Award Time! (Finally!!)

Award Time! (Finally!!)

First, some blog admin related comments: Some of your comments have been going to the spam filter (very few) or the waiting for approval filter recently, even though you had already commented here before. Please rest assured that I check both filters, so do not fear if your comment isn’t appearing instantly. Hopefully, the problem will be fixed soon.

Now regarding yesterday’s post, some of you asked what was the giant bug and some of you guessed right: it was a huge grasshopper!

[You can click on the pic to biggify if it’s not large enough for you ;-)]


It was on the outside side of the window but Kitshka is generally not afraid of the bugs, she tries to play with them but gets bored quite rapidly! A little bit like me with my snail!

In other news, it’s been decades since I have posted about awards I received and shared. My human being a bit lazy about that, I forced her to bookmark the posts of the bloggers who gave me an award to post about it later. Today is later, in part.

So without any particular order, I will do an award post now and then to thank the furriends who awarded me and to share the awards!

Here we go!

On May 7 (aren’t you ashamed, human?), MoggiePurrs gave me the Versatile Blogger Award. I already have it but I like this new design. Thank you so furry much to MoggiePurrs!

On November 8, 2012 (seriously, human, aren’t you very ashamed?!), my good furriend Sammy shared one of Nerissa’s awards, the Bring On The Nip Award! Thank you so much, Sammy! You know I love nip, don’t you?


What is required to accept this award?

1. Thank the blogger who gave you this award and link back to their blog.

2. Tell everyone something you wanna celebrate.
I would have to say that my human finally decided to tackle those late award acceptances…

3. Share the award with one to twelve blogs.
Here are the bloggers I share this award with (since many in the cat blogospere got it, since my human is extremely late, I will try and share it with bloggers I think might not have it):

MoggiePurrs: It’s all about cats. What else can a kitty ask for (except nip)?
EOS, my new French furriend.
– Pierre, Ashton and Newton at Sometimes, Cats Herd You
– My French furriends the beautiful Hisia and Loustiquette, at Bleue comme Aby.
– My furriends from Critters in the Cottage.

If you already have it, I apologize. Just think of it as more nip coming your way ;-) If you don’t accept awards, that’s okay, I just want to show my thanks and appreciation by sharing your bloggie on mine.

Have a super end of the week everyone!

Kitshka the Brave

[Furriends: my human is a little bit busy these days, so we might be slow to visit and comment, I am sorry about that. I will do my best though! But I cannot guarantee the human’s best! Thank you!]

Kitshka had to go to the vet last week, because she had her vaccination deadline coming and the vet didn’t want to do it at the same time as the rabbies booster when we went all together. It’s a little sadistic to make a kitty go to the vet twice in a month, if you ask me, but of course the humans didn’t object. Can you tell Little K wasn’t pleased?

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka was as brave as a Ladycat can be though. She explored the place and waited patiently until the vet came. 30 minutes later. My human generally doesn’t like to take pictures at the vet but the humans had plenty of time to kill!

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

Kitshka at the vet

I gotta teach her to growl, really.

If you are wondering what’s in the closed jar, it is a heart with heartworm. I know! I don’t know why some humans would keep this either!

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – September 26 – #LightForPets


When my human goes to a pet store to buy our food, she cannot help but check on the kitties waiting for their forever humans to come adopt them. It breaks her heart to sometimes see the same kitties grow old in these cages, going from playful kittens to resigned “teenage” cats, to sad adult cats. She would adopt them all if she could, I bet, but besides not having the financial means to do so, she also cares about our well-being. I demand a lot of attention from my human. Yes, I love Kitshka and I enjoy having her to play with, but I need my time alone with my human and she knows that I’d rather have her for myself.

In the meantime, she knows that some people who can afford to adopt a cat, and express the desire to do so, sometimes do not do so for the silliest reasons: how many times has she heard someone tell her that they would love to adopt a kitty, but they abhor the idea of having to clean the litter box every day. Huh?
Sometimes, people just wait because, well, because there are other things happening in their lives, and they think a kitty will be an impediment in their busy life.

Many of these people are good people who would benefit from a cat-human relationship and give much in return to the kitty. But those who have never been owned by a cat do not know the benefit a human and a kitty will get from each other in terms of love, happiness, fun, and so much more.
In addition, they do not gravitate in kitty universe like we cat bloggers do. They don’t go to the pet store every other week, and see the same kitties going from a feeling of “life as fun,” to a feeling of “life in a cage, why?” They do not necessarily know that if some cats do not get adopted, they are killed in some shelters. My human was shocked as a kid when she learned that. Most don’t know. They don’t know about cat overpopulation and shelter overpopulation either.

Why am I telling you all this, on a bloggie that is usually more about my cuteness and fun?

I was contacted on Twitter by the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals to know whether I could help share the meow about an event that will take place next Thursday, September 26. I had not heard of this event, so I thank them for pointing that out.

What is “Remember Me Thursday – Light a Candle for a Pet”? From the website for the event:

“Animal lovers and organizations across the globe unite on the fourth Thursday of September to light a candle in remembrance of the millions of orphan pets who lost their lives without the benefit of a loving home and to shine a light on the millions of orphan pets still waiting for their forever homes.”

“Millions of shelter pets lose their lives each and every year. Join the awareness campaign – be a light for pets by promoting awareness about pet adoption. By remembering those we have lost, we can shine a light on the ones we can save.”

[Click here to see the video on YouTube]

From their press release:

Helen Woodward Animal Center is uniting with animal-lovers and animal welfare organizations globally in a Remember Me Thursday candle-lighting ceremony. The candles, lit on the exact same day across the world, will honor the millions of pets who lost their lives over the past year without the benefit of a loving home. Word of the awareness campaign has spread in the form of celebrity social media posts and rescue facilities from New York City to Puerto Rico to Japan have joined the cause.


You can learn more by following both links above.

No, lighting a candle on one night will not give a home to all the animals who are waiting to be adopted. But it raises awareness, and if the word is shared around the word, and candles lighted, chances are that some people will see the message, ask about the candles, and maybe – hopefully – decide to and do adopt an animal.

That is why I decided to share this event with you ahead of time. This is next Thursday.

I have focused this post on kitties because, obviously, this is a cat blog. But there are many different animals waiting to be adopted, which this event will honor.


Happy Birthday, Milou!

Happy Birthday, Milou!

Happy Purrthday, Milou! We can’t believe you are 14!

Look! Sammy sent you this cool card:


Thank you Sammy!

And then the human of Zoey the Cool Cat posted this video in the comments for you:

Thank you!

And look what Archie, Oscar, and Henry created:


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Today is your special day! And even though you keep on hissing at me all the time (like, ALL the time), I am wishing you many more years of happiness and what you do best, farniente!

Here are some pictures of Milou taken when we were still in New York. He’s a real hard worker!

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

So we Milou had the fountain and the box that came with it as gifts. My human was looking for something else (let it be a nip toy! let it be a nip toy!), that she couldn’t find at the local pet store, so there might be some surprises for tonight. I will keep you posted. And if you were wondering, there is still no nip in the metallic cat‘s arms BUT there is cat grass growing on the deck =^.^=

Without further ado, let’s pawty like there is no vacuum cleaner!

We’ve got fresh salmon and tuna! We’ve got all sort of raw fish!


We’ve got chicken breast and KFC fried chicken (Sparkle, we know you like them).



We’ve got nip cigars and nip pillows and wait…

I am granting each and everyone of you access to the toilet paper! Woohoo!

toilet paper