Goodbye to furriends, my nip vocation and awards

Hiya furriends,

Although we have a good home and not too bad humans – we can’t really complain, can we? -, the past few weeks have been very sad at times. Many furriends crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I cannot list them all sadly but among our fellow bloggers were Fangie at Catself, Kelly at the Creative Cat, Fluffy at Hey… It’s Jet Here, Bingo at Hutch A Good Life, Zac at Zac the All Black.

I’m sure they are all playing together over the rainbow bridge now, free of pain. I am pausing for a minute and will leave a treat behind tonight in their memory.

I was so sad I tried to find a place to remember them quietly and reflect about life.

I found the closet where the humans store our food. But my human found me.

That’s too bad because there were plenty of good food in there. But nothing to help me in my pain or vocation.

No nip.

Now regarding nip… again my furriends, we don’t know the exact effect on humans so don’t try this on your humans. I would like to insist that I do not promise you nip (although if any of the cat-idates to rule the world for a cause would make me Minister of Nip, I could rethink that last statement), only enlightenment for those who believe.

Finally, I was nominated for two more awards that I didn’t have yet. So I would like to thank The Sugarlump for nominating me for the Addictive Blog Award and It’s a Pussy Cat’s Life for the Super Sweet Blogger Award.

Thank you so furry much! I really appreciate and send you purrs!

Here are the Addictive Blog Award Rules:

1. Thank the person awarding you — Done
2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started — See below
3. Paste the blog award on your page — Done
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award and let them know you nominated them — See below

Why I blog
I think my little life is very interesting. No seriously. My human was too busy lazy in France to start my blog, so I only had my Facebook Page, but now that my brothers and I had traveled so far, I needed a blog to tell my story.
Plus now I want to share with you the heavenly enlightenment of the nip I received.
Most importantly, it is a way to meet new furriends =^.^=

Here are my ten nominees:
=^.^= Sammy
=^.^= My furriends Hemingway and Shakespeare at Two Cats’ View
=^.^= My furriends Nellie and Kozmo
=^.^= Mollie and Alfie
=^.^= Easy
=^.^= Bowie
=^.^= Archie, Oscar and Henry
=^.^= It’s a Pussy Cat’s Life
=^.^= Angel’s Whisper
=^.^= My furriends at Manx Mnews

Now the rules for the Super Sweet Blogger Award are:

1. The nominee has to thank the person that nominated them — Done
2. Answer the 5 Super Sweet Questions — See below
3. Nominate a bakers dozen of other Super Sweet Bloggers and let them know — A dozen?! See below

Me thinks this award is better suited (vocab building project VBP) for humans (especially the sweet food part), but here we go.
1. Cookies or Cake?
Tuna cake!
2. Chocolate of Vanilla?
Er, nip?
3. What is your favourite sweet treat?
Er, the new Greenies, salmon flavor.
4. When do you crave sweet things the most?
All the time, why?
5. If you had a sweet nickname what would it be?
I know my human would call me cupcake. Hmph.

Now for my nominees:
=^.^= Terri’s Kitchen
=^.^= Hey… It’s Jet Here
=^.^= Janina
=^.^= Sammy
=^.^= Savannah
=^.^= These Days of Mine
=^.^= The Sugarlump
=^.^= A German Expat’s Life in Texas
=^.^= Brown Pony Tail
=^.^= My new furriend Mr. Jeeves
=^.^= Imagination is Spicy
=^.^= Easy

Now TGIF, I need a nap.

Enjoy your Friday everyone!

This is my first blog anniversary!

Hiya my furriends, furry and human furriends alike!

I cannot believe it’s been a year since I first started blogging here! WoW!

I want to thank all of you who have visited my blog, liked posts and/or commented. It’s been quite a year and I am so glad I found so many furriends along the way.

