We still have a bunch of awards to accept from last year (as well as new ones for this year). In the spirit of starting the year right, I won’t put the dates the awards were given to me, in order not to shame my human…
So, in April 2013, Nylablue nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I already have it but thank you very much, Nylablue, for thinking of me!

April 2013 was a good period for awards. Nerissa nominated me for the “Best Moment Award.”
Thank you so much, Nissy! I really appreciate how you always think about my bloggie!
Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech.
This could be written or video recorded.
Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees!
The re-post should include a NEW set of people/blogs worthy of the award;
and winners notify them the great news.
What makes a good acceptance speech?
– Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way
– Humor. Keep us entertained and smiling
– Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives
Get an idea from the great acceptance speeches, compiled in MomentMatters.com/Speech
Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in MomentMatters.com/Award
Here is then my acceptance speech:
Dear Nissy,
Thank you so furry much for thinking of me for this award and so many others! I am very late accepting it, but doing so makes me realize that you had to prepare an acceptance speech for this award about a month before the BlogPaws Conference, during which you would be awarded the “BlogPaws Best Blog Writing Award.” Coincidence? I don’t think so! Both awards were well-deserved for you.
I seize the occasion to apologize for being late on accepting those awards. It is not that I do not care. Au contraire, mes amis ! My human, like many humans, doesn’t have her priorities straight and made me wait all that time to thank you. So thank you for keeping on thinking about me. We’ll try to do better in 2014!
And for this award I am nominating:
– Zoey of The Island Cats
– Tutu of Furries of Whisppy
– Emma of My GBGV Life

In May 2013, Labellestudio and Catnipoflife nominated me for the “Shine On Award”.
Thank you so furry much to Labellestudio and Catnipoflife!
The Shine On Award Rules:
1. Link back to and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Post the badge on your blog.
3. Answer the questions posed to you.
See below.
4. Nominate five bloggers who shine a little light in your day and notify them.
See below.
5. Ask five questions for your nominees.
Same questions as the one I answered.
The nominees are asked following questions:
1. If you were to get a part in Star Trek series, which kind of alien would you rather play?
A human? Sorry I don’t know Star Trek…
2. Which dish are you unable to resist?
3. If a country would give you an island for free to live and reign on, what would you call it?
4. What would be your favorite pet?
Duh! Humans!
5. Photography in color or black and white?
And My nominees are:
– Archie of My Three Moggies
– Crepes of There’s a Cat in the Fridge
– Bhu of Patty Skypants
– Dai$y of Da Tabbies O Trout Towne
– Angel of Beaded Tail

Back in April 2013, Binky of Angelswhisper2011 nominated me for the “I am Part of the WordPress Family Award.”
Thank you so much Binky!
The rules are as follows:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them
5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.
So in no particular order, please take a moment to congratulate my list of bloggers ~ they are a special part of our WP Family Community!
Quoted from the Rules: “This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award”
Okay, so I guess that means that I should pick WordPress bloggers?… Here we go:
– Savannah of Savannah’s Paw Tracks
– Sammy of One Spoiled Cat
– Sundae and Dianna of These Days of Mine
– Janina of Age-Defying Recipes
– Jo Woolf of The Hazel Tree
– Teddy of Cowboys and Crossbones
– Cravesadventure
– The gang at Dash Kitten
– Newton of Sometimes Cats Herd You (Happy Gotcha Day, Newton!)
– Oscar of My Three Moggies

In June 2013, Speedy nominated me for one of Nerissa‘s awards, “My Favorite Things Award.”
Thank you Speedy!
The rules to accepting this award are:
1. Thank the Blogger for Giving you this award and give a link to their blog
2. Post the award on to your blog
3. Name 6 of your favorite things
4. Pass it on to as many Bloggers as you want.
Here are my 6 favorite things:
– Shrimps
– Naps
– Chicken
– Playing with a toy I made myself out of an old laundry basket
– Catnip
– Chasing Kitshka
Here are my nominees:
– Catnipoflife
– Loupi and Zorro of Swiss Cat Blog
– Carlos of The Daily Cat

Nylablue nominated me for the “Friends and Followers Award.” I already have it but thank you, Sweetie, for thinking of me!

