Thank Ceiling Cat for WordPress notifications: otherwise my human would have completely forgotten that today is my second Blog Anniversary. Yep, it’s been two years since I first blogged.
Kitshka, as always, is ready to celebrate. Even though my human missed her Gotcha Day (which is unusual for my human… service isn’t what it used to be).

Kitshka: Let’s Pawty!
I have met many furriends during those two years and I am so glad for that. We are still late visiting all these very furriends though :-/ We’re coming!
Yesterday, we saw 5 of these in our front yard:

We were very interested, but my stupid human would not let us out!

Let me out! Let me out or I’ll meow all night!

Kitshka: Are these deers?
Milou: I think so.

Hello little Gecko family!
The other day, the humans received friends of theirs. An entire family! Three of them! But that was okay because they were very nice and they love cats and petted us. Also they said they were visiting the château de Texas (Texas’ Castle). Those can’t be bad humans.
They went to Austin with our humans and my human brought me this picture of this car.

Is that my car?! Is that my second blog anniversary present? I asked. Dream on, she answered. How rude.
Here’s what I think about this, human:

I hope you are all doing fine. I know some furriends have gone to the Bridge :,-(
I’ll be visiting each of you very soon.
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