Thank you for your support

I want to thank all our furry and human furriends for their support.

Your comments, tweets, posts, thoughts, purrs, purrayers, every kind gesture, were appreciated beyond words. THANK YOU.

The humans want to take some time to pick up more pictures of Grouik for his special page. In the meantime, here is one of Grouik’s human favorite pic (and activity) of our beloved Grouik.

We also would like to thank Savannah and her Mom for their kindness and for taking the initiative to ask Zoolatry to create 2 special badges for Grouik. Thank you to Zoolatry for such a nice job! Please visit their site if you haven’t already!

Thank you to those who blogged about Grouik: Wheezyrider, Savannah, Alasandra.

We are really moved by the kindness of the furry community that reached out to us these past few days. We are not surprised, but we certainly are moved.

Many purrs to all!

In memory of Grouik… let’s enjoy life

Hiya everyone.

It feels kind of hard getting back to blogging and the humans are not feeling too well. But my human and I agreed that how hard it might be, we still can’t stop living and we owe it to Grouik to be strong and to enjoy life.

Milou and I are a bit confused. Someone is missing here. Who is going to finish my food now? Well, okay Milou will try, but the humans will prevent him from doing it (because he’s on a special diet).

Also I can’t go out now. My human is all nice and cuddling me all the time (and I am doing my best to console her too) but I can’t go out. She promised to go out with me though.

My human and I will resume reading your bloggies my furriends. Please forgive us if we don’t comment just yet, we’re often left with a loss for words or meows.

Before we resume some kind of regular blogging, we would like to dedicate this post to Grouik. We will also work on a special page in the menu (just for him).

Here are a couple of pictures of us together. Hope you will like them. At the end of the post is a video I had already posted but that I want to post again. Hope you like it.

Take care everyone, hug your humans and stay safe.

This first one was taken here in the U.S. It is not very good quality because it was taken with an old iPhone.

This second one is even worse quality, I know, but it is the three of us. It was taken in Brussels, Belgium. Please forgive the mess (we were partly responsible).

This last one was taken in France, in my human’s old bedroom, at her Mom’s place. Please forgive the mess too, that was just before we all moved.

And here is the video. Tomorrow or the day after, regular blogging will resume. We love you Grouik!

I am so purringly happy: I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award

Oh my. What a week! First I got the Sunshine Award. Twice. Now tonight, when my human came back home from the groceries, she told me all excited that All That JazzCat nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award! And she didn’t even think to celebrate by bringing back home some nip! Ah, humans!

But that’s okay, because I am very honored to have been nominated + that gives me the opportunity to be introduced to yet another cool, jazzy furriend: Jazz Cat Jay. Hey furriend!

Frankly, I am positively purringly honored and happy to know all of you furriends. And I hope I can keep you entertained anytime you want to visit (Grouik is taking care of the food ;-) Nah just kidding! Oh my Ceiling Cat! I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it! I know, I know, I know…)

Soooo… to acknowledge the Liebster Blog Award, I must:

1. Link back to the person who nominated me: Jazz Cat Jay at All That JazzCat

2. Nominate five (5) bloggers who have less than 200 followers (if you can tell).

In no particular order, here are my Liebster Blog nominees:

=^.^= Savannah’s Paw Tracks
=^.^= Chancy the Gardener
=^.^= Lemony Squeezes
=^.^= My Three Moggies
=^.^= Hutch a Good Life

** Please if you accept this “nomination” follow the protocol **

3. Let nominees know by leaving a comment on their sites.

4. Post nomination image on this blog.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go lay next to my human and purr. Nite nite furriends and many purrs to all!

My first award: a Sunshine Award from CatPurrology!

Wow. Just purring loudly.

My first award, from a blogger peer. It means so much to me I can’t stop purring.

Sally the Cat Protectress and Slash, from CatPurrology, brightened my day by bestowing me, Texas, with a Sunshine Award!

purring… purring… purring…

My blog is not very old but I’ve already made plenty of new friends and Sally and Slash are among them. Thank you so much for everything you do. Many purrs to you!

The instructions for the award are as follows:

1. Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
2. Answer the questions that come with it.
3. Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.

Here are the questions & my answers:

Favorite number: 7
Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: water from my human’s glass
Facebook or Twitter: both although I prefer Facebook
My Passion: Naps
Favorite pattern: cat hair
Favorite Day of the Week: Caturday
Favorite Flower: Carnation

In no particular order my nominations for The Sunshine Award are:

Thanks again to CatPurrology and to all those who brought me/us some sunshine. I go back to purring louder =^.^=