Hiya everyone,
As I mentioned here and there (for those who have been following me for some time), Milou has been going to the vet regularly for the past two years, due to constipation issues. We tried adding fibers and the vets prescribed laxatives, and it helped for a while, but it now seems that the problem is more serious than that.

Milou, on his human’s lap
Milou has to go to the vet almost once a week to have an enema. With Thanksgiving, our new vet even taught the humans how to perform one just in case.
Our vets in New York diagnosed IBD or cancer (they had to make a biopsy to know for sure, but the humans decided not to go for the biopsy because it was a very invasive surgery, Milou is 14, and at the time he had lost a lot of weight if you remember, plus the vets told our humans that the treatment would be more or less the same anyway).
Our vet here in Texas thinks that Milou has a case of Megacolon: basically, Milou’s colon is dilated so much that it cannot process the poop out anymore. Feces stay stuck inside and become larger and very dry and hard.
According to our vet, there are but two solutions: a surgery by a specialist vet to take away part of the colon (the dilated part that cannot function anymore) or… the worse solution ever. Neither my human, nor me can resolve ourselves to write it here :-(
Milou has an appointment with a specialist vet next Monday. In the meantime, the humans are doing some research on the health issue. If any of you has had this problem in your furry family, please feel free to share how it went. Thank you in advance.
This is not a furry nice time of the year, in some respects. There are several kitties that need purrs, including our furriends at Brian’s Home. We too are purring for them.

Graphic by Zoolatry