VBP Thursday – This IS The Cat’s Meow

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

I admit it, and not reluctantly (VBP), I have been having fun finding idioms and expressions related to kitties both in English and in French. This is my third post (first here, second there) and I want to mention all the expressions you shared.

Yes, I think this bi-cultural (VBP) interest is the cat’s meow… or the cat’s pyjamas.

Unfortunately, there is no exact French translation for these expressions, at least none with the word cat. An appropriate translation, depending on the context, could be le fin du fin (the best of the best, or la crème de la crème – nom!).

Now, let me illustrate the cat’s meow according to Kitshka (we hope we get it right).

Would you say my tocks are the cat’s meow for Kitshka?

If you are interested in learning more about French expressions that are about cats, we would like to suggest this page done by our furriends at Autour des Chats. It is very well done!
We will also keep on featuring (VBP) French and English expressions here =^.^=

Below are the past week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="http://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://texascatny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

da tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

da tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

We had a post from Ann, of Zoolatry but for some reason the link has disappeared?! I don’t understand what happened. Ann, if you want to resubmit your linkie, we will gladly add it!

Happy VBP week, furriends!