I don’t want to single out just a couple of you but… I remember that among my very earliest followers (apart from family – Hiya Janina!) were the beautiful Sparkle, the adorable Catpurrology, Sweet Savannah and my good furriend Sammy! I’m not sure how I found you all or how you found me but I’m glad to know you! Then most of my furriends readers followed. I love you all so much!

To all my readers I send purrs today to thank you for coming and visiting my blog.

There are a couple of my earliest readers who didn’t have blogs that I do not see anymore. I hope you are doing fine too.

So, to celebrate, I was so so glad to discover that my human had bought me two gifts: a new toy, filled with catnip (a great toy – they claim it has the best catnip of the universe but unless they buy it from my furriends at the Katnip Lounge, it cannot be the best of the universe, sorry) and new Greenies treats (the SmartBites ones!) and they are yummy!
You think I should get my human something (because of the typing you know)? Well, since I’m doing all the cleaning on the little brat sister, I might be able to get her a fur ball for tonight =^.^=

Below are some pics and a video (thanks to my human’s husband!) of me enjoying my new toy and my first blog anniversary! Please come join me and have fun!

If you have a minute, I’d love to hear in the comments about a particular post you may have enjoyed and remembered!

THANK YOU ALL! I hope I’m starting another great year and I hope to spend it with y’all =^.^=


Thank you for your support

I want to thank all our furry and human furriends for their support.

Your comments, tweets, posts, thoughts, purrs, purrayers, every kind gesture, were appreciated beyond words. THANK YOU.

The humans want to take some time to pick up more pictures of Grouik for his special page. In the meantime, here is one of Grouik’s human favorite pic (and activity) of our beloved Grouik.

We also would like to thank Savannah and her Mom for their kindness and for taking the initiative to ask Zoolatry to create 2 special badges for Grouik. Thank you to Zoolatry for such a nice job! Please visit their site if you haven’t already!

Thank you to those who blogged about Grouik: Wheezyrider, Savannah, Alasandra.

We are really moved by the kindness of the furry community that reached out to us these past few days. We are not surprised, but we certainly are moved.

Many purrs to all!

Today is a very important day

Today is a very important day. Today is Cat World Domination Day (and my human is not even here!).

But most important of all, it is my furriend Sparkle’s birthday! Do please, go wish a Happy Birthday to Sparkle!

Here’s to you, Dear Sparkle, fresh catnip flowers for you =^.^= Happy Birthday!

Purringly surprised and happy: two more awards!

My good furriend Savannah has so kindly bestowed two awards on me and my little blog: One Lovely Blog Award and the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

Thank you so very much, Savvy!

I don’t know what to say… My human keeps on telling me I am lovely, but it’s so nice when it comes from furriends and fellow bloggers. I love my little place on the Internet and I like to share it with my furriends. I am glad if you find it lovely and inspiring. Wow. I’m purring loudly right now…

So here are the rules for the awards

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post
Thank you so much, Savannah!

2. Share 7 things about yourself
– I don’t want humans to call me red (to quote my human, I am white and cream colored)
– I miss the time when I could sleep on the bed
– When I am not happy with the humans I hide in a closet
– I like to sleep in a big bag full of other plastic bags
– I am scared by the vacuum cleaner
– I like books (the smell and sleeping on or next to them)
– I hate those citrus stuff the humans eat

3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire
I am too relatively new to the blogosphere and I don’t know so many people yet, so here are my 15 bloggers I admire. If you already received the award, well, consider receiving it a second time from Texas, who admires you ;-) I know some of you among the list are big stars on the Internet, and those awards probably don’t mean that much anymore but I still admire you, so there you go!
In no particular order…

Satchmo the cat
Simon’s Cat
Just Cats
Hands on Bowie
Kitty Bloger
Cats & Co
Happy Cat Girl

4. Leave a comment on each letting them know they have been nominated
Am doing this right after my nap, promise!

Thank you guys!

Another award! The Versatile Blogger Award!

