Monthly Caturday Kitty Links – April & May 2013

Two months ago, I inaugurated a series of posts with links to non-cat bloggers who post pics of kitties from time to time.

I had asked you if you were interested and you overwhelmingly said yes (well, the two who answered no might still want to check my linkies ;-).

Of course, I missed the April issue, because of several reasons, and now I have the equivalent of two months of links. So, let’s not waste more time!

When is the last time you’ve cleaned your screen? If you have to check one link only, this is the one.

April Links

Have you met Rollo? With 2 Ls, unlike the caramel/chocolate.

Just Feline.

Chipmunk TV anyone?

Can you find Kush?

Awwww moment.

Another Greek kitty.

And have you met Snowy?

Friday is enjoying the sun.

Humans love a good purr therapy.

And have you met Teddy? I love how he trained his human!

Storage box not yours, human. It’s Herbie’s now!

Look at the kitty at the kitty at Old Fort Niagara: he looks a bit like me!

There are new napping positions released so often these days!

Finally, have you met Zoey the Cool Cat?

That’s it for April! My guess is that you need a short break. So here’s a picture of me and Little K (from yesterday’s video) =^.^=

May Links

A box is always appreciated!

Kitty art!

Something seems to be bothering this kitty.

Yep! Humphrey is definitely prettier than a dahl =^.^=

Callee is a pretty, pretty girl! I wonder if K is part Norwegian Forest too?

And let’s end with an equally pretty ladycat: Star!

That’s it for this month! Hope you liked some or all of the kitty links we selected!

Monthly Caturday Kitty Links – March 2013

I don’t know if you have noticed, but lately, my human has seized any occasion to post a link to her bloggie on MY BLOG. What can I say? I have way more followers than she has. Ah!

Nevertheless, she came up with an idea she came up with some links from bloggies she was following and I came up with an idea!

Some of the blogs she is following – cooking or other blogs but not cat blogs per se – sometimes post stories about the kitties in the bloggers’ lives. Sometimes I post the links of some posts on my Facebook profile because I think you might enjoy checking them.

So I came up with an idea: Why not post the links in a post here? This could be a monthly post. We think anything kitty-related is interesting, don’t you think?

Please, check the links below and at the bottom of this post, I added a quick survey for you to tell me if you like the idea and would like me to try a monthly edition. Be honest! These are links I have selected because I think you might enjoy checking them, but you are the best able to tell me ;-)

Thank you in advance and enjoy!

This first link is just so you can see cute Norma Jean!

Here are pictures of Flyball, eating baby spinach leaves! I think I’ll stick with chicken though =^.^=

Want to visit the Agora in Athens? What about a kitty as a guide?

The kitties at Love & Olive Oil have trained their humans well!

And finally for the March edition, how to make a cardboard cat condo! That’s a nice project for your humans, I think.

Hope you liked the links! Don’t forget to vote. I already have 5 links for April – and we can never get enough kitties, can we? – but I want to know if you are interested! Thank you!

Mademoiselle Kitshka’s Birthday, Boxing Day, and Thanks!

Mademoiselle Kitshka’s Birthday, Boxing Day, and Thanks!

Today, Mademoiselle Kitshka is 6 month old! Happy birthday, Kitshka!
Now that you’re almost not a kitten anymore, could you stop playing with my tail? What? No. Pfft. Okay.

Here are pictures of little K. striking a paws on (in?) one of our Christmas gifts!


Since today is Boxing Day, we didn’t want to miss it! We LOVE boxes! And that is part of the wonderfulness of Christmas: boxes left behind!
I know on this day we are supposed to give our humans a gift, but aren’t we, kitties, a year-long gift, really?


And last but not least, I would like to say thank you to Ann at Pawsitively Pets for making me a drummer kitty in her fabulous Anipal Tribute to the 12 Days of Christmas. Check it out, it is fantastic! Here’s little not-so-old me:

drummer texas

Thank you Ann!

Purrs to all!