Closer to now, in December 2013, Nerissa nominated me for several awards, two of which I didn’t have: the “Because You’re Fantabulous Award” and the “Blog of the Year 2013 Award.”
Thank you, Nissy!
I am glad to say that there is no requirement for the “Because You’re Fantabulous Award”!
My nominees are:
– Everyone at Brian’s Home
– Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head
– Quill (per Kitshka’s request) of Housecat Confidential
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011
Now, regarding the “Blog of the Year 2013 Award” I was nominated not only by Nerissa, but also by Binky. Which means I have 2 stars already!
The rules can be found on the Thought Palette Blog, but for the first time, I will copy them here.
The instructions for this award are simple:
1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award
2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there are no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ the blog(s) with their award.
3 Let the blog(s) that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the instructions with them – (please don’t alter the instructions or the badges!)
4 Come over and say hello to the originator of the ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award via this link – http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/blog-awards-2/blog-of-the-year-2013-award/
5 You can now also join the ‘Blog of the Year’ Award Facebook page – click the link here https://www.facebook.com/groups/BlogoftheYear/ and share your blog posts with an even wider audience.
6 And as a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog … and start collecting stars…
Yes – that’s right – there are stars to collect!
Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!
When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award – and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star!
There are a total of 6 stars to collect.
Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!
So, since I was already nominated twice, I can nominate those that nominated me! There we go:
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011 (I know you have your 6 stars already, but I still want to nominate you
– Nerissa’s Life
– Savannah’s Paw Tracks
– The Cat on my Head
– One Spoiled Cat
– Spitty
– Katnip Lounge
– Sparkle
– Dash Kitten
– The Island Cats
– Housecat Confidential
– Cathy Keisha
– Pawsitively Pets
– Kjelle Bus
– Flynn
– Mr. Bowie
– Cody
– Speedy
It’s hard to choose just a few…

Are you still with me?
Still in December 2013, The Cat on my Head nominated me (Kitshka?) for the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.”
Thank you so much!!
Here are the rules:
1. Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
2. Answer ten questions: (These will be for Kitshka)
Your favorite color … Orange
Your favorite animal … Texas!
Your favorite non-alcoholic drink … Water
Facebook or Twitter … Neither. Texas is on both thought (hint to human…)
Your favorite pattern … Feathers?
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Getting!
Your favorite number … I don’t have any really
Your favorite day of the week … Any.
Your favorite flower … Eww!
What is your passion? … Playing!
3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
Kitshka here. I think this award has circulated already so I will give it to my favorite blogger only, Quill of Housecat Confidential.
4. Provide links to the nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

Finally, Nerissa nominated me for another award recently, the “Cracking Crispmouse Bloggywog Award.”
Such a super cool award! Thank you Nissy!
Here are the rules:
1. To be eligible for the award, a bloggywog must spread one or more of joy, peace, hope and love.
2. Anyone receiving the award may, if they wish, pass it on to any other anipal bloggywogger whose
bloggywog satisfies rule number one.
3. There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of furiends you can pass the award onto:
you can be as Scroogy or as generous as you like.
I’ll nominate 3 blogs to let the award circulate:
– The Cat on my Head
– Cathy Keisha
– The Island Cats

The hall of shame for my human is not over. In May 2012 (!), My Three Moggies had nominated me for the “Sunshine Award”; in January 2013, The Princess Tail and Passion For Photography nominated me for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”; in October 2013, Meekucat nominated me for the “Dragon’s Loyalty Award”; in February 2013, Binky nominated me for the “Liebster Award”; in October 2012 (!), Clowie nominated me for the “Super Sweet Blogging Award”; back in 2012 too, I was nominated for the “Blog of the Year 2012 Award” by several bloggers, including Bailey (the only one that my human bookmarked apparently).
Except for the “Blog of the Year 2012 Award”, for which my human NEVER helped me to do what was necessary, I already have/had the awards listed just above but I thank you all for thinking of lil’ me.

As always, if you don’t accept awards, or if you already have the one for which you have been nominated, take this acknowledgement on my bloggie as a sign that I like to read you furry much!
I hope I haven’t forgotten any. If I have and you have nominated me for an award that I have not acknowledged, please feel free to hiss at my human in the comments!!
Now I need a nap. Human! Please let all my Furriends know which awards they have been nominated for!