Hey It’s Jet, Savannah and Texas Here.
By now, you probably figured out that Texas, Savannah and I have put our collective fur together, (ok, our Moms helped, too), to make the Vocabulary Building Project an official Blog Hop!

We enjoyed giving you hints all week: click here for Savannah’s post, here for Jet’s post and here for my post in case you missed them.
How did we begin? Texas and Savannah turn to Jet…you better tell this part, Jet…
Oh, Ok…Jet Here… let me tell you how Mom and I started this a long time ago on our blog:
Mom’s Papa always asked his children and grandchildren to keep pen and paper beside their beds so when they read their books and came upon an unknown word they could jot it down to look up later. When the family got together they played lots of vocabulary building games. So, when Mom and I began blogging, she wanted to avoid word ruts.
Last spring, Mom inquired whether Savannah and Miss Linda might like to collaborate (VBP) on making VBP a hop… Savannah and Miss Linda introduced us to Texas and Miss Carine creating the VBP Planning Committee.
We’ve been working diligently (VBP) ever since! Miss Ann, Zoey and Maggie from Zoolatry created a pawsome badge, which Miss Carine did really high tech thingies to! Check out Zoey, Prop Mistress extraordinaire, helping with badge arrangements.
First, she made sure the dictionary was sitting properly (VBP) on the table… (notice it is our very special dictionary with all our initials on it)…

Then she had to hop up to make sure it was going to stay straight for the photo shoot and she wanted to see if she could get the bookmark stuck in too…

Great job Zoey, thanks for the help!… as you can see, our VBP Badge is pawfect!

So let’s all talk about what to do now…
How to pawticipate
The Vocab Building Project, or VBP, is a blog hop that invites you to
learn new vocabulary and how to use it,
have fun in the process, using new words in a weekly blog post,
discover new blogs and make new friends.
What do you have to do? It is very simple.
- Every Thursday, Jet, Savannah, and Texas will write a blog post containing 2 to 3 words or expressions that are not often used in their blog posts (see examples here, here, and here),
- If you decide to join us in the fun, you have one week (you can pick any day you wish, from Thursday to the next Wednesday, that’s how flexible this blog hop is!) to write a blog post containing 2 to 3 words or expressions that you do not use often – it does not have to be the same as the hosts’, this is your choice,
- Pick one of the following badges by copying its code below (select the text in the box, right-click on selected code and copy), paste the code in your post (you have to paste it in the Text/HTML section when you write your post), write your post and don’t forget to add (VBP) after each new word you are using. We strongly suggest you only use 2-3 just to keep it easy and interesting,
- When your post is online, enter its URL/permalink by clicking on the Inlinkz image that you will find at the bottom of our Thursday VBP post,
- The following Thursday, at the end of our VBP posts, we will link to all the participating blogs, so that we can all visit participating blogs.
Any question? Leave a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as pawsible!
Jet |
Savannah |
Texas |
<a href="http://heyitsjethere.wordpress.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://heyitsjethere.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/vbt-badge-v2-jet_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>
<a href="http://savannahspawtracks.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://savannahspawtracks.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/vbt-badge-v3-savannah_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>
<a href="http://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://texascatny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>
Another great Vocab Building Project Blog Hop day!

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