Enjoying the sun outside

My furriends, I am so glad to say that the sun is back and I am enjoying myself outside!

I also played with my human, making myself clear that only I decided when she could get a picture of me, using Milou’s and Sparkle’s techniques. See? No picture please!

There’s also plenty of activities around.

What’s that?

What was that sound?!

Pfft, that’s only Grouik!

Helping the humans with the furniture

The humans bought another piece of furniture the other day. They call it a desk. The nice part is that I can jump on it!

I decided I would be nice to them the other day and help them by supervising the assembling of the desk.

The humans being, well, humans, I had to help too. It was tiring.

Needless to say that, after that, I needed a well-deserved nap. But at least the desk was assembled properly!

What would humans do without us?

Couch-a-thon registration entry – Hope it’s not too late

So while I was training hard for the Couch-a-thon, my human forgot to register me! See how hard at work I am:

I have been praticing a daily training since at least December! Check here, that’s the proof! We all have been practicing. But I have to say that Milou and I have been more serious about it than Grouik.

Actually, I work so hard, that the black couch has turned partly white (my human’s not particularly happy about it, but a cat gotta do what he gotta do!). See?

So I hope it is not too late to register. Below is my registration fee: fresh catnip. Click on it to see how fresh and beautiful it is!

Now if you don’t mind I have to go back to napping.

My to-do list for the week

  • Wake up my human       ✓ ✓
  • Eat some kibbles       ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
  • Try to get some treats       ✓ ✓
  • Take a nap       ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
  • Play in the grass       ✓
  • Visit the neighborhood       ✓
  • Try to get some food from the humans
  • Smell that catnip again
  • Read my furry friends’ blogs       ✓ ✓ ✓
  • Accept one or two cuddles from my human       ✓
  • Play with my human       ✓ ✓ ✓
  • Help the humans assemble the new furniture       ✓
  • Have my human put a Cat World Domination Day (also Sparkle’s birthday) poster on my blog       ✓
  • Have my human update my blogroll       ✓
  • Make sure neither Grouik, nor Milou are eating my food       ✓ ✓ ✓

I guess I should get started for the day. What is your program for today?

Mondays are for memories – The snail

Have you noticed how humans generally hate Mondays and tend to do everything thinking about how the weekend was so nice and why is it that Monday’s already here?

In French, humans have a funny expression to illustrate the phenomenon. When they are asked “how are you today?” on a Monday, they reply “Comme un lundi !” meaning “Like on any Monday!” which would really mean “how do you expect me to be doing? It’s Monday!”

Frankly, I don’t understand that: Monday is just another day. But… that gave me an idea for a series of posts.

Before I had my own blog, I had my own Facebook page (I couldn’t have a Facebook profile because of my name… go figure!), and even before, my own Twitter account.

On my Facebook page I shared some pictures of me that I liked, when I was still living in France. So I thought I would share some of them with my new furriends. And hopefully those who have already seen them will enjoy seeing them again.

So Mondays are for memories (of the past weekend, or the past year). And my first post in the series is about my encounter with a snail (snails are for how humans look on Mondays). Hope you like them!

Rain brought something interesting: a snail!

Wow, it’s moving slowly

What’s the smell of snails?

Hmmm… is it really moving?

Hello snail


A little too slow for me…

Maybe we can play.

Can you roll?


I was grounded

Sorry my furriends, my human has been very busy the past days.

How was your day? Mine was so-so. I was grounded because the above of my right eye was a little red. It is itching too. My human thinks I am allergic to some plant outside (I had the same problem last year, and so had Milou to a lesser extent, but it went away just like it came… the vet said it might be an allergy) so I could not go outside today.

I successfully ran away twice because I’m just too quick for my human. But other than that, I had to stay inside. Played a little with my human, which was good. Napped a lot. Ate some food.

My human’s husband brought a paper bag tonight. I love paper bags! So I had some fun inside!

How was your day my furriends?

Another award! The Versatile Blogger Award!

I have to say that these past few weeks have been particularly exciting and I owe this to all my good furriends. I had already received twice the Sunshine Award + the Liebster Award last week.

Now my good friends at Hutch A Good Life nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you so much guys! I appreciate it so very much and I’m sending you tons of purrs!

Purring loudly now…

Purring even louder…

So, for the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award
Thank you so much to Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo, Buddy and their human!

2. Include a link to their blog

3. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site
Here are my 15 nominations, in no particular order:
Sparta’s World
Satchmo the Cat
All That JazzCat
Happy Cat Girl
foodtable // la vie eclectique (fLVE)
Savannah’s Paw Tracks
My Three Moggies
Nature Pics Blog
Hands on Bowie
Hey… It’s Jet Here
This clever camera
– Zoey the Cool Cat and her human at Russel Ray Photos

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

1 – My human’s Mom taught me songs in Polish
2 – I used to bite my human’s husband when he was her boyfriend because he was taking her from me sometimes
3 – I like to eat Milou’s food sometimes
4 – I eat carnations (especially buds)
5 – I’ve been to Brussels once
6 – Olives have the same effect as catnip on me
7 – I hold my tail with one of my paws to clean it

Purrs!!! Plenty of purrs!!

Milou Vs. Texas: who won

Milou Vs. Texas: who won


Yep, furriends. You hear me. Neither Milou, nor me.

What happened? We were starting to fight on the tree inside the house. My human, she grabbed her camera to document how brave and valiant and a good fighter I was (she usually starts screaming our names to have us stop, which is very annoying). So for once, she reacted about correctly.

Her human, what did he do? Grabbed Milou to put him elsewhere and started playing hard with me. You want to play with them humans and they are busy but he chose this moment.

Pfft. I bet I would have won.

I am blasé.

The battle of the century: Milou vs. Texas

The battle of the century: Milou vs. Texas

Alright. The title is a little exaggerated. Alright.

But as I stated before somewhere – I can’t remember where – Milou and I have had our funny moments but I always felt like he never really accepted me.

He’s okay to take my stuff but rarely to play with me. I know he is older than I am but still sometimes it does make me sad.

And sometimes, like the other night, it even comes to the point of a fight!

Milou is not happy with me wanting to play with him.

Me not happy with him hissing at me.

So who do you think won? What’s your guess? Look at valiant me!