Another this & that and a lot of thank yous

Another this & that and a lot of thank yous

My human has been postponing this post for too long now: the thank yous to furriends for awards and other nice attentions.


I am very very VERY late in thanking our furriends Mollie and Alfie for creating a great Halloween costume for me. I know Halloween is over but I still want to thank my furriends and show you what they did:

They are currently dressing furriends for Christmas everyday, so go check their site!


Now for the awards… I am even more late in accepting them so I hope you won’t be too mad at me. I will bend the rules just a little. I will answer the questions for each award (or let Kitshka or Milou answer) but I will nominate 15 fellow bloggers for all the awards and they can pick and choose some or all of them.

1. For the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, I have to thank Princess Zena as well as Mollie & Alfie, and Sammy, and Angel’s Whisper, and Cats & Co. Thank you!

For this award, I must finish the sentence ”A Great reader is…”

A great reader is a reader who cares about reading what he or she is actually reading and focuses on the reading

2. For the Shine On Award, I have to thank Minnie Mouse at Hot Rod Cowgirl. Thank you!

For this award, I have to share 7 things about myself and answer some questions. I’ll let Kitshka answer for herself.

#1 Any food that I can get my paw on will be eaten, even if it’s Texas’ or Milou’s food
#2 I growl when Milou is trying to taste my food
#3 The female human has plenty of nicknames for me, the most frequent being “Petite Belle”
#4 I like to be petted by the female human when I eat
#5 I like to explore the world on the male human’s shoulder
#6 I like to read bloggies with Texas. Although I am often distracted, never am I when I read Quill’s bloggie!
#7 I enjoy watching TV

The questions to answer (still by Kitshka):

– What is my favorite color?
Just about any
– What is my favorite Non-Alcoholic drink?
Tuna juice!
– What is my favorite animal?
– Do I prefer Facebook or Twitter?
What’s that?
– What is my favorite number?
3 (the number of Greenies I usually get by combining mine and Milou’s)
– What is my favorite flower?
What’s that?
– What is my passion?
Running around like crazy!


3. For the Beautiful Blogger Award, I have to thank bodhisattvaintraining. Thank you!

I already have this award so I won’t go through the acceptance again. But thank you so much for thinking of me!


4. For the Seven Things About Me Award, I have to thank Princess Zena, and Savannah, and Binky. Thank you!

Milou? 7 things about you? No need to hiss at me! Pfft

#1 I snore when I sleep
#2 I am starting to play a little bit with Kitshka
#3 I like my human very much, I like to snuggle on his lap
#4 I like to eat a lot
#5 I made myself a new bed with my human’s wife’s backpack
#6 I steal food from Kitshka’s bowl when the humans aren’t around (which is not often enough!)
#7 I still miss Grouik


5. For the Super Sweet Blogging Award, I also have to thank Binky Thank you!

I already have this award so I won’t go through the acceptance again. But thank you so much for thinking of me!


I have two other special awards that I will share separately, on Thursday (the Blog of the Year Award – Thank you Zena! – and a special award by my furriend Bowie, that I want to acknowledge).
I hope I didn’t forget anyone. If I did, meow in the comments and I will have my human give me a treat for her mistake!


In the meantime, here are our nominees. It is difficult to choose just 15, so I will try to nominate new furriends or furriends I have not nominated before (Yes Kitshka, we will nominate Quill! Stop pulling my tail now!!!).
You can pick all of the awards above, or just the one you don’t have or the ones you want. Or none if you’re not into awards, I understand =^.^=

1. Quill at Housecat Confidential
2. Dayak at Les aventures de Dayak
3. Da Tabbies at Trout Towne
4. Star and Leo at Celestial Kitties
5. Bailey at Bailey Boat Cat
6. Mollie and Alfie at Mollie and Alfie
7. Archie, Oscar and Henry at My Three Moggies
8. Esme and all her family at Critters in the Cottage
9. Katie Isabella at Katie Isabella
10. Spitty at Spitty Speaks
11. Nellie at Cat from Hell
12. Captain and Billy at Wheezyrider
13. Selina at One Eye on the Future
14. Janis at Catonauts
15. Dash Kitten at Dash Kitten

Now my dear furriends, if you will excuse me, I need a nap.

Where are My Three Moggies?! Over there! Look!

Hiya furriends,

A quick post to direct you to My Three Moggies’ new bloggie: click here!

Were you already following them but have stopped receiving notifications? That’s because they have a brand new, beautiful blog! But they lost their subscribers along the way :-/
So please, if you were already visiting them but haven’t for a while because you didn’t get their notifications, visit them today and subscribe again.

If you had not been visiting them before, go say hiya to Oscar, Archie and Henry. I bet you will love them!

More later, furriends!

A great Sunday from us to you =^.^=