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Two weeks ago (already!), I posted a VBP post about French and English idioms that were related to kitties.
My dear furriends and readers shared some other idioms and expressions that I would like to start sharing with you today.
First one was suggested by Easy.
to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel: to spoil someone else’s plans and stop them from doing something
We knew the literal translation in French, that is “mettre des batons dans les roues”.
But Easy knew another translation that we like better – kind of:
“to throw a cat in someone’s legs” or in French, “jeter un chat aux jambes de quelqu’un”.
Sammy mentioned the expression “cat got your tongue?” which in French would translate into “tu as donné ta langue au chat ?” (“you gave your tongue to the cat?”).
Clowie reminded us of the expression “when the cat’s away, the mice will play”, with translates exactly the same in French: “quand le chat n’est pas là, les souris dansent.”
More next week =^.^=

Below are the past two week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!

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