A special message for a special Ladycat

I would like to thank the beautiful Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head for being my Valentine, and her human for being such a nice human and contacting me and dressing us up so nicely. Can you adopt me? My human is not up to the job!

Lisbeth and Texas - Valentine's Day | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Dear Lisbeth,

This is a real honor to go to the Ball at Madi’s with you! You are the prettiest Ladycat!

Here is a little something just for you, to go with your dress:

A flower for Lisbeth | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Happy Valentine’s Day Y’all!

Thankful Thursday & Happy Halloween!

I have been a little off the Internet lately because the humans had to deal with serious stuff of their own that took them a lot of time and energy. I won’t give you any detail because my human would probably suspend all my accounts everywhere if I did but things seem to settle fine and they seemed happy yesterday so I am hoping I can get more time now and my human can focus on the important things in her life, starting with me!

This is why I am thankful today: good news for the humans and me attention ;-)

I apologize for not visiting regularly if at all. I’ll try to make amends.

Now today is Halloween! Kitshka and I are going to Misaki and Mollie‘s Halloween Ball!

I am going with the charming Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head. Lisbeth chose the costumes and her human did the picture of us. Thank you so much to both of you!!


I have the prettiest partner! You are pawsomely beautiful, sweet Lisbeth! Lisbeth is dressed as Catherine the Great. She is Lisbeth the Great!!

Kitshka is going with Bailey of Bailey Boat Cat.


Kitshka is dressed as a pumpkin and Bailey as a black kitty. My human wishes she had a little more time to work on their costumes and she hopes Kitshka and Bailey still had fun!

Finally, to wish you all a spooky, furry Halloween, here is a Halloween decoration my human encountered:


Nothing kitty is scary, if you ask me, but it makes for a nice decoration!

Happy Halloween everyone!