I have to say that these past few weeks have been particularly exciting and I owe this to all my good furriends. I had already received twice the Sunshine Award + the Liebster Award last week.

Now my good friends at Hutch A Good Life nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you so much guys! I appreciate it so very much and I’m sending you tons of purrs!

Purring loudly now…

Purring even louder…

So, for the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award
Thank you so much to Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo, Buddy and their human!

2. Include a link to their blog

3. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site
Here are my 15 nominations, in no particular order:
Sparta’s World
Satchmo the Cat
All That JazzCat
Happy Cat Girl
foodtable // la vie eclectique (fLVE)
Savannah’s Paw Tracks
My Three Moggies
Nature Pics Blog
Hands on Bowie
Hey… It’s Jet Here
This clever camera
– Zoey the Cool Cat and her human at Russel Ray Photos

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

1 – My human’s Mom taught me songs in Polish
2 – I used to bite my human’s husband when he was her boyfriend because he was taking her from me sometimes
3 – I like to eat Milou’s food sometimes
4 – I eat carnations (especially buds)
5 – I’ve been to Brussels once
6 – Olives have the same effect as catnip on me
7 – I hold my tail with one of my paws to clean it

Purrs!!! Plenty of purrs!!

I am so purringly happy: I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award

Oh my. What a week! First I got the Sunshine Award. Twice. Now tonight, when my human came back home from the groceries, she told me all excited that All That JazzCat nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award! And she didn’t even think to celebrate by bringing back home some nip! Ah, humans!

But that’s okay, because I am very honored to have been nominated + that gives me the opportunity to be introduced to yet another cool, jazzy furriend: Jazz Cat Jay. Hey furriend!

Frankly, I am positively purringly honored and happy to know all of you furriends. And I hope I can keep you entertained anytime you want to visit (Grouik is taking care of the food ;-) Nah just kidding! Oh my Ceiling Cat! I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it! I know, I know, I know…)

Soooo… to acknowledge the Liebster Blog Award, I must:

1. Link back to the person who nominated me: Jazz Cat Jay at All That JazzCat

2. Nominate five (5) bloggers who have less than 200 followers (if you can tell).

In no particular order, here are my Liebster Blog nominees:

=^.^= Savannah’s Paw Tracks
=^.^= Chancy the Gardener
=^.^= Lemony Squeezes
=^.^= My Three Moggies
=^.^= Hutch a Good Life

** Please if you accept this “nomination” follow the protocol **

3. Let nominees know by leaving a comment on their sites.

4. Post nomination image on this blog.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go lay next to my human and purr. Nite nite furriends and many purrs to all!

My first award: a Sunshine Award from CatPurrology!

Wow. Just purring loudly.

My first award, from a blogger peer. It means so much to me I can’t stop purring.

Sally the Cat Protectress and Slash, from CatPurrology, brightened my day by bestowing me, Texas, with a Sunshine Award!

purring… purring… purring…

My blog is not very old but I’ve already made plenty of new friends and Sally and Slash are among them. Thank you so much for everything you do. Many purrs to you!

The instructions for the award are as follows:

1. Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
2. Answer the questions that come with it.
3. Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.

Here are the questions & my answers:

Favorite number: 7
Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: water from my human’s glass
Facebook or Twitter: both although I prefer Facebook
My Passion: Naps
Favorite pattern: cat hair
Favorite Day of the Week: Caturday
Favorite Flower: Carnation

In no particular order my nominations for The Sunshine Award are:

Thanks again to CatPurrology and to all those who brought me/us some sunshine. I go back to purring louder =^.^=

Purrs for a furriend from France

When I left France, I left some furry and human friends behind.

Here is Fripouille (which means something like “little monkey” in French), a neighbor. I wonder if she misses me. I do miss her sometimes, but then I remember I live with Grouik and Milou now, and I have to make sure neither Grouik nor Milou are eating my food, so I forget about Fripouille…

Thanks to my human friend Janina for the pics and purrs to Fripouille! And to Janina!