The Virtues of Napping: Napping Positions to Share Positive Energy with your Humans

Hiya furriends,

I know I haven’t posted or visited your blog for a couple of days now. I apologize. But I have a good reason.

We were so in the spirit of Labor Day Kitshka and I, with our human laboring, that we thought we should nap not only for us, but for our humans too. Aren’t we kind kitties?

We will be answering your comments and visiting your blog some time today, after our nap =^.^=

In the meantime, here are some napping techniques to help your human benefit from your napping.

Curled-up-position, or the Cat (sometimes mispronounced “Chi”) position – Let the energy flow all around

On the side position – Let’s direct the energy in the good direction

The yin-yang-kinda position – We provide the napping while the humans provide the laboring. We all have our part to play.

This position is very powerful. Let me show you how much it is powerful.

Can you feel the energy?

The top-down position – A great way to share the energy, from the top

Occupy-the-human’s-desk position – Obviously, my human’s husband’s desk needs a little “cleansing energy”

The raised-behind position – A revolutionary technique developed by Kitshka, and supervised by myself

The long-distance position – The greater the length of kitties in the house, the better

Obviously, as you can see, Kitshka shows great and promising skills. She has a good master =^.^=