Guess whose fault it is if we are late again…
Thankful Thursday: Furriends, Boxing Day, and Awards
This is a period to have hopes (of what Santa is going to bring to you)…
…to have fun – this is Boxing Day!…
…and to be thankful and to make resolutions.
I am really thankful for the readers of my blog: that’s you! I thank you for taking the time to stop by, read, like and/or comment on our posts. My human knows too well that time is a rat precious and never allows for humans to do everything they want to do. You are there for us when we laugh at our humans, when we need purrs, to share showcase treats. All of you, I consider my Furriends!
I also received many awards that I have not officially accepted yet (but I am about to). As a way to say thank you to my Furriends, I have created a brand new award that I am introducing today. The “Share the Love, Share the Box” Award (on Boxing Day, ain’t that appropriate?) is a way to say thank you on this special day of December 26. I want to keep the rules simple so without further ado…
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award, and link to his/her blog
2. Post the award on your blog
3. Share the award with five bloggers and let them know!
4. Go find a box and have fun with it (optional but highly recommended!)
My five nominees are:
– Nissy of Nerissa’s Life
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011
– Hisia of Bleue comme Aby
– Sammy of One spoiled cat
– Sparkle of Sparkle the designer cat
It was really really difficult to give it to just five bloggers, but I hope the award will be shared, so all of those I wanted to share a box with will eventually get one!
I received other awards that I want to accept too.
Nerissa nominated me for one of his own awards, the Friends and Followers Award.
Thank you so very much, Nissy! The rules are very simple.
1. Firstly, you need to post the award on your blog.
2. Secondly, you need to thank the blogger givin’ it to you and, if you don’t already, follow them. You can follow by e-mail or feed or a reader or any other method available. That even includes just checkin’ in with them every day or so if they don’t have any kind of followin’ method set up.
3. Thirdly, you need to pass along the FRIENDS & FOLLOWERS award to a few readers whom you know already follow you.
I know the award has already circulated so my apologies if you already received it. My nominees are:
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011
– Eirwena of Journal d’un chat : les aventures d’Eirwena
– Kjelle Bus of Charlie Rascal’s Destinies and Adventures
– Quill and Greyson of Housecat Confidential
– Flynn of Eric and Flynn’s Adventures
4. And fourthly – which is also lastly – you need to let ’em know. Let the bloggers to whom you’ve given the award know you did so.
Will do as soon as the post is published!
Franny’s Feline Film Forum has nominated me in November for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I already have it but I want to thank you so much for thinking of me!!
Magdalena Vandenberg nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I already have it too but I also want to thank you for thinking of me!!
There are others but I want to make a separate post because this one is already long enough.
Thank you all so much! I hope you enjoy plenty of boxes every day of the new year to come!
Wordless Wednesday: I’m Telling You It Fits!
Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (Outside The Box, Inside The Box: Think About It! It’s A Box!)
Many of you already know that tomorrow is Milou’s purrthday.
Turns out that he already had his birthday gift. Well, let me tell you a (human) story.
When we moved from New York to Texas, the male human was sure that they would forget our water fountain if they didn’t pack it with everything else. But my (the female) human argued that we kitties’d rather keep our fountain until the end – right – and that they could not possibly miss the only thing that would be left in the house before they leave – wrong. My human messed up and realized when we arrived in our new house that the fountain had been left behind. So we went back to drinking in a bowl for a while.
Milou, who especially needs to drink but never does, seems to have found a new passion for drinking water here. Don’t worry, he’s not drinking more than normal, but he is drinking, period (in NY the humans had to add water to his food because he rarely ever drank from either the fountain, or the water bowl).
To keep a long story short – well kinda – Milou (and Kitshka and I) got a new water fountain for his purrthday. And now you expect to see a picture of the fountain.
Well no, for what is more important than the fountain? Exactly! The box it came in! Want to come and join us? We are having the biggest fun!
[Click on the pics to open the slideshow and biggify]
Could you guess that my human took pictures while lying on the floor? That was so easy to play with her too! Here are some photobombing pics!
Kitshka Friday: They Took Our Tree Down!

Kitshka: What’s that noise, Texas?
Texas: I don’t know. The humans are playing with our tree.

Texas: OMC! They’re not playing! They’re taking it down! Don’t look at this!
Kitshka: Oh!

Don’t look, Kitshka, it’s too horrible!

Texas: A little more patience. It’s really too horrible to watch!
Kitshka: Oh no!

Texas: It’s over. Our tree is in a big box.
Kitshka: But why?
Whenever You’re Ready, Human…
To use these boxes not to store your stuff inside but to build us a super cool tower.
To help me visit my furriends.
To type my blog posts.
I am getting a little impatient here, you see.
Even Kitshka is wondering what’s going on.
We’re Still Here
Sorry for the long silence, especially after Kitshka’s birthday.
Thank you so much to everyone for wishing Kitshka a Happy Birthday! She will visit your bloggie today and/or tomorrow to thank you herself since she is a big girl now. Wait for us to be back!
The human is as always responsible for us being silent. Strange things are going on actually. My human is spending more time in the place called Manhattan. She’s been updating her blog a little bit while I was waiting of course! But it seemed impawtant to her.
But there’s something else.
There are cardboard boxes everywhere. A lot of them. But we’re not allowed to use them. I was kind of hoping the humans would do this, but apparently not. I only hope it doesn’t involve us taking a plane again!
Of course, Milou had to photobomb one of the pics!
Sometimes, this kitty is wondering what’s going on in his human’s head! What do you think? Will the humans build us a super tower?
Blog Changes, Videos, And Prime Boxes
Just a quick post today to let you know that you might see changes pop up on my bloggie in the weeks to come as we make changes in order for my blog to be more attractive and feline-friendly (okay also furry friend and human-friendly).
For example, I have asked my human to add a page in the menu dedicated to videos. You can find all my vids up there in the menu (tab “videos”), or by clicking here. We still have some of Grouik’s videos (which are not on my YouTube account) to add, but I wanted to let you all know about it.
I also want to thank you all for your compliments on me wearing a cowboy hat =^.^=
Since my human still doesn’t want to tell me why she photoshopped me with a cowboy hat, I decided to make mine a brand new prime box and by doing so, to make my feelings (about not knowing) known to my human. What do you think? Do you think she’ll understand?
[Click on the pics to biggify]
A Good Box Is Hard to Find… and Keep
The other day I found a super cool box…
Something is telling me I won’t be able to keep it to myself long though…