
I also want to thank Judy & C.A.T.S for sending me a furry nice message to make sure we were doing fine. (I do hope my human did not make me miss other impawtant messages.) Thank you so furry much! We are doing fine, but my human is just giving too much impawtance to this work thingie!
Thank you for your patience! Sending purrs to everyone!
Please, human, I miss Kitshka Friday…..
Crepes recently posted…BREAKING NEWS: We’re In CatDance 2014!
Oh Texas, just pee on your humans pillow! No, wait, that’s not very zen. :-) Me-Ommmmmm
Swami Zoe recently posted…Blog the Change Fur Animals!
Texas you will be FINE. Mum needs to concentrate to get stuff right, when all that is done you come back – good as new ta-DAAA
Silver Kitten recently posted…Middle Earth Monday Gandalf’s Eagles Wellington Airport
MOL! We can see how broken up Kitshka is about this. ;)
We’ll see you soon!
The Island Cats recently posted…Mancats – Ruined Day
Wow, Kitshka! What a spread! Us mancats here are swoonin’.
Cattywumpus recently posted…she’s BAAAAACK!!
Mr. Jahb can be a right pain in the tookus sometimes…but he DOES pay the cat fuuds bill…
Humans! Always thinking only of themselves! Well, don’t be strangers for too long!
Sparkle recently posted…Sparkle’s Human Astrology for Cats: Aquarius
:( This work thingie doesn’t half get in the way of life! Chill dear cats and tell us how it is when you can.
Animalcouriers recently posted…Au revoir France, as we head towards Calais and the Channel crossing
Do you still have nuggets, or are you starving?
Shall I send you a parcel of food – express by UPS?
Frimousse recently posted…Beaux chats dans la neige ?
Please wish your human all the best with her new job! You will just have to think of some exciting and original new ideas for blog posts while she’s busy doing other stuff! Poetry, perhaps? Board games? Drinks parties? PS I love Kitshka’s idea of being devastated!! :)
Jo Woolf recently posted…Over the sea to…
Your expressions says it all, Texas, and Kitshka showing it a little bit overreacted…but very clear….MOL :D Pawkiss on the new job :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Let’s dance on the Excellence
We have missed you and we will miss you some more now. See you when you get back :) xxooxxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…UK WIN’Z DE OSCAR’Z!
Good luck with the new job and no worries we see you when we see you. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Slog It Blog It, Tweets On Tuesday!
I will miss you, dear Texas, but you must be indulgent. For Humans a job is a very important thing, it allows to buy food and funny toys for you, Kitshka, and Milou. However, maybe we will see you again next weekend? Meanwhile I think about you. Big hugs from Paris.
Mais c’est vrai que c’est dévastant cette nouvelle! mais l’amitié a ça de bon que le temps qui passe n’existe pas : nous serons là à votre retour .
Et courage à votre humain travailleur!
Ronrons et moustachouilles
Hope we will see you back sooner rather than later!
We hope your mom gets the break she needs so you can be back soon. In the meantime, we recommend smelling salts for Kitshka.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Ashton’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Hi Texas! Well, I have to say that you ARE missed but we also understand when our humans are busy we kind of slip down on the priority list!! Meanwhile it looks like the three of you are getting some good nap time (especially Kitshka – that last photo is so funny!!!!)……….we’ll see you when we see you buddy!
Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Moonday
Oh NOSE!! Well Texas we understand the peepz are borin like that…but i see you iz startin a protest…especially Kitshka..whose protest will bring all the boyz to the yard!!! hope mumz new jobz good ..see you when she iz sick of you hasslin her paw pats Dinnermintz and gang xxx
Bev Green recently posted…MUM SAYZ DON’T PLAY WIFF YOUR FOOD
Work is a four letter word, just like bath – a bad thing! Mom has a work thing that gets in the way in our life too. Hope to see you guys back soon!
emma recently posted…Winter is a Season, Not an Excuse! | GBGV | #ScoopThatPoop
I will wait for you till your human has more time to tickle they keys. btw: you look like the 3 musCATeers LOL
easy rider recently posted…easyblog LISTEN…
Poor baby! Just be sure she starts up your bloggie first! Shout out if you need a new box or a mousie!
I been missing you and going to miss you mores but I can wait.. :) Good luck to your human with the new job! Kitshka is crackin’ me up in her devastated state.. :D
PURRS Tex and the Gang!!! Happy Week:)
cravesadventure recently posted…Increasing the Love
Poor Kitshka! She looks totally devastated! We’ll be right here waiting for when you guys are back!
Whisppy recently posted…Happy 2nd Birthday, Tutu!
Blogcations…. another bad human idea….
The Chans
The Poupounette Gang recently posted…Tama-Chan Tuesday
Sure glad to know that all of you are all right. Sure looks like Kitshka is comfy. What a funny picture. You all take care.
Marg recently posted…Tabby Tuesday
Pffff… Silly humans and their silly jobs… We understand that Kitschka is totally upset ! We hope that everything goes well for your human, so that your blogcation comes quickly to its end. Purrs
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Et le gagnant est…
Bonjour Texas,
Nous ça nous fait vraiment plaisir que tu ai réussit à convaincre ta zumaine de publier ce message. On commençait à vraiment se demander si tout allait bien !
