Ending the Week Easily

Ending the Week Easily

I don’t know about you, but my human has had a busy past week.

Consequently, I have to work today and do my job of Chief Napper. Actually, I even have to hire an assistant!

How was your week and your weekend? Purrs to everyone!

[You can click on any picture to biggify]

Kitshka! Go back to work!

VBP Tuesday: After-Pawty

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

Hiya my dear furriends!

Thank you all so very much for your wishes and for coming to my purrthday pawty! I was – am – both blessed (VBP) and blissful (VBP) to have had you all here!

Here are two more cards that I received. The first one is from Mollie and Alfie:

Thank you guys! This mousie looks very yummy!

And the second one is from my furriend Easy:

Loved, absolutely loved the beret and the baguette!

I am yet to visit each and everyone of you to thank you purrsonally. Sorry to be so late.

But you see, on top of my human having little time, I did need some time to offset (VBP) the effects of nip… I had to nap a little…

And so did Kitshka…

We were exhausted (VBP)!

So we’ll be back to blogging and visiting your bloggies starting tomorrow!

Also something else impawtant: we’ll have an announcement regarding VBP on Thursday. But for now, mum’s the word! (VBP)

Below are the past week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="http://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://texascatny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout twone

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout twone

savvy @savannah's paw tracks

savvy @savannah’s paw tracks

texas @texas, a cat in ny

texas @texas, a cat in ny

Dreamy Caturday & Sunday

What have you been up to yesterday?

My human was out most of the day yesterday – grocery shopping (there was no more wet food!!) – so I took a little nap.

I was dreaming Spring had finally arrived. It was warm and… my human came home and the cold wind entered the home! I woke up!

Apparently there’s a winter storm coming our way. A WINTER storm. Do we need to elect a new Ceiling Cat or something to finally have Spring?

Meanwhile, if you really don’t know what to do, check what my human has found in the place called Manhattan (click on the picture to go to her blog’s post). She claims this is not raw fish! Hmpf!

Hope you have a great Sunday!

We were busy

Sorry furriends for not posting these past couple of days. I’ll be back to regular blogging tomorrow (when the human is ready to get un-busy) and I have some really cool stuff to show you!

In the meantime, check how Kitshka and I really got ourselves busy on the humans’ bed.



Supervising the human: “What are you doing exactly, human?”

After-work napping

Yeah, alright, Kitshka did pretty much everything. But heh! She’s a kid, she’s young! Besides that gives her the opportunity to learn!

Purrs to y’all!

The Virtues of Napping: Napping Positions to Share Positive Energy with your Humans

Hiya furriends,

I know I haven’t posted or visited your blog for a couple of days now. I apologize. But I have a good reason.

We were so in the spirit of Labor Day Kitshka and I, with our human laboring, that we thought we should nap not only for us, but for our humans too. Aren’t we kind kitties?

We will be answering your comments and visiting your blog some time today, after our nap =^.^=

In the meantime, here are some napping techniques to help your human benefit from your napping.

Curled-up-position, or the Cat (sometimes mispronounced “Chi”) position – Let the energy flow all around

On the side position – Let’s direct the energy in the good direction

The yin-yang-kinda position – We provide the napping while the humans provide the laboring. We all have our part to play.

This position is very powerful. Let me show you how much it is powerful.

Can you feel the energy?

The top-down position – A great way to share the energy, from the top

Occupy-the-human’s-desk position – Obviously, my human’s husband’s desk needs a little “cleansing energy”

The raised-behind position – A revolutionary technique developed by Kitshka, and supervised by myself

The long-distance position – The greater the length of kitties in the house, the better

Obviously, as you can see, Kitshka shows great and promising skills. She has a good master =^.^=

Taking it easy today

Yep, we decided to take it easy today and to embark our human with us. So just a quick post and we’re out for some fun and naps and noms and fun and naps and noms…

First, my regular readers know that English is neither my human’s nor my native tongue.
When we nominated furriends for the Super Sweet Blogger Award, we assumed (including my human who likes to cook like we’re a family of ten) that “Nominate a baker’s dozen” meant “nominate a dozen blogs.” Well no. My human could – should – have know (see post on kibbles above-mentioned). Turns out “a baker’s dozen” means thirteen or fourteen.

So the good news is, I decided to nominate two more furriends. These are French furriends that I have only recently met through our blogs and I LOVE their blogs (and the beautiful Liousha, yes, I admit):
=^.^= Liousha et Tiki — The beautiful Liousha, like me, has seen a recent addition to her family (only the other way around: she has a little brother, Tiki)
=^.^= La Voix aux Chats-Pitres (I won’t even try translating the play on words) — Zingara and Graffiti also have a new little brother that looks a bit like me. His name is Romeo.

If you wish to accept the awards, please do follow the rules to pass them around (that can be done in French of course!) but do not feel obligated to do so. I think your blogs are sweet so I am glad to share them with all my furriends.

Finally for today, a couple of readers have offered to “foster” Kitshka. Yeah, she is that tiring cute, that’s why we are keeping her. But thank you, my furriends, I appreciate your offer =^.^= Remember there are many like her waiting for their furrever home. Just saying =^.<=
Also we found a solution to the bed issue.

The humans took the pics with their iPhone when they were just coming back from grocery shopping and we were still a little sleepy, as you can see. The humans weren’t quick enough but, yes, we were sleeping next to each other =^.^=

Enjoy a fun weekend! Don’t forget to nap!!