New Year, New Meow

Not new me human, it’s still little old me, but a new meow because a new name and design for my blog!

Finally, human!

New Blog Design

I had announced this a while back. My human I finally decided on a name, and the design has been slightly changed, but there might be more design changes (that is if my human decides to work on it before another six months pass…).

What do you think?

I have also updated my Facebook page with the new name:

Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Promote Your Page Too

If you don’t already follow me… well you’re missing on plenty of cat stuff, so you should definitely make it a priority for 2016 to follow all my social media accounts.

I have also changed my Twitter handle. If you were already following me, you don’t need to do anything. If you weren’t, well, you need to follow me:

I’m also on Instagram:


And on Pinterest:

If I am not already following you on any of these social thingies, feel free to let me know and I will gladly follow you back!

Last but not least, my human also updated my About page and the one for my fur family. Last time she updated them was 2012! I think the humans would call this a Christmas miracle!

Now, I just need her to come back home.

Humans On & Off – Currently MIA

Hiya my Furriends,

Texas looking up | Texas, a Cat in Austin

How are you doing?

It seems like what I had initially considered a joke – a bi-monthly update of my bloggie-, has become a reality.

My human is still in the place called Washington, DC and although she has come to visit several times, she has always left afterwards.

Kitshka and I have tried to keep her stuff to prevent her from leaving.

Texas & Kitshka | Texas, a Cat in Austin

But when time came for Milou to help us, he fell asleep on the job!

Milou asleep | Texas, a Cat in Austin

Worse, my human has seen other cats. As you know, she visited Crumbs & Whiskers, the cat cafe in Washington, DC, but she has also visited the one in Austin the last time she came! While we were staying at home!!

Even worse, she is again living with a dog. More on this soon.

I don’t know what went wrong with how I trained her, but she’ll have to go through a “My cat Texas is my first priority” boot camp when she comes home.

Last but not least, she won’t be home for Christmas, only the New Year. Which means we’ll have to wait for our presents! The nerve after all she’s done!

Texas in a box | Texas, a Cat in Austin

If you have tips on how to rein in my human’s rebelliousness, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments.

Other than that, how have you all been doing?


A Visit to Washington, DC’s Cat Cafe “Crumbs & Whiskers”

My human, not content with spending those days away from me, has chosen to go to the new DC cat cafe for her birthday yesterday.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The good part though is that she could report to me on the cat cafe.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Overall, my human really liked the cafe. There are two floors and about 20 cats going about their business, letting clients pet them – or not. They are also all for adoption, so the cats in the cafe, hopefully for them, will change as they get adopted. You just have to book the time when you want to come online, and then come, have some coffee or tea and be a slave nice to those kitties.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The cafe seems to be successful as it was packed at 9 am on Saturday. She said the humans who worked there were very nice too and obviously love cats.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I think it’s a great idea to help cats and humans know each other better and to get some homeless kitties a home and a better chance for adoption as the humans can freely play with them.

If you think about it, these kitties have dozens of servants all the time. I wonder if one of them would be a better typist than my human…?

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

You can find more pictures on my human’s blog too, here (yes, because she had the nerve to keep some for her blog!).

What do you think about cat cafes? Have you visited one before?

Crumbs & Whiskers
3211 O St NW
Washington, DC, 20007

Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

She’s off to DC again. She abandoned us!

Well, okay, we’re with the male human and his lap is more comfortable than my human’s lap, but this is still not right!

She said it’s just for a few months… what does that mean? Now we’re back to Skype again. Hmpft.

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The male human seems not to like DC furry much. Well me neither! I don’t like whatever is taking my human from me. I’m hissing at DC! Wait what? There’s now a cat cafe in DC?!?!! Is that why she left? (No, says the human)

And my human is getting a back of disrespect. Because today is also my Gotcha Day! Pfft.

Texas showing the "back of disrespect" on a bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Also, your apartment bike is now mine, human.

News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hiya everyone! How are you all doing?

Texas on the apartment bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Sorry to start this post with this invitation to follow me on Bloglovin’ but they require this for my human to link my Bloglovin’ profile to my bloggie.

As I mentioned before, we are switching following from email to Bloglovin’. Sadly, my human noticed too late that instead of asking WordPress not to send emails anymore (without unfollowing your blogs), she was unfollowing your blogs… Again though, I’ll keep following you from Bloglovin’ but I’m sorry my human made this mistake.

Also, I have been commenting again in your bloggies, and I don’t always see my comments appear, so it may be that because of my absence, they are going to your spam folders. Would you mind checking fur me? Thanks!

That’s all for today! I hope all y’all are doing fine. Me? Well, more outrageous news are to come about my human.

Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The Now Bi-Annual Update

Dear Furriends,

I hope you are all doing fine. As you can notice, my human now seems unable to help me update my bloggie more than every 6 months or so. I’m thinking about starting a cat blogger union against such practices, what do you think?

In the meantime, I started a sit-in to force my human to work on my next post. Looks like this is working so far. Not sure how long I can keep her in one place though.

Sit-in on my human's lap | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

Otherwise, we’ve been keeping busy… me finding new comfy places to relax (does this pic make my tail look long?!)

Chillaxing in the sun | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…Kitshka daydreaming…

Kitshka is daydreaming | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…and Milou being Milou too! (He still hisses when he sees me. My new policy is to slap him from time to time)

Milou bookcased | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

What have you been up to?