Il faut faire un gros câlin à Kitshka pour la ranimer et la consoler …
On va attendre sagement que votre humaine elle se décide à débloquer … ton blog ! Maintenant on est rassurées.
Juste un truc. On aurait quand même aimé savoir comment va Milou.
Plein de ronrons.
Hisia et Loustiquette
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Reportage
Tell your Mama good luck with her new job! We understand completely…it is tough to squeeze everything in and the jobbie pays the bills….not the bloggie :)
Kitshka you do look a bit frazzled! Not!! Heeheehee :)
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Three Days in a Row.
Come back, come back, we miss you! You sure don’t seem pleased about your forced blogcation. We’re with you!
Coccolino recently posted…Intruders all around!
Dear me poor Kitshka she is terrible distressed by this news! We will miss you but understand. (hugs) and good luck with new job!
Angel Abby recently posted…Zoom Zoom
Congrats on the new job! We understand priorities and are blogging less too. Purrs to all!
None of you are looking very pleased on the sofa. Poor Kitshka, you look like you need some resuscitation. Will tummy tickles do?
Flynn recently posted…Tummy Tuesday and Awards.
miss you already ʕ´ᴥ`ʔ
Our Mommy has done that, and will do it again (me is sure)
Penelope recently posted…Tabby Tuesday!
Kitshka sure looks devastated lol
Misaki recently posted…WW: Hey!
Oh NOOOOOS!! Furst, we wish your human good luck at the job. Second, mai mom was just roooominatin’ this morning on her biggest regret in life: not following through on her frequent spontaneous moments of creativity and working too much and too hard as an employee instead. Although mai mom is a purrity happy gal lately cause she’s not working so much anymore, I get the feeling that regrets are not a fun thing to have. xxoo
I know what you mean Texas, I am afraid my human will have to post less on my bloggy too. She is too busy with a work thing she said. Pfff … Anyway, I will miss you, so I hope your human will find some time to give us some news from you.
Purrs! Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…Acclimatation wenienne
I was glad to hear that everyone is Ok. A new job can be quite overwhelming; there is always so much to learn that it makes your head spin. I’m sure that once you get home from work you want to clear your mind; the last thing you want to do is look at a computer. We hope once you get adjusted to your job that you will start blogging again. Hope to see you soon and good luck with your job. Judy & C.A.T.S
Awww noo we miss you ,hurry back soon,xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Disapproving Bun Day!
We think you might have missed the news of the upcoming Valentine Dance. Lisbeth is really hoping that you will invite her, Texas. We are really sorry your mommy has gotten her priorities all confused. Our mom says that she understands, but we don’t. We’ll look for you on the weekend. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
I’ve seen devastated and Kitshka looks pretty devastated to me! ;) MOL Come back soon, Texas x
Austin Towers recently posted…What to do?
We do understand and tell your human concats on the new job!
Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!
Deb Barnes – Zee and Zoey recently posted…Public Service Caturday – Using Cats as a Guilt-Free Excuse to Prolong Doing Basic Household Chores…
Bonjour les copains,
Merci pour les nouvelles parce qu’on s’inquiétait un peu de ne pas voir de nouvel article chez vous.
On attendra le retour de votre secrétaire.
Portez vous bien
Plein de ronrons
Yow Texas me wundered where in da KAT ya waz!!?? N Kitshka n Milou too….
Sumtimez da Hu’manz get dix fing called ‘overwhellemd’ n dey needz to take a break so dey can get demselvez back together….
We miss ya all madly butt iz glad all iz well n we shall try to bee payshunt waitin fer yer next bloggie (tippytappin claws on da laptop…)
Much lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo
Well, we’re glad to know you are all okay. Please tell the human we hope that new job is going well, okay? And we hope to see you all when you are off of your blogcation! :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…Quick Moosey Update, and Snoozing Holly
Enjoy your holiday and see you when you get back!
KatzTales recently posted…Guido: We’ve Got Bees!
Texas and family, just a note to say hello and we hope you are all OK. Mum is going to Paris in April and is practising French every day! Her Muses at Museaux book is proving useful! Best wishes, and we hope Mum is doing OK with work.
Harvey, Miranda and Silver
Harvey, Miranda and Silver recently posted…First Blogoversary and Giveaway Blogpaws BlogHOP
I hope her new job goes well then she can buy you an iPaw of your own to blog on!
Clowie recently posted…A trip down memory lane
Ah humans and their little lives. we will see you when you return
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…Buddy’s 13th B-Day Pawty AND Super Bowl Commentathon II
Je suis pliée de rire devant les photos tendres et drôles ; merci pour le partage et des clichés du coeur
leschatsdumaquis recently posted…Le coin des citations
errrrrrrr…ummmmmmmm..Texas, Kitshka and Milou…just remember…she earns green papers for cat treats, food and toys.,..give her a bitty break…just sayin’…and as you well know…my human has been like GONE FURREVER!!! And now whining she simply “cannon keep up”…why did Ceiling Cat allow the humans to get those oppsable thumbs???
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Friday Frolics…Sage Style
We miss you guys. When are you getting back to blogging???
Cattywumpus recently posted…Exciting News!!
I agree! Pffft on blogcations!
Russel Ray Photos recently posted…SNIPPETS (5-13-14)